Indian Politics and Democracy



I believe it to be a fact this problem still persists. If you look at a lot of journalists covering news here for foreign publications but also Indian ones you'd find a good deal of them to be Kashmiri Muslims.

In fact practically every third new name I come across in online publications today is a Muslim mostly female. These Rana Ayub, Arfa Sherwani types who've multipled like amoeba now & have absolutely nothing to say on the entire grooming scandal in the UK will not spare a moment to pollute every SM or MSM they've the opportunity to disgrace with their views on Gaza to Gujarat & everything in between.

Farmers plan fresh Delhi Chalo March on January 21 from Shambhu Border​

After their repeated attempts to launch Delhi-Chalo March were foiled by the Haryana police, farmer leaders associated with Samyukta Kisan Morcha (Non-Political) and Kisan Mazdoor Morcha, have again announced to send a Jatha of 101 farmers to launch the Delhi March on January 21 from the Shambhu border
Also leaders of both the forums have already announced countrywide tractor march on January 26 to mark the anniversary of 2020-21 farmers agitation.

******* ***** at it again.

Looks like these guys don't do farming at all.
Looks like these guys don't do farming at all.
These tractor_jeets will be soundly thrashed if they try anything funny. I wonder why these so called ann-datas don't even try to protest in UP , the state with most farmers & farming output?
Now will he smell the coffee and wake up and realize that BJP is a better friend to Jammu and Kashmir than Congress can ever be?
no he is buttering modi since modi is susceptible to such acts , he is saying all this to pressurise modi into giving full statehood to J&k where he will get back the law&order/police control.

BJP to middle class: Was nice to have your support at the beginning. Now we don’t need you​

If a government knows how to accommodate the fat cats and has worked out how to win the votes of the poor with direct transfers, then it doesn’t need the middle class​


BJP to middle class: Was nice to have your support at the beginning. Now we don’t need you​

If a government knows how to accommodate the fat cats and has worked out how to win the votes of the poor with direct transfers, then it doesn’t need the middle class​

Vir Sanghvi is middle class? Lmao.

Pradhan mantri gulag yojna needed for darbaris like him - has been running his mouth far too much these days (first that rupee depreciation thingy and now this).
Sangvi may or maynot have his own agenda , however it's a fact that direct cash transfer scheme are being promoted by GOI , it's lehruvian socialism by other names. Unfortunately India still has a huge population dependent on such doles .
Instead of shooting the messenger, i would take a non partisan view and appreciate the fact that while doling out such schemes which in turn are funded by taxes ( of which middle class do share a good burden) the gov shouldn't loose focus of the middle class.
The schemes are getting out of hand and competitive.
some states might be able to manage them but some will go broke and eventually have to negate on them.

And there is humongous corruption in these schemes.
As an example, when Jagan was CM for AP, certain crops of farmers were insured by the govt. Meaning, any loss, the govt would pay the farmers. Now who determines crop loss? It's the local leaders of that place. A lot of farmers who were pro Jagan party earned loads of money without ever planting a crop.
Pretty certain it's the same with most state level schemes.

Coming to middle class, across the globe, this section will never be targeted for doles. By being middle class, the understanding is they can sustain themselves and grow.

For a country like India with large poor population, it is not practical to give doles to middle class, even though we indirectly become beneficiaries of some schemes.

What middle class needs more than doles is infra, job opportunities and services. As long as govts fulfill these most middle class families can grow without govt doles.
Vir Sanghvi is middle class? Lmao.

Pradhan mantri gulag yojna needed for darbaris like him - has been running his mouth far too much these days (first that rupee depreciation thingy and now this).
They're ( Sanghvi & The misPrint plus others of their ilk ) tapping into middle class angst at being milked dry. Tbh , I've come across plenty of such gripes online & in the real world whose patience with Modiji seems to be wearing thin.

It's the 3rd term & Modi's aura has lost its sheen - somewhat or to a great extent depending on your PoV, will likely lose more if the upcoming budget doesn't have some goodies for the middle class.
.How to minimise doles/direct cash transfer, how to avoid trap of cash(scheme) for votes- for this to happen upliftment of such voter base to higher income bracket(middle class) has to happen for that economy has to grow
. taking money(tax) from middle class and giving back as doles won't work
.job creation has to happen, export has to increase
. manufacturing has to increase

The intention are good ,schemes are fabulous on paper but audit has to be done on real achievements on ground.
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.How to minimise doles/direct cash transfer, how to avoid trap of cash(scheme) for votes- for this to happen upliftment of such voter base to higher income bracket(middle class) has to happen for that economy has to grow

The so-called doles (as a % of GDP) are at historic lows already. Not even Vajpayee was this conservative with his fiscpol. If anything, they should hand out more, way more than they are rn (will stimulate demand). And they can afford it too coz the deficit numbers are healthy.

Have absolutely no idea why this point even keeps getting repeated as if Modi is not the most fiscally conservative PM of independent India.

Sangvi may or maynot have his own agenda , however it's a fact that direct cash transfer scheme are being promoted by GOI

They aren't and that's the issue. Gormint is sitting atop a giant pile of cash courtesy of record breaking tax revenues. They should have handed some of it out to keep the pot boiling. The limited amount of cash transfer some states are doing is not enough.

, it's lehruvian socialism by other names. Unfortunately India still has a huge population dependent on such doles .
Instead of shooting the messenger, i would take a non partisan view and appreciate the fact that while doling out such schemes which in turn are funded by taxes ( of which middle class do share a good burden) the gov shouldn't loose focus of the middle class.

'Middle class' hardly pays income taxes in India.
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It seems crazywithmaths (cwm) suggestion of increasing dbt is being implemented starting with Delhi (manifesto).
Do Income-Transfer Schemes Fuel Food Inflation?

By 2025, 14 states would have implemented some version of 'handout' schemes.

Surely the ilk of sanghvi and company are growing.

read above report in conjunction to report below.

it's a good thing if bottom 20% are buying more eggs, meat and fruits, than they used to buy 10 years ago. supply side will balance itself, once producers realise there is demand.

It seems crazywithmaths (cwm) suggestion of increasing dbt is being implemented starting with Delhi (manifesto).
States have very limited capacity to 'increase debt' and are always fearful of the GoI (who has a habit of screwing states with higher debt to GSDP ratios). I am suggesting a cash transfer on the lines of PM Kisan Samman Nidhi etc or a GST rationalization to 'stimulate' demand among the bottom 50%. The govt has no business sitting atop public money.

The gormint will more than 'recover' their doles from the GST revenues in a few years. But that kind of forward thoughts are absent from policymaking.

Also, their ability to pump up capex is limited too. Going by the rumors, gormint babus are 'planning' a 20-25%ish y-o-y increase in railway capex (in the upcoming budget). Only they know how they will spend this amount in a single fiscal year. It takes time to build up the pipeline because the Indian system just is not accustomed to it. We have never undertaken this kind of infra capex push.

And last but not the least, a series of reports have already questioned the RoI of their previous infra capex push. The kind of potential benefits they promised just has not been reflected into gormint's own GDP numbers.

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