All Pakistani ports are within strike range. The ships there will be a liability, not an asset.
Best case for them, they can use it to host some submarines, still limited usefulness for a major attack on us.
I never said we don't need to improve our power, just that it's not an immediate critical threat like our weakness in army/air force is.
Indeed, I am a strong proponent of a stronger navy so we can put a partial blockade around the Phillipines gap, this forcing Chinese ships to go from tip of SA all the way to Australia if they want to pass. Effectively denying the IOR.
What I mean by the last para :-
This is the map of the IR region, which we need to dominate (to ensure trade lines)
These are the routes one can take to get across :-

(these are just my crude hand drawn lines, for actual routes look online but this covers the basic paths and is good enough for the point Im trying to make)
The red routes are ones we can control without changing much wrt current structure and procurement strategy.
The yellow route is also feasible, but may need a slight increase in naval power.
The orange one will be difficult, but if we build strong aircraft carrier fleets it is acheivable in future to control that gap also, especially if we can get basing in Aus for resupply.
Controlling the pink one I conside unacheivable in the short term, aside from sporadic interception of hostile ships.
Still, pushing chinese ships into using only the pink route will be a good win by itself, and will put a great strain on them. Assuming Australia lets them berth, it will still be an 8000km route without resupply, passing through antarctic region (doesnt look like that on the map, but you can check on a globe) and a difficult passage.
However, this is from a non naval background, with only online analysis et cetera to go off of. Maybe
@Binayak95 or someone can correct me if I have missed something important.