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Indian Politics and Democracy

Thats being Logical. Logic and US state dept/deep state living in its own Hubris - are miles apart.

Yea it's 2024 and they still behave like it's the 90s or 00s where the Soviet union has died, they rape and pillage Russia, China is their factory-ghulam and they can invade random ass countries like Eye-Rack at will and nothing will happen.

Today rulers of Saudiya, UAE and Turkey do not toe the US line, China is openly a rival/enemy, Russia is openly an enemy and hostile to US/West, India never was a Western slave in the first place, Iran is sanctioned to shit and is their enemy etc...
>BT's party was/is a regional party
>BT's party never could come to power by itself even in the state(granted MH is a large state )

At the end of the day Bhajipao being milque toast is a function of them needing to stay in power.

Viraat Hindu leedors are no use if they are like a 20 seat party in state elections while the centre is controlled by a party that is itself lead by whiteys and half-breeds

Criticizing Ambedkar openly is impossible when even if they do maxxx appeasement, Chorgress spins 400 paar as a scheme to remove reservation and the SCs then vote for congress and abandon BJP.
Truly right wing parties like that of Balasaheb's Shivsena may be very small but they can carry a lot of influence in keeping the discourse right wing and forcing the polity to take notice for the competing space they hold. You might have noticed that BJP is now vary of its hindutva identity in the absence of a competing hindutva party anywhere else in the country. There is just no one to question them for the hindutva agenda but they still carry the tag without doing much about it when in power
Case in point Take TV discussions in Coffee par charcha, Paathshaala or Youtube channels like Def Talk by Adi or Ajeet Bharati. These kind of discussions were unthinkable in UPA times, heck even during Vajpayee times.

How openly pro BJP can criticize Modi. But congress loyalist could not even think of airing his dissident under UPA - lest he/she got suspended , expelled and brought to line by coercive directed govt machinery against him/her.

I doubt anybody remembers what Barkha did to Kuntal of bombay who IIRC just quoted what VP Malik said about reporter's antics in Kargil war - and how it costed lives.

and the books, without ideas there is no political movement. even till 2018/19, publishers used to refuse hindutva and history related books and opeds.

notice where hindutva stand in comparision to hindusim, economy, inflation and terrorism. it is basically a flatline compared to other topics.

it's anecdotal, but it is some sort of historical data, it gives an idea on what occupies public's mind.

for folks who are into hindutva after 2014/15 it might be seem like larger than life, relatively hindutva is a minor player in public consciousness.

Screenshot 2024-10-07 at 2.08.23 PM.webpScreenshot 2024-10-07 at 2.08.31 PM.webp
@ezsasa - Check this, section of India media thinks in binaries... i mean the binary tropes of the west.

Dinner With Kim Jong Un Or George Soros? S Jaishankar Was Asked. His Reply​

External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar was given two high-profile names between which he can choose should he decide to have dinner with one of them​

View: https://youtu.be/xrUulslXLH8

He thought that he was asking a "profound" "tough" "intellectually laden" question to EAM to set a trap for a gotcha moment.

"Let me just test EAM with my very tricky question ... who will it be....the ebil Kim Jong or Godhead incarnated George Pooros"

@ezsasa I thought this would be interesting to you. I do not know but this discussion and lecture by Jeffrey seems to be reflection of what US is really thinking on India China situation. This Jeff seems to be holding quite sway - and says his students in Washington failed him... he clearly articulated India is not ally ...
Not sure who he is but discussion clip and of all comments only one liked comment makes things clear where they stand:

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8WxtJlpOwm8

@Mods move this post to appropriate thread - because I could not find one. We really Need a thread named "India through American Intelligentsia lens:"


This mrgyani is on the same intellectual level as the reporter who asked EAM the question on Kim/Soros dinner.

20 IQ door knobs parroting the western talking points.
and the books, without ideas there is no political movement. even till 2018/19, publishers used to refuse hindutva and history related books and opeds.

notice where hindutva stand in comparision to hindusim, economy, inflation and terrorism. it is basically a flatline compared to other topics.

it's anecdotal, but it is some sort of historical data, it gives an idea on what occupies public's mind.

for folks who are into hindutva after 2014/15 it might be seem like larger than life, relatively hindutva is a minor player in public consciousness.

View attachment 11495View attachment 11496
Thats the problem... Thats why Modi shall have to reinvent to sway masses in its favor. And it needs ot be more than media drive. RSS should be employed to unify temples silently and people should be made to go to temples once a week. Silently all hindu orgs should be united and bought to a stage for common minimum talking points to build consensus. This should be done at national, state and district level. This has to be done silently and for sure - so that atleast people get conscious about challenges our growing nation is facing and collective actions people need to take and understand for nation to grow and prosper.
@ezsasa - Check this, section of India media thinks in binaries... i mean the binary tropes of the west.

Dinner With Kim Jong Un Or George Soros? S Jaishankar Was Asked. His Reply​

External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar was given two high-profile names between which he can choose should he decide to have dinner with one of them​

View: https://youtu.be/xrUulslXLH8

He thought that he was asking a "profound" "tough" "intellectually laden" question to EAM to set a trap for a gotcha moment.

"Let me just test EAM with my very tricky question ... who will it be....the ebil Kim Jong or Godhead incarnated George Pooros"

View attachment 11498

This mrgyani is on the same intellectual level as the reporter who asked EAM the question on Kim/Soros dinner.

20 IQ door knobs parroting the western talking points.

here more gems:

Can Modi throw out 1 crore+ bangla mullas out?

No political party or upcoming democratic hero can solve this mammoth problem.

