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Indian Politics and Democracy

Positive acts don't cancel out negative acts.

1) Does Ram Mandir make it ok for BJP to do sabka vikas bakwas?

2) Does it make it ok for BJP to appease Kashmir while ignoring Jammu?

3) Does it make it ok for BJP to go after GC's and do hisab chukana politics by supporting Ambedkarites?

Modi must be praised for Ram Mandir and also criticised for his other actions.
How do you really dox someone ? Is there any special tool or something? Or its just internet pieces coming together?
Multiple ways with very low success rate.

Did you receive a DM or an email which asks you to click a link? Can be an infected link which when you click can install some malware (Key logger) or track your IP.

That's just one example.

Bottomline is, you only need to slip up once for a persistent and motivated hacker to get trackable info about you.
Multiple ways with very low success rate.

Did you receive a DM or an email which asks you to click a link? Can be an infected link which when you click can install some malware (Key logger) or track your IP.

That's just one example.

Bottomline is, you only need to slip up once for a persistent and motivated hacker to get trackable info about you.
Let’s not forget the world’s oldest and most successful technique too by sliding into DMs and extracting personal info probably as an admirer/supporter/huge fan to start with :)
Positive acts don't cancel out negative acts.

1) Does Ram Mandir make it ok for BJP to do sabka vikas bakwas?

2) Does it make it ok for BJP to appease Kashmir while ignoring Jammu?

3) Does it make it ok for BJP to go after GC's and do hisab chukana politics by supporting Ambedkarites?

Modi must be praised for Ram Mandir and also criticised for his other actions.
Does Ram Mandir give Modi the license to say utter BS like this?

View attachment 11488

Nothing and no one is perfect.
instead of looking at it as perfect solution, look at it as progression.

We went from point A in 2014 to point B in 2024. That's progression.
is it perfect? No
but it's progression.
Younger leaders in BJP will need to step up soon and take the progression from point B to Point C.

As long as we are extremely dependent on external countries, including muslim countries, don't expect any BJP leader becoming PM not making obvious compromises.
People think Yogi becoming PM would be great. That will be until he goes into meetings to manage gas, oil, IT, pharma and many other sectors that are either essential or generate millions of jobs in India.
@ezsasa I thought this would be interesting to you. I do not know but this discussion and lecture by Jeffrey seems to be reflection of what US is really thinking on India China situation. This Jeff seems to be holding quite sway - and says his students in Washington failed him... he clearly articulated India is not ally ...
Not sure who he is but discussion clip and of all comments only one liked comment makes things clear where they stand:

When burgers use the word (((ally))) it means vassal or slave, not whatever the Dictionary definition of ally yes.
So yes, as long as Mudi is there we won't be an (((ally)))

Once the other team comes to power in 2029 we can expect to see US bases springing up in the country and Aman ka Tamasha pro plus max, since we too will be joining the (((allies))) harem
Nothing and no one is perfect.
instead of looking at it as perfect solution, look at it as progression.

We went from point A in 2014 to point B in 2024. That's progression.
is it perfect? No
but it's progression.
Younger leaders in BJP will need to step up soon and take the progression from point B to Point C.

As long as we are extremely dependent on external countries, including muslim countries, don't expect any BJP leader becoming PM not making obvious compromises.
People think Yogi becoming PM would be great. That will be until he goes into meetings to manage gas, oil, IT, pharma and many other sectors that are either essential or generate millions of jobs in India.
No need to do a genocide on mullas. I know India isn't in a position to do what CCP did with Uyghurs.

But for god's sake, at least stop appeasing the community that gives 3% of it's votes to you.

Will BJP central gov stop all funding to Kashmir and divert it to Jammu after this election fiasco?

I bet they won't and will continue to appease mullas.
Actually gut says-- this is reflection of US deep state. They have antipathy for India and wants US to mend or adjust for Chinese aspirations.

Yes, go on `r/worldnews` from the discussions there, since it's fully controlled and only certain "opinions" can be expressed, the bots there proclaim India Russia as the villians, while China is the big bad but has to be appeased, negotiated and had a deal made with them.

