Indian Politics and Democracy

BJP should focus on wining the elections not the hearts of Yadav Jatav and Mulahh. These people know very well BJP is not going to change anything still they prefer lies and propaganda.

Miserable performance of BJP in 2024 election was due to giving free hand to propagandist and sucking up to Yadav, Jatav and Pasmanda.

In return, BJP core voter feels disheartened which results in low Pro-BJP voting and excess anti-BJP voting.

BJP lost an election in MP due to Draconian SC-ST act. None of pro-BJP happy with this act but still BJP sucked for Jatavs.

Now after this master stroke, Valmiki, Dhobi, Kumhar, Teli, Khangar and many more castes will not for BJP.

BJP just committed suicide. Just see in next state election. BJP will lose squarely.
8 months before Karnataka election, I'd posted that BJP has lost the support of the middle class in the state, which combined with the outsized weight the class carries in influencing opinion across the state alongside the feeling of resentment across multiple castes, would take BJP down comprehensively.

Today I think we have roughly reached the state where BJP has lost its previously impregnable bastion across the entire country.

To set the context of how monumental this is, this did not happen even with the drubbing in 2009 elections. Practically, This was unthinkable even 3 months back. Right wing independent reporters and political analysts will pick this story up over the course of the next 6-12 months as the trends crystalize. By then there will be no way to reverse course for the ruling party.

This is being led by a near evisceration of BJPs credibility across key points of middle class interest: prices, taxes, corruption, joblessness. Easiest way to judge the extent and depth of this decline is to check the levels of engagement with pro BJP messaging across whatsapp. Far fewer people are accepting BJP's stand uncritically and this posits problems. A small loyal base does still exist, but the bulk is moving away, and moving away rapidly. Another way to judge is to look at the critical commentary from business class - pretty much unheard of in the last 10 years.

This anger and disenchantment will be evident as the next phase of controversies emerge and bjp IT cell seeks out public support.

Why is this happening? As with everything, it's a mix and explanations will vary as per the biases of the person. For me, it's probably 4 told.

A. The taxes: there is seething anger against Nirmala. Visceral Hatred is probably the better word. One has to understand perception and hope matters just as much as reality and in here, she has painted herself in the same colors as the state "mafia" of the 70s and 80s, seeking to loot middle class, to prevent the growth of the same. The sheer desperation of the middle class can be judged by the extraordinary shift from FDs and safe asset classes to speculative investing. Middle class is desperate to find ways to make money that beats inflation, and is moving away from instruments that they feel no longer cover for inflationary aspects. It's sort of reaching a tinderbox status, it will take probably one or two wrong moves to set off massive protests by the middle class.

B. The loss of credibility wrt corruption. If the middle class is angry with taxes, the entire country, across class and castes, are furious with the absolute eruption of corruption cases, particularly in entrance exams. NEET, UPSC and other exams were upto this point considered bereft of corruption. Now people, for the first time, have come to realise that corruption exists even in these hallowed institutions, which often were the sole source of an escape from poverty to middle and upper middle class life. This is actually what clued me in, and I was stunned to see the near collapse of positive engagement to govt and BJP IT cell messaging. People simply weren't buying the explanations, and even staunch proponents were angry and hurt. What hurt bjp more was the hemming and hawing by the government before finally taking action. Then you have the BJP washing machine. Became pretty obvious and honestly, far too in your face that this was political expediency at its absolute worst. BJP probably would have gotten away with it if they'd kept it to a minimum necessary, but with the wholesale white washing, BJP became essentially the same as any other political party. This meant popularity and support would become more focused on whether BJP was backing up their points of interest and pov, and not on an ideology that BJP seemed to have no problem diluting for political gain.

