I don't have much hope from the RW as I said before. The problem with Hindu RW is they use brain less and brawn more and end up in arrest. All we see in this case is that they attacked "alleged" Brangladeshi/Rohingyas. They can't even prove WHO they were even though a lot of jhuggis are filled with them. The arrest might be just a SHOW-OFF and he will be out soon and get back to his noble work. Pinky has been arrested before also but let go or may be he managed somehow by himself. Hindus need people like him or say new age
Gopal Patha. I say even if 5% Hindus can come on streets then THOSE can run for their life.
If you see some RW channels invite such people but lack long term strategy whereas THOSE play in long term. Average Hindu is just peaceful and not joining en masses. or helping in some other way. This is because Hindus are taught by Duratma Gandhi to be
Shantipriya Kaum and should not fight even if attacked. The single child Hindu family is busy sending their kid to costly schools, education and spend all 2 salaries on 1 kid while THOSE are doing
Hum do hamare 12.
But overall the
positive thing is that these people are uniting Hindus. Problem is that Hindu is very very slow to wake up from the
Secularism's Afeem which was given to them by KHANGRESSI and Duratma Gandhi for last 75 years. In politics PRESSURE GROUPS are needed to change the perception and voting.
The sooner average Hindu Joe realize that they gotta
fight back and FIGHT is the ONLY option. The sooner Hindus fight, the easier the fight will be or else example is Israel and we will have no mighty US to save us. Right now we are still ~100 crore.
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LNR5ieYfp4M
I don't think you understand what needs to be done here.
You don't get Gopal Patha out of 80 years of Gandhigiri. Its not a coincidence that Gopal Patha existed during the time of Bengal reneissance, a people, mostly hindu, filled with pride and reconnection to their ancient culture, with some Euro influences.
As you correctly noted, Hindu masses are not unified and dont act in unision, despite common self interest.
But WHY ? its because we've never found a way to make majority hindus care about one particular thing as #1. We also lack shatrubodh.
Its been only 10 years of hindutwa at the top and in this period, we've managed to get hinduvta to go global and plant the seed of this unity and shatrubodh.
What you want, which is aggressively tackle the islamics, is stage 2/3 of the revolution. But first, we need to make a unified hindu identity with shatrubodh. Which we are doing and which is all we can do, which is why support for bjp, even if it sucks in hindutwa, is a must.
We cannot go down the ' Kaveri engine' route of ' hey you, with 0 experience in jet building(identity forming), make 4th generation engine as good as those who've been making it for 80 years(Islam+Christianity).
You gotta go down the route of China in this - set up the infrastructure to make shitty things yourselves at mass scale ( which is the analogy of getting this message across as many as possible) , then study the opposition ( observe & learn from Islamics & Christians the few good organisational skills they have) and reverse engineer your own.
This fight wont be over in our lifetime. All we can do, is set conditions over the next 20 years, that we can start to gain ground on them from THAT point onwards.
That is the purpose of having a hinduvta government right here, right now.