Indian Politics and Democracy

I just saw the news that Pappu and Pappi reached Wayanad and immediately gave statement that it's as painful as their father's death.

That family always finds a way to make everything about themselves. Always.

This guy has been MP of that place, never did anything, hardly visited the place and yet the muslims of that place elected him.

A man made disaster, this one is squarely on the people.
The stupid ones elected a retard due to their religion and this is the result.
First, why not scrap the entire system of UPSC? UPSC is a colonial system meant to control Indians. It's purpose was never to serve Indians or India. It is the most illogical and ridiculous system which exists in this country. The candidates mug up facts which runs into some 10,000 pages and vomit them on an answer sheet. And the candidates who top the exam are inducted into the system who not only frame policy, but also get involved in Urban affairs, foreign affairs, and even in defense related issues even though they might not be having scant idea about these domains.

What purpose have these candidates have served to the country? Are our cities clean, well planned, habitable? Bloody heck there is no concept of urban planning in our country. Every politician relies on these morons to run the system and the country. These bureaucrats use this opportunity to fatten their purse rather than serving the society they have been appointed for.

  • This country needs urban planners who can make our cities habitable and make them top the charts when it comes to standard of living.
  • This country needs water engineers who can plan giving access to water for everyone and make sure we are a water surplus country. Water is the source of life and we are going to learn a hard lesson if we don't focus on it now.
  • This country needs diplomats who are well versed in foreign languages and have knowledge of the country they want to serve in their respective host countries.
  • This country needs Scientists who can make India self reliant in our defense needs and also someone who understands defense technologies who can spot our deficiency in defense preparedness relative to our threats.
  • This country needs Agricultural scientists who can increase the yield of our crops and make sure our soil is in good condition and also we are food surplus.
  • This country needs someone who can understand how to make our school system from LKG to 12the grade better and top notch. School system will lay a strong foundation for our country.
  • This country needs civil Engineers who can maintain our highways, airports, ports, and railways.
  • This country needs environmental engineers who can maintain our precious forests and biodiversity.
  • This country needs quality health care professionals who care about food safety and make sure everyone has access to healthcare.
I can go on. You can argue we have all those professionals in our country but they are not there in government. Nearly every post is filled up by these incompetent bureaucrats just because they passed an exam. Every department requires specialists. However, in our country most of these departments are manned by UPSC folks. And you wonder why India is slow in everything.
We know the reality of UPSC system and its Colonial legacy. But it is not something which can happen currently.

Even modification or changes to the system does not seems possible right now!
Kanglus are pulling off what Pakis can only dream of, Gazwa-e-Hind. In Pakur of Jharkhand, they're trapping poor and tribal Hindu girls, marrying them, converting them, and then stay in their in-laws' houses as "jamai" before taking over their properties.

Town that was once tribal-dominated is now Muslim-majority areas, now called Jamai Tola.

Just imagine the level of infiltration in Assam, WB, Jharkhand, Bihar, Meghalaya, Telangana, and J&K. They're breeding like rabbits and changing the demography.

Kanglus are pulling off what Pakis can only dream of, Gazwa-e-Hind. In Pakur of Jharkhand, they're trapping poor and tribal Hindu girls, marrying them, converting them, and then stay in their in-laws' houses as "jamai" before taking over their properties.

Town that was once tribal-dominated is now Muslim-majority areas, now called Jamai Tola.

Just imagine the level of infiltration in Assam, WB, Jharkhand, Bihar, Meghalaya, Telangana, and J&K. They're breeding like rabbits and changing the demography.

Pakur district is already 35% M and borders West Bengal.

Anyone with a working brain can see what's going to happen in next 25-50 years here.

VishwaCoolie will continue to sleepwalk though.

VishwaCoolie will continue to sleepwalk though.

View attachment 5059
But people get upset when Vishwaguru is mentioned. My simple outcry is, when you've been the king of the country for ten damn years, why didn't you crack down on these elements.

Hindus are stuck in an even worse situation. Hridya Samrat didn’t do enough for them. The mlecchas and opposition believe he's done too much for Hindus. Now, once Bhajpa is gone, they'll come at us even harder.
But people get upset when Vishwaguru is mentioned. My simple outcry is, when you've been the king of the country for ten damn years, why didn't you crack down on these elements.

Hindus are stuck in an even worse situation. Hridya Samrat didn’t do enough for them. The mlecchas and opposition believe he's done too much for Hindus. Now, once Bhajpa is gone, they'll come at us even harder.
REDACTED is going full minority appeasement mode in his 3rd term,trying to do "Sabka Sath Sabka Vikas"🤡.

Mod Warning: Refrain from using abusive words and maligning good words
Rajnath urged to stop export of arms and ammunition to Israel

The letter is signed by former Supreme Court judges Ruma Pal, B. Sudarshan Reddy, and S.N. Variava, former Madras high court K. Chandru, former Chief Information Commissioner Wajahat Habibullah, retired IFS officers Deb Mukherji and Ashok Sharma, retired IAS officers Meena Gupta and EAS Sarma, former Lalit Kala Akademi chairperson Ashok Vajpeyi, author Arundhati Roy, musician T.M. Krishna, CPIM leader Brinda Karat, psephologist Yogendra Yadav, senior advocate Chander Uday Singh, advocates Prashant Bhushan, R. Vaigai, and Mihir Desai, activists Harsh Mander, Aruna Roy, Nikhil Dey, Anjali Bhardwaj, Kavita Srivastava and Vijayan MJ, and development economist Jean Dreze.
But people get upset when Vishwaguru is mentioned. My simple outcry is, when you've been the king of the country for ten damn years, why didn't you crack down on these elements.