C. The refusal of Modi to speak. In 2019, after the attack on CRPF convoy, Modi went infront of the country, and said to a wounded country, that we will hit back. That was backed up with action on ground. People misplace why this mattered so much in the election. My theory is this, in a time of national crisis, on a topic that deeply resonated with the people, The PM, understood the mood and spoke to them clearly, Directly. Over the last year this has been missing, and missing extraordinarily. Everytime a major incident has happened, NEET corruption, Manipur violence, joblessness, Modi has been nowhere, to the extent that people no longer trust him to understand their feelings, their fears and pain. This is driving Rahul Gandhi's revival as well, as with Modi, whenever the people need someone whom they can latch onto, modi didn't deliver, he was nowhere. Combined with the corruption charges, people by and large do not feel there is much difference between BJP and congress - and it dents a core point of differentiation between the two sides in the voter psyche

D. The proliferation of goons in BJP. As with any successful political party, bad elements of the society tend to gravitate towards the ruling party. As long as they stay in sidelines, people are by and large willing to tolerate and look the other way. Brij bhushan scandal might have saved one seat for BJP, but it meant they weakened their natural strong position. Even now with the Olympics, as time goes on, what people will remember is BJP supported and backed Brij over the Olympian. Quite a way to hack at your own feet.

Within opposition circles, there used to be a fear that removing BJP from power would be a colossal undertaking even in 2029. Now there is an air of anticipation. Instead of a bang, BJP's third term could very well go out with a whimper and with that, the legacy of the last 10 years. The utter timid behaviour over the past year will come to haunt BJP in the coming elections.
8 months before Karnataka election, I'd posted that BJP has lost the support of the middle class in the state, which combined with the outsized weight the class carries in influencing opinion across the state alongside the feeling of resentment across multiple castes, would take BJP down comprehensively.

Today I think we have roughly reached the state where BJP has lost its previously impregnable bastion across the entire country.

To set the context of how monumental this is, this did not happen even with the drubbing in 2009 elections. Practically, This was unthinkable even 3 months back. Right wing independent reporters and political analysts will pick this story up over the course of the next 6-12 months as the trends crystalize. By then there will be no way to reverse course for the ruling party.

This is being led by a near evisceration of BJPs credibility across key points of middle class interest: prices, taxes, corruption, joblessness. Easiest way to judge the extent and depth of this decline is to check the levels of engagement with pro BJP messaging across whatsapp. Far fewer people are accepting BJP's stand uncritically and this posits problems. A small loyal base does still exist, but the bulk is moving away, and moving away rapidly. Another way to judge is to look at the critical commentary from business class - pretty much unheard of in the last 10 years.

This anger and disenchantment will be evident as the next phase of controversies emerge and bjp IT cell seeks out public support.

Why is this happening? As with everything, it's a mix and explanations will vary as per the biases of the person. For me, it's probably 4 told.

A. The taxes: there is seething anger against Nirmala. Visceral Hatred is probably the better word. One has to understand perception and hope matters just as much as reality and in here, she has painted herself in the same colors as the state "mafia" of the 70s and 80s, seeking to loot middle class, to prevent the growth of the same. The sheer desperation of the middle class can be judged by the extraordinary shift from FDs and safe asset classes to speculative investing. Middle class is desperate to find ways to make money that beats inflation, and is moving away from instruments that they feel no longer cover for inflationary aspects. It's sort of reaching a tinderbox status, it will take probably one or two wrong moves to set off massive protests by the middle class.

B. The loss of credibility wrt corruption. If the middle class is angry with taxes, the entire country, across class and castes, are furious with the absolute eruption of corruption cases, particularly in entrance exams. NEET, UPSC and other exams were upto this point considered bereft of corruption. Now people, for the first time, have come to realise that corruption exists even in these hallowed institutions, which often were the sole source of an escape from poverty to middle and upper middle class life. This is actually what clued me in, and I was stunned to see the near collapse of positive engagement to govt and BJP IT cell messaging. People simply weren't buying the explanations, and even staunch proponents were angry and hurt. What hurt bjp more was the hemming and hawing by the government before finally taking action. Then you have the BJP washing machine. Became pretty obvious and honestly, far too in your face that this was political expediency at its absolute worst. BJP probably would have gotten away with it if they'd kept it to a minimum necessary, but with the wholesale white washing, BJP became essentially the same as any other political party. This meant popularity and support would become more focused on whether BJP was backing up their points of interest and pov, and not on an ideology that BJP seemed to have no problem diluting for political gain.

