China and South Korea population pyramids are terminal. Going down that path makes sense if there is an end goalChina/South Korea's economic model is tried and tested and has yielded results.They have risen from low income group to high-income advanced economies with a massive middle class.
On the contrary, India's economic model has yielded sub-optimal results with a very small middle class and a large low-income population with no purchasing power.The country has only graduated from low income group to lower middle income group since opening up it's economy 34 years ago and will remain in this league for at least another 7-8 years.
The service-driven economic model that India is pursuing primarily benefits a tiny minority, which is why the majority of the middle class that you see in India often comes from people working in the I.T. sector.
Without a strong industrial base and a manufacturing-led economy, India has no realistic chance of either becoming an developed economy or a superpower.
In South Koreans case what was it all for? One or two generations living well in Seoul? They speed ran to extinction and didn't get rid of the existential threat to their north.
If China does something to break out of the First island chain then it would some sense. If not, the same question can be posed to them.
Chest thumping for a generation or two is not worth going extinct for.
India should aim for the highest possible GDP growth while keeping fertility at replacement.