India and Indians are known for corruption. It's not me attributing one person to X or one person to Y. In the US, when we think of Indians, and I am Indian, we have a presumption that you are going to get scammed or haggled or something dishonorable will happen in your dealing with this person. In fact my own dealing with many first generation Indians when I provide a service is of this nature as well. I see it in my parents too.
Edit: Since you may not know from my previous complainings: When I went to Kedarnath, the Gujarati pujaris themselves were demanding bribes from me for a Rudraabhishekham. By the way after extorting me for 8500 Rs (5000 rs + 3500rs bribe) I got to spend a measly 5 minutes with the Shivalingam with 0 Sri Rudram.
Call me whatever you want, but nothing will change the reputation of Indians. I just point it out and mock you for it. I suppose it is far easier to live in an insulated bubble and presume people like me exist only to "troll" than to actually introspect and ask yourself "What can I do to change this reputation people have of my people?"
Your frustration comes from "reputation of indians" in usa and the insecurity and discrimination it makes you feel.
But I can guarantee you, most of all that "reputation" is initiated on their own bias and preduige
Like here, right wing goras have reputation of being known as racist wignats with weird fetish of imaging their women with black men and then crying.
And left wing goras has reputation of being
He/she/they/falana dekhana, and mutilating and indoctrinating their own children.
So your problem is being a minority where the majority hates/discriminates mainly based on their own prejudice, and rest of society doesn't take it seriously
it more has to do with normalizing racism and prejudice against Indians then any thing else, once you have prejudice against certain group then it's not hard to find things to hate on.
So would be much better for you go there and fight against racism then being a sore loser who copes by mocking his own people, and justify the discrimation by goras.
Again, when people have preduige they will find things to make fun off, when internet didn't exist, they made fun of our accent, our clothes, our skin colour, and still do.
And it's not going anywhere unless you guys go and do social movements.
Like, in the same usa it's a highly controversial take to even say truths Like.
" black people commits most crime relative to the population".
Your mocking your own people in a defense forum where at most 100 people will interact with you ain't gonna improve india, neither will improve indian reputation, neither will take away preduige and racism of goras
It's just gonna make you feel more pathetic and frustrated.
Your battlefield should be in usa fighting against racism, but here you are hiding in a indian forum mainly for defense And coping.