C. The refusal of Modi to speak. In 2019, after the attack on CRPF convoy, Modi went infront of the country, and said to a wounded country, that we will hit back. That was backed up with action on ground. People misplace why this mattered so much in the election. My theory is this, in a time of national crisis, on a topic that deeply resonated with the people, The PM, understood the mood and spoke to them clearly, Directly. Over the last year this has been missing, and missing extraordinarily. Everytime a major incident has happened, NEET corruption, Manipur violence, joblessness, Modi has been nowhere, to the extent that people no longer trust him to understand their feelings, their fears and pain. This is driving Rahul Gandhi's revival as well, as with Modi, whenever the people need someone whom they can latch onto, modi didn't deliver, he was nowhere. Combined with the corruption charges, people by and large do not feel there is much difference between BJP and congress - and it dents a core point of differentiation between the two sides in the voter psyche

D. The proliferation of goons in BJP. As with any successful political party, bad elements of the society tend to gravitate towards the ruling party. As long as they stay in sidelines, people are by and large willing to tolerate and look the other way. Brij bhushan scandal might have saved one seat for BJP, but it meant they weakened their natural strong position. Even now with the Olympics, as time goes on, what people will remember is BJP supported and backed Brij over the Olympian. Quite a way to hack at your own feet.

Within opposition circles, there used to be a fear that removing BJP from power would be a colossal undertaking even in 2029. Now there is an air of anticipation. Instead of a bang, BJP's third term could very well go out with a whimper and with that, the legacy of the last 10 years. The utter timid behaviour over the past year will come to haunt BJP in the coming elections.
Well nothing will teach the Middle-Class a lesson than shooting themselves in foot by electing Congress. Its gonna become a cyclic thing. Middle Class elects BJP and becomes too delusional thinking that congress can make things better. Then Congress comes and everything goes to gutter. Then they will again elect BJP who will then clean up mess by Congress. Amnesia of Past, Short Term Greediness, "What I would get of Infrastructure?" are 3 innate magic skills of Hindu Middle Class.
8 months before Karnataka election, I'd posted that BJP has lost the support of the middle class in the state, which combined with the outsized weight the class carries in influencing opinion across the state alongside the feeling of resentment across multiple castes, would take BJP down comprehensively.

Today I think we have roughly reached the state where BJP has lost its previously impregnable bastion across the entire country.

To set the context of how monumental this is, this did not happen even with the drubbing in 2009 elections. Practically, This was unthinkable even 3 months back. Right wing independent reporters and political analysts will pick this story up over the course of the next 6-12 months as the trends crystalize. By then there will be no way to reverse course for the ruling party.

This is being led by a near evisceration of BJPs credibility across key points of middle class interest: prices, taxes, corruption, joblessness. Easiest way to judge the extent and depth of this decline is to check the levels of engagement with pro BJP messaging across whatsapp. Far fewer people are accepting BJP's stand uncritically and this posits problems. A small loyal base does still exist, but the bulk is moving away, and moving away rapidly. Another way to judge is to look at the critical commentary from business class - pretty much unheard of in the last 10 years.

This anger and disenchantment will be evident as the next phase of controversies emerge and bjp IT cell seeks out public support.

Why is this happening? As with everything, it's a mix and explanations will vary as per the biases of the person. For me, it's probably 4 told.

A. The taxes: there is seething anger against Nirmala. Visceral Hatred is probably the better word. One has to understand perception and hope matters just as much as reality and in here, she has painted herself in the same colors as the state "mafia" of the 70s and 80s, seeking to loot middle class, to prevent the growth of the same. The sheer desperation of the middle class can be judged by the extraordinary shift from FDs and safe asset classes to speculative investing. Middle class is desperate to find ways to make money that beats inflation, and is moving away from instruments that they feel no longer cover for inflationary aspects. It's sort of reaching a tinderbox status, it will take probably one or two wrong moves to set off massive protests by the middle class.

