Indian Navy Developments & Discussions

Navy chief Admiral Dinesh K Tripathi on Tuesday visited Mumbai to review the overall state of guided missile frigate INS Brahmaputra, which suffered extensive damage after tipping over at the naval dockyard, as well as the measures required to get the warship upright and sea-worthy again.
Admiral Tripathi reviewed the damage to the warship. He also met the crew of INS Brahmaputra and talked about the plan being formulated to get their ship operational as early as possible,” an official said.
Is it opinion in the Navy too to outfit modern ones with vlsrsam and as a retired naval person, what's your guess about number of vls module, also any plans about replacing legacy radars onboard our ships with indigenous versions
This needs some thought before a response. Gimme till tonight.
Indian Navy vessels commissioned between 2014 to 2024.

feel free to add/modify details , by copying the table.

2014DestroyerINS KolkataKolkata Class
2014CorvetteINS KamortaKamorta Class
2014Offshore Patrol VesselINS SumedhaSaryu Class
2014Offshore Patrol VesselINS SumitraSaryu Class
2015DestroyerINS KochiKolkata Class
2015Torpedo RecoveryINS Astradharini
2016SSBNINS ArihantArihant Class
2016DestroyerINS ChennaiKolkata Class
2016CorvetteINS KadmattKamorta Class
2016Patrol VesselINS TarmugliCar Nicobar Class
2016Patrol VesselINS TihayuCar Nicobar Class
2017SSKINS KalvariKalvari Class
2017Landing Craft UtilityL51MK4 LCU
2017Landing Craft UtilityL52MK4 LCU
2017CorvetteINS KiltanKamorta Class
2017Patrol VesselINS TillanchangCar Nicobar Class
2017Patrol VesselINS TarasaCar Nicobar Class
2018Landing Craft UtilityL53MK4 LCU
2018Landing Craft UtilityL54MK4 LCU
2018Landing Craft UtilityL55MK4 LCU
2018Floating DockFDN2
2019SSKINS KhanderiKalvari Class
2019Landing Craft UtilityL56MK4 LCU
2020Landing Craft UtilityL57MK4 LCU
2020CorvetteINS KavarattiKamorta Class
2021SSKINS KaranjKalvari Class
2021SSKINS VelaKalvari Class
2021Landing Craft UtilityL58MK4 LCU
2021DestroyerINS VisakhapatnamVisakhapatnam Class
2021Missile Range InstrumentationINS Dhruv
2022Missile Range InstrumentationINS Anvesh
2022SSKINS VagirKalvari Class
2022DestroyerINS MormugaoVisakhapatnam Class
2023IACINS Vikrant
2023DestroyerINS ImphalVisakhapatnam Class
2024Survey VesselINS SandhayakSandhayak Class(2023)
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Indian Navy vessels commissioned between 2014 to 2024.

feel free to add/modify details , by copying the table.

2014DestroyerINS KolkataKolkata Class
2014CorvetteINS KamortaKamorta Class
2014Offshore Patrol VesselINS SumedhaSaryu Class
2014Offshore Patrol VesselINS SumitraSaryu Class
2015DestroyerINS KochiKolkata Class
2015Torpedo RecoveryINS Astradharini
2016SSBNINS ArihantArihant Class
2016DestroyerINS ChennaiKolkata Class
2016CorvetteINS KadmattKamorta Class
2016Patrol VesselINS TarmugliCar Nicobar Class
2016Patrol VesselINS TihayuCar Nicobar Class
2017SSKINS KalvariKalvari Class
2017Landing Craft UtilityL51MK4 LCU
2017Landing Craft UtilityL52MK4 LCU
2017CorvetteINS KiltanKamorta Class
2017Patrol VesselINS TillanchangCar Nicobar Class
2017Patrol VesselINS TarasaCar Nicobar Class
2018Landing Craft UtilityL53MK4 LCU
2018Landing Craft UtilityL54MK4 LCU
2018Landing Craft UtilityL55MK4 LCU
2018Floating DockFDN2
2019SSKINS KhanderiKalvari Class
2019Landing Craft UtilityL56MK4 LCU
2020Landing Craft UtilityL57MK4 LCU
2020CorvetteINS KavarattiKamorta Class
2021SSKINS KaranjKalvari Class
2021SSKINS VelaKalvari Class
2021Landing Craft UtilityL58MK4 LCU
2021DestroyerINS VisakhapatnamVisakhapatnam Class
2021Missile Range InstrumentationINS Dhruv
2022Missile Range InstrumentationINS Anvesh
2022SSKINS VagirKalvari Class
2022DestroyerINS MormugaoVisakhapatnam Class
2023IACINS Vikrant
2023DestroyerINS ImphalVisakhapatnam Class
2024Survey VesselINS SandhayakSandhayak Class(2023)

This is pitiful. 36 vessels in 10 years? China built like 200 in 10 years.
This is pitiful. 36 vessels in 10 years? China built like 200 in 10 years.

