Indian Politics and Democracy

I'm just re-hashing some key developments from 2024..

1. The DMK failed actor exhorts the ending of Sanatana Dharma
2. The same garbage in his tirade called our way of life, our culture a disease that needs to be eradicated
3. 2G profiteer A. Raja pops his head to spew some more vitriol against Hinduism
4. Fast forward to post elections, a girl taking a few snaps doing yoga is threatened for being an andha-bhagatha from mudi-da-gujarathu
5. Further on to the first sessions of the newly elected lok & rajya sabha, a couple of MPs ask for the removal of the Sengol. They are further supported by eminent gynecologist Misa Bharti and other INDI alliance MPs.
6. Manda Buddhi declares that Hindus are violent and liars
7. Islamic state of Bengal reveals its sharia court proceedings

All these events have taken place within a span of less than a year !!!! Here is my take on these events:
a. BJP ecosystem has FAILED to stand up to its its expectations
b. While the feckless dimwits of Ashoka university had the gall to conduct a pro-palestine protest, we the dindus, are scampering around like headless chickens hoping saheb and jaaanakya do something about this Hindu hate
c. The north Indian left has abandoned their traditional CPI parties and their entire intellectual & muscle power base has spread out in the dalit/bhim circles, the congress party, TMC and AAP. Hence, these entities, though different, are actually behaving like one organism. This is the biggest worrisome development that was a few years in the making.
d. If bhajapa eye-tee cell is listening, please do not do anything, you will only fukk up and make matters worse for the rest of the country. You are a bunch of insipid idiots who fight the next century's war with the previous century's weapons. I bet they still use IE6 to browse the internet.
e. The jackassery that is the atheisht movement is almost entirely composed of leftists and they are successfully weaning many Hindu youngsters away from their culture, which would be fine, except that these youngsters are taught to hate and despise Hinduism and its followers.
f. If Prashant Kishore is to be believed, and I think he is right, BJP is only guaranteed of a 30% Hindu vote share.

Below are some thoughts on how we can probably, if we are lucky, maybe stem the shitshow coming our way:
I. ** THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT POINT ** Hindus need to strengthen our institutions. Go to your local temples regularly. Meet and talk to fellow Hindus who visit the temple. Talk to the pujaris and instead of donating in the hundi, donate to them directly. Rather than visit the ladyboy infested streets of Bangkok, go on vacations to the various places in Uttarakhand, Kashi, Mathura, Ayodhya, Rameshwaram, Trimbakeshwar, Puri and all such places. And for fucks sake stop badmouthing ISKCON, they have done more for the preservation of Hindu values that any of us keyboard warriors have. Teach all this to your children.
II. If you can, PLEAESE ADOPT CHILDREN. Give them a life and a worthy upbringing.
III. Bhajapaa needs to do a fantastic job of making villages clean, neat and showcase worthy
IV. Nothing works like M-O-N-E-Y and hence promote Entrepreneurship and rather than be on a lifetime pursuit of employment, be job and wealth creators. Lets create a thread here where people can post their businesses, business ideas and skills you have where you can contribute to such businesses.
V. No matter what saheb did in the last 10 years, our country does indeed look like a 3rd rate shithole. I've seen better cleanliness, neatness in some cash strapped African countries and kudos to their government.
VI. Let people know that NONE of these pro dalit parties are what they show them to be. Even a casteist Brahmin will not damage the dalits like these elitist pigs have, are and continue to exploit. Take the DMK for example - For all their talk of dark-is-beautiful and Tamil prite, when looking for marriage alliances, they will only seek most exquisite of alliances to "improve their bloodline". As disgusting as it sounds, this is true. While they will use the dailts for all their dirty work as drug peddlers, party thugs, money launderers, they are not allowed anywhere near the DMK family, basically treated s untouchables. It is sad and ironic to see these DMK fanatics being treated as such while salivating at the dravidian ideology.
V. From the various podcasts where "Dalit" leaders were invited, there is always an undercurrent of some kind of "revolution", which basically translates to an armed uprising and genocide of Brahmins. The bhimtas online jerk off to such bravado by their leaders, not knowing that this is exactly what transpired in all the non-islamist/khalistani insurgencies in India. While the champions of the Dalits and their children are BLMming and churning out insipid literature in cozy settings in the west, the oppressed class is who picked up arms for them lives far far worse off than they were OR would have been, if they had not taken up the idea of "the revolution"
VI. Ambedkar in my idea was a genius and his life is a landmark event in modern India that saw class differences, but he is not a genius without flaws in his thinking. Lets be honest about him. Moreover, these "dalit" leaders never expound the caustic opinions Ambedkar had about the abrahamic faiths.
VII. Publish, disseminate and spread out among the rural audiences in UP, Bihar, Maharashtra & TN the falsehoods these bhimta leaders have been publishing in the name of Ambedkar. Inculcate a strong capitalist mindset among the poor. THIS IS THE ONLY COURSE OF ACTION THAT CAN SAVE THE NATION !!!!
VIII. This may seem like an oddball, but we need to find out and help people from the north east who are the descendants of the lost tribes of ancient Israel. Back in the first UPA term, Israeli scientists had done some genetic study in the north east and identified certain tribal groups as being descendants of the lost Israelis, but this was abruptly culled by the UPA sarkar.
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As i said BJP needs Prashant kishore in their side to dominate SM.