B. The loss of credibility wrt corruption. If the middle class is angry with taxes, the entire country, across class and castes, are furious with the absolute eruption of corruption cases, particularly in entrance exams. NEET, UPSC and other exams were upto this point considered bereft of corruption. Now people, for the first time, have come to realise that corruption exists even in these hallowed institutions, which often were the sole source of an escape from poverty to middle and upper middle class life. This is actually what clued me in, and I was stunned to see the near collapse of positive engagement to govt and BJP IT cell messaging. People simply weren't buying the explanations, and even staunch proponents were angry and hurt. What hurt bjp more was the hemming and hawing by the government before finally taking action. Then you have the BJP washing machine. Became pretty obvious and honestly, far too in your face that this was political expediency at its absolute worst. BJP probably would have gotten away with it if they'd kept it to a minimum necessary, but with the wholesale white washing, BJP became essentially the same as any other political party. This meant popularity and support would become more focused on whether BJP was backing up their points of interest and pov, and not on an ideology that BJP seemed to have no problem diluting for political gain.

C. The refusal of Modi to speak. In 2019, after the attack on CRPF convoy, Modi went infront of the country, and said to a wounded country, that we will hit back. That was backed up with action on ground. People misplace why this mattered so much in the election. My theory is this, in a time of national crisis, on a topic that deeply resonated with the people, The PM, understood the mood and spoke to them clearly, Directly. Over the last year this has been missing, and missing extraordinarily. Everytime a major incident has happened, NEET corruption, Manipur violence, joblessness, Modi has been nowhere, to the extent that people no longer trust him to understand their feelings, their fears and pain. This is driving Rahul Gandhi's revival as well, as with Modi, whenever the people need someone whom they can latch onto, modi didn't deliver, he was nowhere. Combined with the corruption charges, people by and large do not feel there is much difference between BJP and congress - and it dents a core point of differentiation between the two sides in the voter psyche

D. The proliferation of goons in BJP. As with any successful political party, bad elements of the society tend to gravitate towards the ruling party. As long as they stay in sidelines, people are by and large willing to tolerate and look the other way. Brij bhushan scandal might have saved one seat for BJP, but it meant they weakened their natural strong position. Even now with the Olympics, as time goes on, what people will remember is BJP supported and backed Brij over the Olympian. Quite a way to hack at your own feet.

Within opposition circles, there used to be a fear that removing BJP from power would be a colossal undertaking even in 2029. Now there is an air of anticipation. Instead of a bang, BJP's third term could very well go out with a whimper and with that, the legacy of the last 10 years. The utter timid behaviour over the past year will come to haunt BJP in the coming elections.
Yeah story of Hindus, pair Pai khulhadi marna since eternity, Congress bahut Bala karegi like it did in Karnataka by increasing taxes and also congress is corruption free. Dhindus keep taking beating one after another like Bangladesh. No unity ,no shatru bodh ,no empathy with fellow Hindus but ego is so big that keep inviting oppressor ourself. Lage raho dhindyo. Well we get what we deserve after all.
Well nothing will teach the Middle-Class a lesson than shooting themselves in foot by electing Congress. Its gonna become a cyclic thing. Middle Class elects BJP and becomes too delusional thinking that congress can make things better. Then Congress comes and everything goes to gutter. Then they will again elect BJP who will then clean up mess by Congress. Amnesia of Past, Short Term Greediness, "What I would get of Infrastructure?" are 3 innate magic skills of Hindu Middle Class.
BJP should also stop contesting election on basis of Vikas becoz dhindus are inherently selfish, ,no unity ,no vision and quite literally pathetic with no capability to self-introspection.what they need is Mao.

