So much wrong with this take! Where do I even start?
Trump or no trump our tariffs are ridiculously high.
Our weighted avg tariffs are not that high. Also, why exactly are we supposed to match the tariff structures of some uber rich nations?
These guys turned a blind eye when Japan and Korea did it. They did not care when the tiger club economies did it. Burgerboys were literally seducing European nations with Marshall plan fundings and made the conscious choice of outsourcing their manufacturing to countries who were 'loyal' to them. Heck, they let the chongs slap arbitrary trade barriers, exploit WTO and turned a blind eye to their state backed industrial espionage programmes just cuz the Murican dhandhos were salivating at the prospects of a rapidly growing PRC.
But suddenly it is an issue when we do it? Burgerboys run a tiny trade deficit with us and much of it is cancelled out by us procuring Murican military gears - why do they even care?
Even our gst is on the higher side for common goods. ( 28% on ACs , almost 50% for SUVs , 18 % on most industrial and consumer goods. )
None of his fucking business. He should stick to playing buddies with Elmo and banging chicks against their consent.
It's quite amusing that people are panicking about reciprocal tarrifs! They do not see the irony of it. Trump is only promising to match our own tariffs.
A young market economy (liberalized in the '90s) attempts to build an industrial base by exploiting low cost manufacturing, offering generous state funded incentives and putting some tariff and non tariff barriers (standard framework everybody else adopted when they were growing) - the burgerboys do not really care (because they have an axe to grind against the chongs and even facilitates shifting of supply chains). But all of a sudden a new guy turns up, disrupts the status quo and all of that progress in on the verge of getting destroyed - if you do not see how this is going I have nothing more to add.
If trump can force our socialist babus to loosen tariff and taxes somewhat he will be doing us a great favour in the long run.
No, he won't. There was already a mega income tax exemption mela a few weeks back. Lowering 'muh taxes' anymore would bankrupt the govt.
This is the kind of lolbert crap Mihir Sharma et al have been propagating for years - do not buy into it.
I have posted some comparative charts depicting the weighted avg tariff rates of India and a bunch of emerging economies multiple times back in the old DFI. Trying to look them up, will post them here once I find them.
Also, the orange man and his lackeys would conveniently pick up 'simple avg tariffs' (and not the weighted avg tariffs) to propagate their narrative - yeah, nothing suspicious at all. And even simple avg tariffs have been reduced in the union budget.
Anyways trump faces stark choices. If he wants to face china he needs to find a friend in India as Europe is too russophobi to even properly comprehend Chinese challange.
He does not care. He won't run in 2028. His political career would be done in January, 2029 - he would go back to playing golf at Mar-a-Lago.