I think we need to stop comparing ourselves with China , our infrastructure
can not compete with them in most sectors? Chinese had a ruthless commitment
to building up their industries , Indian govt has yet to demonstrate anything like that.
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This is pitiful. 36 vessels in 10 years? China built like 200 in 10 years.

chini are building vessels at higher rates than murica too.

some sort of comparison would be at what rate they commissioning were ships, 10 years prior to when they were about to touch 4 trillion $ GDP i.e 1997 to 2007.

anyways they are building are per their national security doctrine, that is to replace murica as super power.
chini are building vessels at higher rates than murica too.

some sort of comparison would be at what rate they commissioning were ships, 10 years prior to when they were about to touch 4 trillion $ GDP i.e 1997 to 2007.

anyways they are building are per their national security doctrine, that is to replace murica as super power.
Irrelevent, we are fighting the china of today not the china of 10 years ago.
This is pitiful. 36 vessels in 10 years? China built like 200 in 10 years.
U can't compare with china
There are lots of things to differentiate but prominent bring size of order
In past we ordered small nos of vessels then study it and give further small orders this limiting ur capacity be it supply chain and manufacturing and also to add the bureaucratic procedures that has to be repeated
Better approach would be order in big nos and add improvements to next set of vessels

But recently navy has understood the problem and I could see large nos being ordered like 7 p-17a 8 p-17b 6 ngmv 11 ngopv
Nos could have been more but still fine
But many will say p-17a being delayed but that was bcoz Navy's suggestion to add improvements in building stage
I doubt IN will be in much trouble, Chinese have a long way to go before they have any chance of dominating IOR. They are barely able to dominate SCS beyond their waters as is.

except when pakistan gives them a base let's be lazy and care free until then attittude

Irrelevent, we are fighting the china of today not the china of 10 years ago.
But we are having money of china 10 years ago we are doing fairly well in our naval department
Also there are many reports of chinese budget to be higher than whats shown to us if indian govt goes bonkers and spend 10-40 billion extra (silently) then obviouly you would be making 50 more hulls
But we are having money of china 10 years ago we are doing fairly well in our naval department
Also there are many reports of chinese budget to be higher than whats shown to us if indian govt goes bonkers and spend 10-40 billion extra (silently) then obviouly you would be making 50 more hulls
To reach that level we really would need to spend disproportionately more on defense as compared to what china does.
chini are building vessels at higher rates than murica too.

some sort of comparison would be at what rate they commissioning were ships, 10 years prior to when they were about to touch 4 trillion $ GDP i.e 1997 to 2007.

anyways they are building are per their national security doctrine, that is to replace murica as super power.
Right, whereas India is positively not obsessed with that i.e supplanting the U.S
But we are having money of china 10 years ago we are doing fairly well in our naval department
Also there are many reports of chinese budget to be higher than whats shown to us if indian govt goes bonkers and spend 10-40 billion extra (silently) then obviouly you would be making 50 more hulls
We can't spend anything silently for obvious reasons
except when pakistan gives them a base let's be lazy and care free until then attittude

All Pakistani ports are within strike range. The ships there will be a liability, not an asset.

Best case for them, they can use it to host some submarines, still limited usefulness for a major attack on us.

I never said we don't need to improve our power, just that it's not an immediate critical threat like our weakness in army/air force is.

Indeed, I am a strong proponent of a stronger navy so we can put a partial blockade around the Indonesian gap, this forcing Chinese ships to go from tip of SA all the way to Australia if they want to pass. Effectively denying the IOR.
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Build up defensively against them? That seems to be Indian govt strategy?? brahmos, Barak , P8I etc....
We can build a powerful deterrence in the region
We need huge amount of sub sonic cruise missiles which will cheaper and can be operated in huge nos
We require long range interceptors that too in huge quantity
And positively we are working on it lr-asm project kusha are pointing towards that direction
Once we get our naval variant of itcm we can keep huge arsenal in Andaman and if existing ships can be modified then they can also get additional vls but chances are low
Right now even our ship building is gathering pace along with orders
Ngmv ngopv and ngc will add huge capability with their vls count
All Pakistani ports are within strike range. The ships there will be a liability, not an asset.

Best case for them, they can use it to host some submarines, still limited usefulness for a major attack on us.

I never said we don't need to improve our power, just that it's not an immediate critical threat like our weakness in army/air force is.

Indeed, I am a strong proponent of a stronger navy so we can put a partial blockade around the Phillipines gap, this forcing Chinese ships to go from tip of SA all the way to Australia if they want to pass. Effectively denying the IOR.
What I mean by the last para :-


This is the map of the IR region, which we need to dominate (to ensure trade lines)

These are the routes one can take to get across :-
(these are just my crude hand drawn lines, for actual routes look online but this covers the basic paths and is good enough for the point Im trying to make)

The red routes are ones we can control without changing much wrt current structure and procurement strategy.

The yellow route is also feasible, but may need a slight increase in naval power.

The orange one will be difficult, but if we build strong aircraft carrier fleets it is acheivable in future to control that gap also, especially if we can get basing in Aus for resupply.

Controlling the pink one I conside unacheivable in the short term, aside from sporadic interception of hostile ships.

Still, pushing chinese ships into using only the pink route will be a good win by itself, and will put a great strain on them. Assuming Australia lets them berth, it will still be an 8000km route without resupply, passing through antarctic region (doesnt look like that on the map, but you can check on a globe) and a difficult passage.

However, this is from a non naval background, with only online analysis et cetera to go off of. Maybe @Binayak95 or someone can correct me if I have missed something important.

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