Perhaps this is just a buying time stunt, when Russia and India have become (((allies))) they will use Russians and Indians like Ukranis are used today to fuck up the Chinese.

Positive acts don't cancel out negative acts.

1) Does Ram Mandir make it ok for BJP to do sabka vikas bakwas?

2) Does it make it ok for BJP to appease Kashmir while ignoring Jammu?

3) Does it make it ok for BJP to go after GC's and do hisab chukana politics by supporting Ambedkarites?

Modi must be praised for Ram Mandir and also criticised for his other actions.

What you are posting is disappointment with Gobi behaviors but you aren't arguing with what the twitter person has posted.

The point is that Modi-raaj is behind the current "WE'RE SO BACK GUYS" of Hindutva into the mainstream, earlier pre Gobi it was the all encompassing grip of Sekoolarism, since Gobi took over in 2014, there has been a change in the mindset of many and i'm not talking about just the regular voting class.

Most of the stuff that people are aware of today would be unthinkable in "sekoolar" times of the past.

Do you disagree with this? Do you think we all would be edgelord righties on this board today if there was no Gobi, there was no 10 year reign of our illustrious leader and some Sekoolar Khichdi govt headed by Clown Prince instead?
No need to do a genocide on mullas. I know India isn't in a position to do what CCP did with Uyghurs.

But for god's sake, at least stop appeasing the community that gives 3% of it's votes to you.

Will BJP central gov stop all funding to Kashmir and divert it to Jammu after this election fiasco?

I bet they won't and will continue to appease mullas.

Like I said, nothing is perfect.

I was pretty young when Atal became PM.
He was nothing like Modi but he was as good as could hope for.
From Atal -> Modi, we saw the first tectonic shift in Hindu causes.
Many hindus posting freely and taking on mullas on SM and other places would have been buried pre-2014 but now we are able to fight back, if not on streets but in other places. That's a win. We have grabbed a lot of things which are pro-hindu in last 10 years.

There is a lot of work to be done & Modi is getting old. My opinion is that BJP will use Modi to hold the mantle until the next leaders are ready.

I expect the next BJP PM to be more hindu tilting than Modi,
just like how Modi was more hindu tilting than Atal was.
Perhaps this is just a buying time stunt, when Russia and India have become (((allies))) they will use Russians and Indians like Ukranis are used today to fuck up the Chinese.
Naah it shows Deep State is still hung on G2 - so that all sweet money continues from investments in china and they continue to get appeased and greased by chinese for more cooperation just like 80-90s
Yes, go on `r/worldnews` from the discussions there, since it's fully controlled and only certain "opinions" can be expressed, the bots there proclaim India Russia as the villians, while China is the big bad but has to be appeased, negotiated and had a deal made with them.

Perhaps this is just a buying time stunt, when Russia and India have become (((allies))) they will use Russians and Indians like Ukranis are used today to fuck up the Chinese.

What you are posting is disappointment with Gobi behaviors but you aren't arguing with what the twitter person has posted.

The point is that Modi-raaj is behind the current "WE'RE SO BACK GUYS" of Hindutva into the mainstream, earlier pre Gobi it was the all encompassing grip of Sekoolarism, since Gobi took over in 2014, there has been a change in the mindset of many and i'm not talking about just the regular voting class.

Most of the stuff that people are aware of today would be unthinkable in "sekoolar" times of the past.

Do you disagree with this? Do you think we all would be edgelord righties on this board today if there was no Gobi, there was no 10 year reign of our illustrious leader and some Sekoolar Khichdi govt headed by Clown Prince instead?

Let's take TN as an example,
People really don't remember how pervasively anti-hindu DMK was.

Dayanidhi saying that shit last year was really mild.
these mofo's have said much worse and done much worse.

I can bet anything that these DMK clowns would think a hundred times to abuse hinduism.
That would have been unthinkable in TN before 2014.

The biggest progress we have made as hindus in last 10 years is challenging the people/leaders/parties who are anti-hindus.
Again, that would have been very dangerous to do pre 2014.