Prashant Kishore is a nobody in larger scheme of things! Every dominant social media platform is either owned by an American company or Chinese in case of tiktok. These guys have a vested interest in ensuring weak, pusillanimous, anti-indic governments in India, because it will speed up the process of breaking India. Unless the government finds a way to ban all social media platforms, and create and nurture local ones it wouldn't matter who is managing BJP's social media strategy.
I'm just re-hashing some key developments from 2024..

1. The DMK failed actor exhorts the ending of Sanatana Dharma
2. The same garbage in his tirade called our way of life, our culture a disease that needs to be eradicated
3. 2G profiteer A. Raja pops his head to spew some more vitriol against Hinduism
4. Fast forward to post elections, a girl taking a few snaps doing yoga is threatened for being an andha-bhagatha from mudi-da-gujarathu
5. Further on to the first sessions of the newly elected lok & rajya sabha, a couple of MPs ask for the removal of the Sengol. They are further supported by eminent gynecologist Misa Bharti and other INDI alliance MPs.
6. Manda Buddhi declares that Hindus are violent and liars
7. Islamic state of Bengal reveals its sharia court proceedings

All these events have taken place within a span of less than a year !!!! Here is my take on these events:
a. BJP ecosystem has FAILED to stand up to its its expectations
b. While the feckless dimwits of Ashoka university had the gall to conduct a pro-palestine protest, we the dindus, are scampering around like headless chickens hoping saheb and jaaanakya do something about this Hindu hate
c. The north Indian left has abandoned their traditional CPI parties and their entire intellectual & muscle power base has spread out in the dalit/bhim circles, the congress party, TMC and AAP. Hence, these entities, though different, are actually behaving like one organism. This is the biggest worrisome development that was a few years in the making.
d. If bhajapa eye-tee cell is listening, please do not do anything, you will only fukk up and make matters worse for the rest of the country. You are a bunch of insipid idiots who fight the next century's war with the previous century's weapons. I bet they still use IE6 to browse the internet.
e. The jackassery that is the atheisht movement is almost entirely composed of leftists and they are successfully weaning many Hindu youngsters away from their culture, which would be fine, except that these youngsters are taught to hate and despise Hinduism and its followers.
f. If Prashant Kishore is to be believed, and I think he is right, BJP is only guaranteed of a 30% Hindu vote share.