Dhindus keep dying,raped ,converted on daily basis and still they behave like this then nature will take its due course.
Brij bhushan scandal might have saved one seat for BJP, but it meant they weakened their natural strong position. Even now with the Olympics, as time goes on, what people will remember is BJP supported and backed Brij over the Olympian. Quite a way to hack at your own feet.
So if a woman accuses someone, we should consider it a gospel truth that she was sexually harassed... What is the proof that she was sexually harassed ? Is it possible to prove her accusations ? Or should we accept and allow thugs to hijack the system in the name of farmers' politics and wrestler's dharna ? If she was sexually harassed, then why did she wait for so long ?
The integrity of SEBI, the securities regulator entrusted with safeguarding the wealth of small retail investors, has been gravely compromised by the allegations against its Chairperson.
Honest investors across the country have pressing questions for the government:
  • Why hasn’t SEBI Chairperson Madhabi Puri Buch resigned yet?
  • If investors lose their hard-earned money, who will be held accountable—PM Modi, the SEBI Chairperson, or Gautam Adani?
  • In light of the new and very serious allegations that have surfaced, will the Supreme Court look into this matter suo moto once again?
It is now abundantly clear why Prime Minister Modi is so afraid of a JPC probe and what it might reveal.

8 months before Karnataka election, I'd posted that BJP has lost the support of the middle class in the state, which combined with the outsized weight the class carries in influencing opinion across the state alongside the feeling of resentment across multiple castes, would take BJP down comprehensively.

Today I think we have roughly reached the state where BJP has lost its previously impregnable bastion across the entire country.

To set the context of how monumental this is, this did not happen even with the drubbing in 2009 elections. Practically, This was unthinkable even 3 months back. Right wing independent reporters and political analysts will pick this story up over the course of the next 6-12 months as the trends crystalize. By then there will be no way to reverse course for the ruling party.

This is being led by a near evisceration of BJPs credibility across key points of middle class interest: prices, taxes, corruption, joblessness. Easiest way to judge the extent and depth of this decline is to check the levels of engagement with pro BJP messaging across whatsapp. Far fewer people are accepting BJP's stand uncritically and this posits problems. A small loyal base does still exist, but the bulk is moving away, and moving away rapidly. Another way to judge is to look at the critical commentary from business class - pretty much unheard of in the last 10 years.

This anger and disenchantment will be evident as the next phase of controversies emerge and bjp IT cell seeks out public support.

Why is this happening? As with everything, it's a mix and explanations will vary as per the biases of the person. For me, it's probably 4 told.

A. The taxes: there is seething anger against Nirmala. Visceral Hatred is probably the better word. One has to understand perception and hope matters just as much as reality and in here, she has painted herself in the same colors as the state "mafia" of the 70s and 80s, seeking to loot middle class, to prevent the growth of the same. The sheer desperation of the middle class can be judged by the extraordinary shift from FDs and safe asset classes to speculative investing. Middle class is desperate to find ways to make money that beats inflation, and is moving away from instruments that they feel no longer cover for inflationary aspects. It's sort of reaching a tinderbox status, it will take probably one or two wrong moves to set off massive protests by the middle class.

B. The loss of credibility wrt corruption. If the middle class is angry with taxes, the entire country, across class and castes, are furious with the absolute eruption of corruption cases, particularly in entrance exams. NEET, UPSC and other exams were upto this point considered bereft of corruption. Now people, for the first time, have come to realise that corruption exists even in these hallowed institutions, which often were the sole source of an escape from poverty to middle and upper middle class life. This is actually what clued me in, and I was stunned to see the near collapse of positive engagement to govt and BJP IT cell messaging. People simply weren't buying the explanations, and even staunch proponents were angry and hurt. What hurt bjp more was the hemming and hawing by the government before finally taking action. Then you have the BJP washing machine. Became pretty obvious and honestly, far too in your face that this was political expediency at its absolute worst. BJP probably would have gotten away with it if they'd kept it to a minimum necessary, but with the wholesale white washing, BJP became essentially the same as any other political party. This meant popularity and support would become more focused on whether BJP was backing up their points of interest and pov, and not on an ideology that BJP seemed to have no problem diluting for political gain.