All the so called Indian twitter warriors for majority are hindus.
Yes, go on `r/worldnews` from the discussions there, since it's fully controlled and only certain "opinions" can be expressed, the bots there proclaim India Russia as the villians, while China is the big bad but has to be appeased, negotiated and had a deal made with them.

Perhaps this is just a buying time stunt, when Russia and India have become (((allies))) they will use Russians and Indians like Ukranis are used today to fuck up the Chinese.

What you are posting is disappointment with Gobi behaviors but you aren't arguing with what the twitter person has posted.

The point is that Modi-raaj is behind the current "WE'RE SO BACK GUYS" of Hindutva into the mainstream, earlier pre Gobi it was the all encompassing grip of Sekoolarism, since Gobi took over in 2014, there has been a change in the mindset of many and i'm not talking about just the regular voting class.

Most of the stuff that people are aware of today would be unthinkable in "sekoolar" times of the past.

Do you disagree with this? Do you think we all would be edgelord righties on this board today if there was no Gobi, there was no 10 year reign of our illustrious leader and some Sekoolar Khichdi govt headed by Clown Prince instead?
All this will be reversed with just 1 electoral loss at the centre.

What systemic changes have been done by BJP to ensure that Hindutva movement can withstand Congress rule?

1) Education? A BJP Minister boasted that they didn't change a single line in curriculum. This ensures that next generation kids continue to be brought up with secular koolaid.

2) The less said about NRC and CAA the better. Can Modi throw out 1 crore+ bangla mullas out? He had a better chance when Hasina was in power. Now, I don't see BJP ever doing it.

Yes, Modi and BJP are the best option available. But they are only putting bandages on an injury that needs surgery.
Let's take TN as an example,
People really don't remember how pervasively anti-hindu DMK was.

Dayanidhi saying that shit last year was really mild.
these mofo's have said much worse and done much worse.

I can bet anything that these DMK clowns would think a hundred times to abuse hinduism.
That would have been unthinkable in TN before 2014.

The biggest progress we have made as hindus in last 10 years is challenging the people/leaders/parties who are anti-hindus.
Again, that would have been very dangerous to do pre 2014.

All the so called Indian twitter warriors for majority are hindus.
Case in point Take TV discussions in Coffee par charcha, Paathshaala or Youtube channels like Def Talk by Adi or Ajeet Bharati. These kind of discussions were unthinkable in UPA times, heck even during Vajpayee times.

How openly pro BJP can criticize Modi. But congress loyalist could not even think of airing his dissident under UPA - lest he/she got suspended , expelled and brought to line by coercive directed govt machinery against him/her.

I doubt anybody remembers what Barkha did to Kuntal of bombay who IIRC just quoted what VP Malik said about reporter's antics in Kargil war - and how it costed lives.
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Naah it shows Deep State is still hung on G2 - so that all sweet money continues from investments in china and they continue to get appeased and greased by chinese for more cooperation just like 80-90s

Xi meanwhile wants to put it in America's G, he's the whole cause of the collapse of the G2 dostana.
He wants Taiwan, now even if these Burger cuckolds surrender the island to him, he won't be satisfied, his next demand will be to remove US bases from Japan , Korea and Phillipines.

Now every year 11, Jinping stays in power he also cleanses the CCP of G2 dostana enjoyers and replaces them with his own loyalists, so even if they assassinate him 11, Jinping will have another ideologically compliant replacement.


There's no going back, burgers must come to their senses and negotiate with Russia, India as proper dictionary definition allies and not vassals, because once 11 Jinping has "finished farming" US possessions in the Pacific are GG fucked, so is the world economy and dhandho of goras.
There's no going back, burgers must come to their senses and negotiate with Russia, India as proper dictionary definition allies and not vassals, because once 11 Jinping has "finished farming" US possessions in the Pacific are GG fucked, so is the world economy and dhandho of goras.
Thats being Logical. Logic and US state dept/deep state living in its own Hubris - are miles apart.

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