Below are some thoughts on how we can probably, if we are lucky, maybe stem the shitshow coming our way:
I. ** THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT POINT ** Hindus need to strengthen our institutions. Go to your local temples regularly. Meet and talk to fellow Hindus who visit the temple. Talk to the pujaris and instead of donating in the hundi, donate to them directly. Rather than visit the ladyboy infested streets of Bangkok, go on vacations to the various places in Uttarakhand, Kashi, Mathura, Ayodhya, Rameshwaram, Trimbakeshwar, Puri and all such places. And for fucks sake stop badmouthing ISKCON, they have done more for the preservation of Hindu values that any of us keyboard warriors have. Teach all this to your children.
II. If you can, PLEAESE ADOPT CHILDREN. Give them a life and a worthy upbringing.
III. Bhajapaa needs to do a fantastic job of making villages clean, neat and showcase worthy
IV. Nothing works like M-O-N-E-Y and hence promote Entrepreneurship and rather than be on a lifetime pursuit of employment, be job and wealth creators. Lets create a thread here where people can post their businesses, business ideas and skills you have where you can contribute to such businesses.
V. No matter what saheb did in the last 10 years, our country does indeed look like a 3rd rate shithole. I've seen better cleanliness, neatness in some cash strapped African countries and kudos to their government.
VI. Let people know that NONE of these pro dalit parties are what they show them to be. Even a casteist Brahmin will not damage the dalits like these elitist pigs have, are and continue to exploit. Take the DMK for example - For all their talk of dark-is-beautiful and Tamil prite, when looking for marriage alliances, they will only seek most exquisite of alliances to "improve their bloodline". As disgusting as it sounds, this is true. While they will use the dailts for all their dirty work as drug peddlers, party thugs, money launderers, they are not allowed anywhere near the DMK family, basically treated s untouchables. It is sad and ironic to see these DMK fanatics being treated as such while salivating at the dravidian ideology.
V. From the various podcasts where "Dalit" leaders were invited, there is always an undercurrent of some kind of "revolution", which basically translates to an armed uprising and genocide of Brahmins. The bhimtas online jerk off to such bravado by their leaders, not knowing that this is exactly what transpired in all the non-islamist/khalistani insurgencies in India. While the champions of the Dalits and their children are BLMming and churning out insipid literature in cozy settings in the west, the oppressed class is who picked up arms for them lives far far worse off than they were OR would have been, if they had not taken up the idea of "the revolution"
VI. Ambedkar in my idea was a genius and his life is a landmark event in modern India that saw class differences, but he is not a genius without flaws in his thinking. Lets be honest about him. Moreover, these "dalit" leaders never expound the caustic opinions Ambedkar had about the abrahamic faiths.
VII. Publish, disseminate and spread out among the rural audiences in UP, Bihar, Maharashtra & TN the falsehoods these bhimta leaders have been publishing in the name of Ambedkar. Inculcate a strong capitalist mindset among the poor. THIS IS THE ONLY COURSE OF ACTION THAT CAN SAVE THE NATION !!!!
VIII. This may seem like an oddball, but we need to find out and help people from the north east who are the descendants of the lost tribes of ancient Israel. Back in the first UPA term, Israeli scientists had done some genetic study in the north east and identified certain tribal groups as being descendants of the lost Israelis, but this was abruptly culled by the UPA sarkar.

... and it begins... up until now the enemy of secular-e-jaam was just the BJP and mudi, after the election drubbing of BJP, these shit pieces are emboldened and they are casting their net to include EVERYONE WHO VOTED FOR BJP as the enemy of the people. Many bhimtas, lefties and opposition parties will now carry this forward till it becomes a "fact" and then even a moderately bad performance in an election will become a death knell for the Hindu side.

As i said BJP needs Prashant kishore in their side to dominate SM.
PK is very insightful.... he, however, is another Nitish in the making. The moment you dare to mark him as kingmaker, he will flip around to the highest bidder.
Prashant Kishore is a nobody in larger scheme of things! Every dominant social media platform is either owned by an American company or Chinese in case of tiktok. These guys have a vested interest in ensuring weak, pusillanimous, anti-indic governments in India, because it will speed up the process of breaking India. Unless the government finds a way to ban all social media platforms, and create and nurture local ones it wouldn't matter who is managing BJP's social media strategy.
I am confused over BJP’s attitude. Whether there is lack of capacity due to incompetent and clueless people or something else. Though It’s easier said than done.
Why doesn’t GOI makes some commision and start comprehension study on aliens and SM spreading fake narratives ,fake news and interference in domestic matters than go from there either banning it or fining it but it doesn’t do it even though it is costing them.
Amount of people in India who keeps watching and consuming these SM is huge and all are being brainwashed one way or other .
It would been good if we would have learn something from china and when we are so called “expert” on IT and developed full ecosystem in 10-15 yrs ago but it’s never too late .
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I am confused over BJP’s attitude. Whether there is lack of capacity due to incompetent and clueless people or something else. Though It’s easier said than done.
Why doesn’t GOI makes some commision and start comprehension study on aliens and SM spreading fake narratives ,fake news and interference in domestic matters than go from there either banning it or fining it but it doesn’t do it even though it is costing them.
Amount of people in India who keeps watching and consuming these SM is huge and all are being brainwashed one way or other .
It would been good if we would have learn something from china and when we are so called “expert” on IT and developed full ecosystem in 10-15 yrs ago but it’s never too late .
I don't think half pant wearing uncles meeting once in 10 days have ability to understand such things
I am confused over BJP’s attitude. Whether there is lack of capacity due to incompetent and clueless people or something else. Though It’s easier said than done.
Why doesn’t GOI makes some commision and start comprehension study on aliens and SM spreading fake narratives ,fake news and interference in domestic matters than go from there either banning it or fining it but it doesn’t do it even though it is costing them.
Amount of people in India who keeps watching and consuming these SM is huge and all are being brainwashed one way or other .
It would been good if we would have learn something from china and when we are so called “expert” on IT and developed full ecosystem in 10-15 yrs ago but it’s never too late .