Hindus are stuck in an even worse situation. Hridya Samrat didn’t do enough for them. The mlecchas and opposition believe he's done too much for Hindus. Now, once Bhajpa is gone, they'll come at us even harder.

Bangladesh as a country should've never existed. That area should've been thoroughly 'cleaned' out and sanitized in 1947 itself. We have foregone the revolution/civil war phase of the nation building exercise, and now we're suffering.
Bangladesh as a country should've never existed. That area should've been thoroughly 'cleaned' out and sanitized in 1947 itself. We have foregone the revolution/civil war phase of the nation building exercise, and now we're suffering.

Gandhi and Nehru were the biggest moles in the last century. I don't know what the heck is out there after death. If there is something out there, I hope both these mofos are burning in hell every single day.
Gandhi and Nehru were the biggest moles in the last century. I don't know what the heck is out there after death. If there is something out there, I hope both these mofos are burning in hell every single day.

There was time when I used defend beloved Gandhi ji during debate in school/Coaching centre/College.

When I realised that I am wrong and misguided. I started hating Gl0b0h0m0s Liberandu-sickulars.

I feels absolute utterly shame when I remember those arguments today.
There was time when I used defend beloved Gandhi ji during debate in school/Coaching centre/College.

When I realised that I am wrong and misguided. I started hating Gl0b0h0m0s Liberandu-sickulars.

I feels absolute utterly shame when I remember those arguments today.
I was not that misguided, our teachers used to tell us that Gandhi, Nehru were utterly incompetent and womaniser type of individuals. Nehru wasn't that brilliant kind of a guy, he was just a gora Boot licker , he didn't even have an iota of idea what does nation building means.
Bangladesh as a country should've never existed. That area should've been thoroughly 'cleaned' out and sanitized in 1947 itself. We have foregone the revolution/civil war phase of the nation building exercise, and now we're suffering.
Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Maldives. In reality, none of them should have been allowed to attain independent country status. Any major nation of our size and population would have never tolerated such small neighbors as sovereign states.

Bhutan, given its unique culture and tradition, could have been granted protected state status similar to early Sikkim, but allowing it to remain an independent country was a strategic oversight.

We’ve always portrayed ourselves as a peace-loving nation throughout the last century. Now, the new propaganda is being preached that it's "not an era of war".

Not sure what our old man is up to, but looking at how Germany, a war-torn country, rebuilt itself in just 15-20 years after WWI is remarkable. We needed that kind of administrative and political planning over the past decade to protect Hindu interests for a long long time.
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Bangladesh as a country should've never existed. That area should've been thoroughly 'cleaned' out and sanitized in 1947 itself. We have foregone the revolution/civil war phase of the nation building exercise, and now we're suffering.
Very man child like statement.
Ethnic cleansing was not possible even back in 1947, not to the extent where you dent more than 1% of the population.

Our problems were geographical.

Just two or even one proper geographical blunder if solved back than, we could leave a easier life.


If only chicken neck or a port connection could be established than we could have lived a easier life.

Bangaldesh could be totally ignored if this was the case.
Very man child like statement.
Ethnic cleansing was not possible even back in 1947, not to the extent where you dent more than 1% of the population.

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What exactly is man child in that? Every serious socially stable country today went through a revolution/ civil war/ or mass ethnic cleansing. It has happened throughout history in Europe, Americas, China and elsewhere. You don't achieve social stability with extreme religious and cultural heterogeneity like India. It's a recipe for long term disaster. Indian establishment and leaders have always chickened out on taking hard decisions.

Our problems were geographical.

Just two or even one proper geographical blunder if solved back than, we could leave a easier life.

Agree with that, though It's not just one or two. Barring the border with China, none of the borders we have are defensible in the long term.

If only chicken neck or a port connection could be established than we could have lived a easier life.

Bangaldesh could be totally ignored if this was the case.

Easier economically maybe, but how exactly would that stop the infiltration problem?
Gandhi and Nehru were the biggest moles in the last century. I don't know what the heck is out there after death. If there is something out there, I hope both these mofos are burning in hell every single day.

As a bong, we are Bose worshippers, so we've never liked Nehru and gandhi. However, the narrative in Bengal is/was 'Gandhi and Nehru cut Bose out of the equation coz he was thornier/more embarassing for the British, inorder to gain political glory and power themselves in new independent India'. It hasnt been ' Nehru & Gandhi are moles/traitors etc'.

Then, about 20 years ago, i met a Russian dude in Canada ( highly educated, fellow was graduate from MSU). He pointed out to me that Gandhi and Nehru were obviously treasonous collaborators with the Brits- which shocked me, especially since this dude was a commie himself and most commie russians LOVE the socialism of Gandhi-Nehru.
Taken aback, i asked for an explanation and what came back was so succinct and simple it blew my mind.

He said ' well, i dont know much about the details of Indian history. Just your independence day, colonisation era and the rebellion that failed(1857). But i do know this - Gandhi and Nehru are LOVED by the British. Ask yourself- why would your enemy, that you are fighting for freedom, an enemy that is a world power (britain still had a fleet of 250+ capital ships at end of WW2, which ended up being less than 50 by 1985), who's world power will be shaken by your freedom, love the leaders who lead you to freedom ? Do the British love George Washington as much - one of their own kindred, who's brothers went to England for education ?'

And this one line changed my whole perspective.

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