By 2047, mleccha population could reach 25%, similar to 1946 numbers. No amount of Ghar Wapsi or NRC will change that. A mleccha, desi or videshi will stay the same.

In the current geographic setup, the Muslim population probably won’t exceed 30%. So, it seems to be going either of two way:
- another partition, starting over for another 100 years cycle(very difficult, since ghettos this time are scattered unlike the previous one), or
- Hinduism and it's culture getting very diluted(Internet and secularism).

The best might be to implement a very strict UCC, but that seems tough.
Waqf Bill 2024 is a good starting point and testing ground for mlecchas' reaction on a "diluted bill".
If GOI is too afraid to go that way, then counteraction. Abolish Hindu Marriage Act 1955 and pick recommendations from Manusmriti.
By 2047, mleccha population could reach 25%, similar to 1946 numbers. No amount of Ghar Wapsi or NRC will change that. A mleccha, desi or videshi will stay the same.

Actually this Mleech is basically a cult and not a religion. If you look at their practices, they are tribal practices of Arabia. This is a Mleech tribe.

I will not be surprised if in future there is a demand to declare them as a tribe of mleech than a religion. When you do not consider them as religion officialy, they have already lost that 'special' status of monotheism and you have already degraded their position.
- Hinduism and it's culture getting very diluted(Internet and secularism).

In the future what i've bolded will happen.
There is also the national pass-time of Hindus across the nation of KAUN JAAT BA? that will come with full force back.

Greens will do the usuals riots and all to maintain "pressure" on the kuffar, while smarty-pants greens( from al-Geralam mainly ) will succeed in infiltrating the bureaucracy, armed forces, police and CAPFs.

The issue of greens here is not their abaadi like the jokers themselves think, but the fact is today the kuffar's religion is being rotted away by secularism and at the same time he's busy with chimpery of jaat and language, ignoring the elephant in the room
@ezsasa I thought this would be interesting to you. I do not know but this discussion and lecture by Jeffrey seems to be reflection of what US is really thinking on India China situation. This Jeff seems to be holding quite sway - and says his students in Washington failed him... he clearly articulated India is not ally ...
Not sure who he is but discussion clip and of all comments only one liked comment makes things clear where they stand:

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8WxtJlpOwm8
View attachment 11479

@Mods move this post to appropriate thread - because I could not find one. We really Need a thread named "India through American Intelligentsia lens:"

That's a compliment tbh. We mean business only; these gender confused far left ooga boogas and their allies can go fuck each other.

Uploader is some small YT channel - 400+ comments and ~250 comments. By the looks of it, our e-lashkars are playing well :troll:
That's a compliment tbh. We mean business only; these gender confused far left ooga boogas and their allies can go fuck each other.

Uploader is some small YT channel - 400+ comments and ~250 comments. By the looks of it, our e-lashkars are playing well :troll:
Its not about uploader but about Comments by presenter and promoter of presenter supporting what views. Helps bringing reality check to flowery languages our people and politicos hear from America through paid media and their minions in limelight.
Its not about uploader but about Comments by presenter and promoter of presenter supporting what views. Helps bringing reality check to flowery languages our people and politicos hear from America through paid media and their minions in limelight.
The incumbent office bearers won't make antagonizing comments in public but the rest aren't under such compulsion. Obama, their demigod, confirmed as much (when he made those remarks about a year back).

Reminds me of what some retired Japanese diplomat said in an interview with their media - that a bigger and more transactional version France type power is about to emerge from the subcontinent a few decades down the line (without naming India directly).

is that handle not getting it?

if israel had not responded the way it did, islamists would have brought back "sacking" as a tactic back into play. imagine a modern nation state, not only having worry about the usual terrorism, but also having to worry about raids of the type hamas did.

it's already happening quite frequently in central african regions.

in 47 when it happened in kashmir, kabaili raiders came in even larger numbers estimated to be in thousands.
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I am not a fan of simping for Israel even though I support them. However, Gaurav is not wrong. Go back to the year 1989 when Soviets withdrew from Afghanistan. Entire Ummah thought their victory was achieved by "Allah" against the godless communists. Never mind it is the Christian West which played an important role to supply weapons to Mujahideen with Porkistan playing the role of a pimp. Once that was achieved and USSR collapsed, the West was at its peak. They thought entire movie ended with happily ever after. They had no enemies who were equal after USSR was gone.

They did not give a shit about Afghanistan. They were left to fend for themselves. These trained terrorists then trained their sights on different target. Remember the terror attack to bring down World trade center was not on 9/11 but in 1994.

Even though odds of taking down mighty US was close to NIL that did not stop them from trying. They instigated terror attacks on American Embassies in late 1990's before everything culminated to the big terror attack on 9/11 on American soil. So let's say if Israel is ever wiped out from the map, Ummah's confidence sky rockets to such heights and they won't hesitate to try global caliphate. Since Jews are considered to be the enemies of Islam and Muslims since time immemorial they will consider Israel vanishing as a sign from heaven to establish caliphate on a grand scale. Israel existing and screwing them from time to time shows them their place in the World.
#phoolSapport to theek hai but this is a bit too much, yuck

What he meant is the Indian Middle East European corridor is coined by Ajit Doval for trade with India, without complete dominance in the region this corridor will have setbacks. And Italy has already joined the corridor by leaving OBOR. So Indeed Israel is now trying to dominate the region and it's in India's benefit so that this corridor can be built. And China doesn't want it.
He's Screambowl in his usual normal Avatar. Believe me you don't want to see him in his abnormal Avatar which starts post 2 am like that of Aghoris. In fact I'd argue he's the Aghori of the forum world. There's not been a single forum - desi or videshi who've not been subjected to his prakop. Alakh Niranjan !

What is this man? :cowboy:

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