C. The refusal of Modi to speak. In 2019, after the attack on CRPF convoy, Modi went infront of the country, and said to a wounded country, that we will hit back. That was backed up with action on ground. People misplace why this mattered so much in the election. My theory is this, in a time of national crisis, on a topic that deeply resonated with the people, The PM, understood the mood and spoke to them clearly, Directly. Over the last year this has been missing, and missing extraordinarily. Everytime a major incident has happened, NEET corruption, Manipur violence, joblessness, Modi has been nowhere, to the extent that people no longer trust him to understand their feelings, their fears and pain. This is driving Rahul Gandhi's revival as well, as with Modi, whenever the people need someone whom they can latch onto, modi didn't deliver, he was nowhere. Combined with the corruption charges, people by and large do not feel there is much difference between BJP and congress - and it dents a core point of differentiation between the two sides in the voter psyche

D. The proliferation of goons in BJP. As with any successful political party, bad elements of the society tend to gravitate towards the ruling party. As long as they stay in sidelines, people are by and large willing to tolerate and look the other way. Brij bhushan scandal might have saved one seat for BJP, but it meant they weakened their natural strong position. Even now with the Olympics, as time goes on, what people will remember is BJP supported and backed Brij over the Olympian. Quite a way to hack at your own feet.

Within opposition circles, there used to be a fear that removing BJP from power would be a colossal undertaking even in 2029. Now there is an air of anticipation. Instead of a bang, BJP's third term could very well go out with a whimper and with that, the legacy of the last 10 years. The utter timid behaviour over the past year will come to haunt BJP in the coming elections.

BJP further solidified its already substantial urban voteshare in 2024 General Elections, increasing it to 40.1% from around 39% in 2019. However, it was rural India, particularly in UP and MH, that led to a reduction in BJP's seats. In KAR, despite setbacks in other areas, the BJP emerged as the single largest party in the general elections, dominating urban regions like Belgaum, Mangalore, Mysore, and all of Bangalore (North, Central, and South). This performance contradicts any claims of the party's near "evisceration." Politics is unpredictable; even in Gujarat, where the BJP has had a nearly three-decade run, the INC still retains around 30% voteshare. Similarly, in Maharashtra and UP, once considered INC strongholds, the party's influence is now largely dependent on its coalition partners.

Inflation: Post-COVID inflation is a global phenomenon, not just an Indian issue. The Federal Reserve in the US, for example, increased its EFFR/ fed fund rate from near 0% to 6.2%, and it now hovers around 6%. In India, the CPPI has dropped from nearly 8% in 2022 to around 5.1%. Although the target remains at 4%, no major economy, including the US, has fully reached its inflation targets yet. In India, food prices significantly influence the CPII, with nearly half the basket being food items. Factors like a delayed monsoon, poor pulse crop output, and seasonal vegetable spikes has contributed to CPII increase the last few months, but with a good monsoon we should start seeing the CPII inch closer to the target rate in coming months.

Joblessness: The issue of joblessness is a frequent talking point for the INC. Unlike Western countries, India lacks unemployment insurance and unique IDs tied to each job, especially as most jobs are in the unorganized sector. In the absence of reliable data, the government relies on NSSO surveys. However, I believe there is rural distress; although rural India has recovered from the pandemic's economic impacts, it has done so more slowly than urban areas. This is evident in two-wheeler and tractor sales, which, while near record highs, have shown relatively slow year-over-year growth post-pandemic.

Corruption: This is the only government in 77 years of India's independence where no corruption charges have been proven against the incumbent PM, now in his third term. Simply shouting "Rafale, Ambani, Adani, etc." is insufficient without proof. If someone continues to believe in Hindenberg kind of short-selling firms despite the recently unvealed connection between Hiranandani-Mahua Moitra-Hindenberg, then there isn't much that can dissuade from falling for future conspiracies.

