Indian Navy Developments & Discussions

Thanks to TKMS there are 2 new sub builders in the world : South Korea and Turkey.
Indeed, very good job.
I would say it's still better than le Francais selling the Exocet to Argentina then passing on its secrets to Little Britain during the Falklands war.

It's called keeping one's part of the bargain , living up to one's word. Are these concepts alien to le Francais ?
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will “fulfil” the need for surveillance of wide oceanic space and other requirements of the Navy in the maritime domain

The SeaGuardian drone is basically a sasta P8I as @mist_consecutive as explained in the past.
It also has sonobouy dispensers, adding even more to the sasta P8I moniker.

Tapas is a generic HALE drone by comparison

IN seems to be very dedicated on keeping an eye for those Chinku submarines.
The SeaGuardian drone is basically a sasta P8I as @mist_consecutive as explained in the past.
It also has sonobouy dispensers, adding even more to the sasta P8I moniker.

Tapas is a generic HALE drone by comparison

IN seems to be very dedicated on keeping an eye for those Chinku submarines.
What shit. P8I carries Harpoons, several Mk 46 torpedoes, has a significant SIGINT and ELINT suite.

the SeaGuardian brings ceaseless tireless vigil to the equation at less than a fourth the price of the P8I's operation.

The beauty is in getting kill tracks from a SeaGuardian and a SMART launched from mainland India.
What shit. P8I carries Harpoons, several Mk 46 torpedoes, has a significant SIGINT and ELINT suite.

the SeaGuardian brings ceaseless tireless vigil to the equation at less than a fourth the price of the P8I's operation.

The beauty is in getting kill tracks from a SeaGuardian and a SMART launched from mainland India.

I said sasta P8I didn't I?
ofc it can't carry torpedo and harpoon along with sonobouy dispensers
I said sasta P8I didn't I?
ofc it can't carry torpedo and harpoon along with sonobouy dispensers
And since we've started making those sonobuoys, it might've become much cheaper to operate.
I've always maintained the position that Tapas should be shoved down to Army not Navy, Navy has to take return trip into the account, but Army can land it afar pre-decided airbase/port, get mini checkup, refuel and get back into the air.
And since we've started making those sonobuoys, it might've become much cheaper to operate.
I've always maintained the position that Tapas should be shoved down to Army not Navy, Navy has to take return trip into the account, but Army can land it afar pre-decided airbase/port, get mini checkup, refuel and get back into the air.

Yea, Navy has additional requirements for most of their platforms, lots of customization has to be done, for e.g Dhruv naval version and IMRH will need to have foldable rotor blades and foldable tail boom, plus whatever electronics are needed for ASW.

Current Tapas is generic, it's well suited for ground based roles but additional customization will have to be done for navy usage, which will take time, which will have to be tested, which also will take time, for what is a very small order.
And since we've started making those sonobuoys, it might've become much cheaper to operate.
I've always maintained the position that Tapas should be shoved down to Army not Navy, Navy has to take return trip into the account, but Army can land it afar pre-decided airbase/port, get mini checkup, refuel and get back into the air.
The IN requires MALE drones to patrol the near seas. HALE drones like Sea Guardian will be used to patrol the far seas. In fact there's a good case to be made for Tapas induction by both the ICG & BSF.

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