Number of ships inducted in a certain period is a very good quick metric to see how serious a Navy is but to get a better picture it's good to have a look at the whole naval MIC. Because take the example of USN, they've both intent and capital but yet they can't get the ships because their shipyards are struggling. Also you've specific factors associated with every single ship of a class like Kolkata took almost 11 years from keel laying to commissioning.
So wasted few minutes scribbling this
View attachment 21227
- as always, the data can be extremely off so proceed carefully and all corrections would be appreciated
- excluded Vikramaditya because it has some really weird schedule
- included only frontline ships
- no point including auxiliary fleet like survey ships because they can't be used in war
- one counter argument can be that despite not being frontline ships, they too take up space in shipyards and delay delivery of frontlines. But interestingly auxs gets built in yards like HSL and CSL.
- MDL and GRSE seem to be the primary yards
- two years of pandemic should always be accounted for
That's all I guess, interpret the graphic whatever way you wish.