Indian Economy

There is a coordinated attack on the Ola group including the Automotive Forums and social media like Twitter.
But there is issue with how Bhavish handles the communication with masses. He should give this work to his PR team instead.​

Selling an substandard scooter will invite comments from Everyone. A week ago NDTV Profits showcased an Mumbai OLA Showroom where 100 of scooters were waiting for repairs. Some of the owners were really frustrated with the scooter. Like 3 times to showroom for fix within 6 months.

The general problem like poor panel fitting, quality of plastics, lack of spares and an Showroom network which is widely labelled as worse. Still their scooter have throttle lags which is an complaint from its existence.

Same has been reflected on their sales with market size dwindling as people started to see the problem and moving to safer option like TVS, Chetak, Ather.

Currently simply emulating Elon Musquito does not make any improvement. Someone teach Bhavish to stop talking like idiot and concentrate on bring good product and better support.

As an Ather Rizta owner and paid propagandist till now my scooter works as intended as what Ather advertised like Range, features etc.

Only downside is they are selling the scooter at way to high price. They need to build the batter in India otherwise they will become a small player.
another oxfam dishonesty exposed
Last year, Oxfam published a report at World Economic Forum that claimed that the poorest 50% Indians pay 2/3rd GST.

This was widely carried by publications globally without any editorial curiosity. Like much disinformation targeting Modi govt, this claim too has stuck in popular imagination. Perhaps the stunning nature of it was part of that design. Oxfam published no calculation for this claim that doesn't even pass basic sanity test.

Thanks to a professor in Mumbai SP Jain, Dr Vidhu, the actual GST calculation based on NSSO data has been published. It shows the bottom 50% Indians pay 28% household GST and only 9% of overall GST.

Spreading such blatant fake news designed to create discontent and demoralisation amongst Indians is a very serious matter. Indian taxation is progressive as it should be. It is the middle class that feels they deserve a tax break. Such fake news limits the ability of the govt to take correct economic steps. It is time Indians realised such foreign NGOs are not our friends.

Our findings present a picture very different from Oxfam’s assertions. Household contributions to GST collections amounted to `6.19 lakh crore in 2022-23, representing 34 percent of total GST revenues of `18.07 lakh crore. The remaining comes from business-to-business transactions and government consumption.


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another oxfam dishonesty exposed
Last year, Oxfam published a report at World Economic Forum that claimed that the poorest 50% Indians pay 2/3rd GST.

This was widely carried by publications globally without any editorial curiosity. Like much disinformation targeting Modi govt, this claim too has stuck in popular imagination. Perhaps the stunning nature of it was part of that design. Oxfam published no calculation for this claim that doesn't even pass basic sanity test.

Thanks to a professor in Mumbai SP Jain, Dr Vidhu, the actual GST calculation based on NSSO data has been published. It shows the bottom 50% Indians pay 28% household GST and only 9% of overall GST.

Spreading such blatant fake news designed to create discontent and demoralisation amongst Indians is a very serious matter. Indian taxation is progressive as it should be. It is the middle class that feels they deserve a tax break. Such fake news limits the ability of the govt to take correct economic steps. It is time Indians realised such foreign NGOs are not our friends.

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@ezsasa This is another example of Social Engineering - fudging economic statistics continuously to create manufacture discontent. Guess benefits of FDI and self regulation gifted to Media?

haven't looked into this.

but if there was no FDI there wouldn't have been set top boxes and cable TV penetration post 91. they wouldn't have the USD to import set top boxes and cable TV equipment from singapore, hongkong and taiwan. 100% FDI allowed in entertainment TV channels, i don't track them, maybe something is happening there.

as far as print goes, we can check a few major ones.

-Times of India doesn't seem to have foreign investment shares of the,Arth Udyog Limited (9.30%).

- Dhindu is fully owned by kasturi family

- Hindustan times seems to be having just about .9% FII exposure.

- Indian express seems to have 9% ownership by shekhar gupta, other than the founder's family. and Private,Verghese, Vinayak Shete, S.

in news media, to me it looks like the ideological bias is either because of marxism in humanities edu system or post emergency capitulation of majority of national news media to INC.

for past 10-15 years, we have the trend of premji and majumdar types funding a string of commie digital news media outlets like newlaundry and newsminute.
Just like all other mediocrities, we have become too acclimatized to this one. "4th country after US, Russia, China" or "To soon join the exclusive club" have given us so much pride that we don't even yearn to become first.

You mentioned opportunity cost; it is no doubt a big reason why we're still archaic but in my opinion there's something even more important that we often exponentially overlook...the academia. Except for a few hundred people no one here even dreams to take up R&D.

Here's a little thought experiment.
Some 1.5 million candidates appear for JEE-Mains, ask them whether the reason they want to take this test is that they're deeply interested in a certain topic and want to use a certain department of a certain college to learn more or not. And then see how many answers in line with something like this "last year X department of this Y had the highest package of Z lpa, so that's why I wanna pursue technology"

We look at Northrop Grumman or Lockheed Martin with utter bewilderment that how come they think of F-117, B-2 and then at last console ourselves saying that they've a larger capital.
Yes they've, because firms there invest in academia. And this happens because MIT or CalTech works on ground breaking topics. It becomes a self sustaining cycle.

My usual brain rot yapping ends

remedy is that you have consciously make an effort to start recognising India for what it is, instead of frequent excessive idealistic benchmarking. there will be equations which exist only in India and no where else.

for starters, india's union budget in 1947 was 197 crores, of which 92 crores was earmarked for kashmir war, which leaves 105 crores for 34 crore population, that's 3 Rs per capita budgeted spending for that year, that is 25 paise(4 annas) per person per month.

from there, the country is now 5th largest economy. a lot of things must have gone right for us to get here.

unlike other countries, our education system and media discourse is not designed to build self-confidence in India story, you have to do that on your own.
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