The complaint about taxes is both befuddling and unfounded. For a lower-middle-income economy like India, one would expect much higher taxes due to the government's significant responsibilities. Yet, India has one of the lowest effective tax rates among developing economies. With a per capita income of around $2,500, the tax exemption limit is $3,000. In contrast, the US has a 10% effective tax rate at the lowest income level, and the UK offers a $15,300 exemption on a per capita income of $70,000. Meanwhile, nearly 800 million people in India benefit from heavily subsidized government food programs. Additionally, numerous welfare schemes and freebies are provided, raising the question of why our defense budget struggles to meet security needs. Ironically, only 2.2% of the adult population pays any income tax, which challenges the notion of widespread dissatisfaction with taxes.

A NEET paper leak occurred in 2015 as well, and as in 2024, the issue reached the Supreme Court, which ordered the exams to be scrapped and re-conducted. This time, the Supreme Court considered all evidence and decided not to scrap the results due to the localized and limited impact of the leak, affecting only a few centers in Gujarat and Bihar. The CBI is actively investigating the matter, with several arrests already made. The court's decision aims to avoid disrupting the lives of 2.3 million students, 99.999% of whom were uninvolved in the leak. And no, this won't be the last of it, you will continue to hear about paper leaks until we rethink our education system or atleast adapt online testing mechanism which is the norm in much of the developed world.

Manipur Violence:
The PM has addressed the violence in Manipur multiple times. The region had only recently emerged from insurgency, and there seem to be efforts to rekindle the violence. The PM's frequent comments on the issue would serve little purpose other than to invite more criticism and mockery. Rajnath Singh is already mocked for his "kadi ninda" statements after every attack. The Manipur violence likely involves a more extensive scheme, and the government is undoubtedly aware of this. A hasty, hammer-like approach could risk plunging the entire NE into a bloody civil war, especially as tensions with China loom.

BJP is a political party that wins and loses elections based on local and national issues. What India cannot afford is another decade like 2004-2014, where corruption, misgovernance, incompetence, and disregard for national well-being squandered half of the unprecedented growth and wealth that the first two decades of the 21st century promised. If we repeat the same mistakes by electing the same set of people, then perhaps we deserve the consequences.
BJP should also stop contesting election on basis of Vikas becoz dhindus are inherently selfish, ,no unity ,no vision and quite literally pathetic with no capability to self-introspection.what they need is Mao.

Dhindus keep dying,raped ,converted on daily basis and still they behave like this then nature will take its due course.
Nonsense from a Muslim.

I bet the women in picture definitely belongs to Non-STEM or Humanities. Nothing is better Trojan Horse to break a Nation/Civilization than these idiots. Especially the Women, there was a article that is written by a Brown Coolie Professor in some Humanities Department in some University in Canada in a Anglo Toilet Paper doing Sem2Sem of Indian and Pakistani Gobermints. That Pakistanis are some sort of Prisitine People who are innocent and without both of our Gobermints, we would mingle with each other happily. Iam like Bitch, when did Indian Gobermint whether the Congress or BJP stoop down to Pakistani level? I mean how deranged are you to even equate Indian and Pakistani Gobermints and People?
The thing is Female Trojan Horse problem is somewhat lesser in West because White Women naturally look down on browns due to Racism unlike here in case its not possible.
So if a woman accuses someone, we should consider it a gospel truth that she was sexually harassed... What is the proof that she was sexually harassed ? Is it possible to prove her accusations ? Or should we accept and allow thugs to hijack the system in the name of farmers' politics and wrestler's dharna ? If she was sexually harassed, then why did she wait for so long ?
Bhai, when there are enough men that aren't cucked law will come around. Until then you will be taken for ride by bs common law especially for Hindu cucks. Brave men aren't always stopped by laws and same goes for brave women folks. You have to do what you have to when law is just thrown around to oppress. It's always been this way.
BJP is playing defensive. They should have made Rahul's life difficult on the allegation that he met a India hating Bangladeshi politician ,similarly they could have made Mamta's life miserable on the recent rape and murder issue in WB. But the ecosystem will conveniently keep them busy on GST on insurance,Phogat and Hindenberg issue. All their leaders are mum and it seems Modi himself has gone in hibernation.

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