Modi is the reason why BJP grew as large as it did, and Modi himself will be the reason for its downfall. BJP is increasingly behaving like UPA, where ground leaders are mere puppets without voice who exist solely to praise supreme leader. IT Cell in its current state exists just to praise Modi and make sigma edits and owns. I think Modi has taken all the articles of him being a dictator to heart, so he is increasingly doing nothing to counter the ecosystem. Only a high ranking leader close to Modi can correct this course by knocking some sense into him.
Modi is the reason why BJP grew as large as it did, and Modi himself will be the reason for its downfall. BJP is increasingly behaving like UPA, where ground leaders are mere puppets without voice who exist solely to praise supreme leader. IT Cell in its current state exists just to praise Modi and make sigma edits and owns. I think Modi has taken all the articles of him being a dictator to heart, so he is increasingly doing nothing to counter the ecosystem. Only a high ranking leader close to Modi can correct this course by knocking some sense into him.
But it’s their own “everything” on the line .if they loose power the thing coming after them will be unprecedented.
It their own self interest to preserve them,No?
Should’nt simple fear work here? Or BJP have their collective neck in sand like Dhindus and kaste kangers.
Only way to break Elite Bhimta cabal is to bring creamy layer in their reservation. It will expose their elitist leech mindset, it can attract those SCST who were deprived of reservation thanks to these elite leeches.

Even if these Elite Bhimz succeed in fooling their votebank, BJP has nothing to lose. It might even increase slight goodwill among UC/OBC without giving them anything .
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... exactly as predicted by JSD the cross pollination between the memes and bemes, portraying the rest of the Hindus draconic starts...
View attachment 922
A lot of people & parties have attempted this unity only to encounter failure beginning with Mayawati. Her latest statement on not giving tickets to Muslims is a case in point & she's been at it for more than 3 decades.

Owaisi has attempted this in his own way only to encounter mixed results & eventually failure. Now this joker is attempting it .

Ironically the only person who's succeeded is Begum but then again caste consciousness in West Bangladesh isn't very high or a major consideration in polls.

This is essentially a forced unity between diametrically opposite groups with little in common. Infact the bone of contention has always been this - who gets to lead this coalition of the damned . It all started nearly a century ago with Jogendranath Mandal & his pledge of allegiance to the Muslim League under Jinnah. We know how that one ended.
A lot of people & parties have attempted this unity only to encounter failure beginning with Mayawati. Her latest statement on not giving tickets to Muslims is a case in point & she's been at it for more than 3 decades.

Owaisi has attempted this in his own way only to encounter mixed results & eventually failure. Now this joker is attempting it .

Ironically the only person who's succeeded is Begum but then again caste consciousness in West Bangladesh isn't very high or a major consideration in polls.

This is essentially a forced unity between diametrically opposite groups with little in common. Infact the bone of contention has always been this - who gets to lead this coalition of the damned . It all started nearly a century ago with Jogendranath Mandal & his pledge of allegiance to the Muslim League under Jinnah. We know how that one ended.
No, dont get me wrong. I too know it is bound for failure, eventually the dalits/bahujans would wish they were back in Hinduism's fold just like the people who lingered too long in pakistan and bangladesh.

