Indian Air Force: News & Discussions

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Keeping aside the "winning" part, what we can actually focus on is "not losing." The PLAAF’s tankers and forward airfields are what enable them to extend the combat ranges of their fighters. These should be our primary targets. It's high time we cancel the NGMBT and FRCV circus. Without maintaining air deterrence, these platforms are just sitting ducks and would end up being nothing more than target practice. Forget the Pinaka obsession and start mass-producing Shaurya missiles at a rate of 1,000 per month. With serialized automated production, we could potentially bring the cost down to around $0.5 million each, totaling $500 million or $6 billion per year. Similarly, accelerate the production of Nirbhay missiles in similar numbers. With Shaurya covering up to 1,500 km and Nirbhay up to 1,000 km, we would establish credible deterrence.

In addition, we need to build and deploy TEL trucks, distributing them across the northern regions in a way that mimics a distributed arsenal in rural or suburban areas. This would ensure survivability and readiness in case of conflict.

Strengthening Air defences with top of the line Radars & EW Capabilities.

We have developed our own IRST... for Super sukhoi & MK2... why can't we place that on a 30m mast at all possible locations to supplement our radar coverage.

Many ideas can be worked upon.

We need stockpile of Pinaka-ER, Pralay and Nirbhay for standoff strikes... to offset lack of Airpower doing the same.
This is the way. India needs more IADs, more domestic missile production capacity, drones, etc.

Trying to import 4th gen fighters to boost squadron strength will not work. Just keep domestic projects trudging along while improving economy and slowly reforming bureaucracy.

Go full porcupine. India will probably still lose the next war, but make every km they take as painful as possible.

Great suggestions for trying to make lemonade with the Lemons we have gotten but neither the Govt nor the armed forces care.

To add to your suggestions we also need to artillery maxx, both tracked and wheeled like DRDO TGS
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At this rate they will throw America out of East Asia without firing a single bullet or missile
Like how the West did fuck all while USSR marched till East Germany, Czechoslovakia etc and refused to go back
Lmao not happening China still operates over 400 desi copies of mig21.
Don't know my Guy...hard to trust them unless it's a video or something similarly authentic

Anyways, let me point one of the biggest issue with our MIC (except for just one department, DRDO's missile wing...those guys are on meth) lack of foresight to strive for overmatch.

AMCA was designed when these kind of threats from China was in its infancy and even before it has made it first flight, the threats have now drastically evolved. After seeing today's video anyone ingenious would scramble back to drawing board and modify the AMCA design as soon as possible to atleast be an AHCA; something as simple as addition two side bays or increasing the size of central IWB to accommodate say 8 BVR-AAMs. This is how you atleast try to maintain an overmatch
But I'm pretty sure nothing like this would happen and when AMCA would start to roll out from the production line in the next decade (🤞) it'll still be countering those archaic threats that were there when it's production started.
Then at the final moment the Americans will cuck us and slap a delay on F414 engines, they have more leverage on us now. The bureaucracy is not serious about National security. Evident by the peanut budget for the AMCA and Kaveri programs.

We are as likely to get the GE F414 screwdriver giri under the Biden regime like a pack animal has a chance of getting the carrot suspended on stick, hovering right in front of it's mouth, just out of reach, just a few steps more....

With pic related you can forget about it for the next 4 years


Unless the Govt plans to pay the Jaziya of buying F-16s for the MRFA in exchange for the engines which is retarded since that will also kill the Tejas programs, but this is what Pentagon merchants, Air Marshalls and MoD baboons will be like pic related over

All Laudi behenas , MSP leeching farmers, Politicians, Babus and Gernols should be sent to fight in the first wave of war
I already did way more shitposting today than my daily quota so this is perhaps the last message.

Just wanna end this on a philosophical note.

When do you think it was the last time when everyone from defence aficionados to journalist to military in China was in this much of panic after one of ours weapon test?
Maybe the Mission Shakti test in 2019?
Or perhaps it was as back as Agni-III's test in 2007 when we first time got a good amount of Chinese landmass under our nuclear retaliation arc?
China has 2 fifth generation fighters , almost all 4th gen fighter has aesa radar , now they have their own bomber and now 2 new sixty gen fighter programs

Where as happy in lala land

1.indian bases gives advantage than chineese
2. Rafale can match j20
3. Su 30 can detect j20....

This the same iaf who got panicked and ordered sdr after mig21s communication got jammed ....

Situation is very worse ....stop all those free bee schemes , invest more in r&d ....
If not then those days are not far , where Bangladesh will defeat ..if not in full scale war ...then in a skirmish . Like that...Feb incident
Making a dorito shaped jet doesn't automatically make it 6th gen, just saying.

What it looks like, its mostly a stealth bomber concept. I saw a twitter post saying it is manned/unmanned bomber concept.

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