The problem is, before this eventuality the left, through the medium of this BhimArmyChief, would drive out any kind of mandate for BJP. Like he was an effective tool against the vocal Hindus during shaheen baug, he will again be weaponized to cleave any kind of Hindu unity or even any kind of governance or development.

This lundfakir is nothing but another Hardik Patel with higher potency and lasted longer than Hardik Patel.
No, dont get me wrong. I too know it is bound for failure, eventually the dalits/bahujans would wish they were back in Hinduism's fold just like the people who lingered too long in pakistan and bangladesh.

The problem is, before this eventuality the left, through the medium of this BhimArmyChief, would drive out any kind of mandate for BJP. Like he was an effective tool against the vocal Hindus during shaheen baug, he will again be weaponized to cleave any kind of Hindu unity or even any kind of governance or development.

This lundfakir is nothing but another Hardik Patel with higher potency and lasted longer than Hardik Patel.
For that to happen he's to first set up an organisation which will eventually kill the BSP. Whatever it is he wishes to accomplish can't be done with the BSP around. Both parties are aware of this phenomenon.

I recall in one of the first interviews he gave to the media on being elected he's praised the BSP especially Kanshiram & also grudgingly paid tributes to Mayawati & her struggle eventually brazenly suggesting that she had nothing to offer anymore & that she ought to retire from politics.

Now BSP had the organisational support of the various SC / ST unions in PSUs & a political front called DS4 to get it to the heights it once enjoyed . This thug has yet to show his organisational chops. Of course having said that , it'd be his next move .

I don't deny the enormous nuisance value he has the potential to cause but there's only this much an individual can accomplish without a dedicated party & cadre .
BEWARE| I’m hearing India’s intelligence agencies have been supplied with recorded conversations of 17
@YouTubeIndia employees in India who explicitly wrote & spoke instructions on how to shadow ban any neutral coverage & promote anti @narendramodi trash.Its a criminal offence to influence polls & I have been told investigation have begun

I have been told these employees include 5 females & 12 males & are from Mumbai, Kerala & West Bengal. These employees are suspected to have altered YT algorithm, slap indiscriminate & aribtary bans on 93 journalists & 42 channels who reported neutrally on BJP this election.

India has to make @YouTubeIndia & its employees accountable for the dirty job if they have done to either manipulate elections in India by amplifying their reach or by stalling others. It’s a clear case of criminal conspiracy under 127A, 120 B & 171B/R bribery charges of IPC.

BEWARE| I’m hearing India’s intelligence agencies have been supplied with recorded conversations of 17
@YouTubeIndia employees in India who explicitly wrote & spoke instructions on how to shadow ban any neutral coverage & promote anti @narendramodi trash.Its a criminal offence to influence polls & I have been told investigation have begun

I have been told these employees include 5 females & 12 males & are from Mumbai, Kerala & West Bengal. These employees are suspected to have altered YT algorithm, slap indiscriminate & aribtary bans on 93 journalists & 42 channels who reported neutrally on BJP this election.

India has to make @YouTubeIndia & its employees accountable for the dirty job if they have done to either manipulate elections in India by amplifying their reach or by stalling others. It’s a clear case of criminal conspiracy under 127A, 120 B & 171B/R bribery charges of IPC.

Highly doubt our supreme leader or crooked Amit Shah will do anything about it. They will wait for 5 years, then Amit Shah will wake up from sleep just 1 month before 2029 elections and announces the BS they have evidence now to prosecute them.
Highly doubt our supreme leader or crooked Amit Shah will do anything about it. They will wait for 5 years, then Amit Shah will wake up from sleep just 1 month before 2029 elections and announces the BS they have evidence now to prosecute them.
even a sitting U.S president couldn't escape SM algorithms of companies within his jurisdiction. this is a global issue, beyond the capacity and capability of individual governments.

unless more complainants join and turn this case into a class action lawsuit, unlikely that this case will have a major irreversible impact.
Highly doubt our supreme leader or crooked Amit Shah will do anything about it. They will wait for 5 years, then Amit Shah will wake up from sleep just 1 month before 2029 elections and announces the BS they have evidence now to prosecute them.

This is the condition of domestic sm companies
Any sane country or govt would have promoted it and help it spread
In today's world if u can't shape propaganda and narrative in ur favour u are finished

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