Indian Politics and Democracy

These retards want US like madness here in India

No child will be discriminated against: Supreme Court on plea for Rohingya access to public schools

Usual names -

Plea moved in SC to provide food, jobs, education, healthcare to illegal Rohingyas: Read who Colin Gonsalves is and his links to Soros

The counsel for the Rohingya Human Rights Initiative informed the court that Rohingyas are residing in Delhi’s Shaheen Bagh, Kalindi Kunj, and Khajuri Khas areas.




USAID + associated NGOs

Stop all mining, give free education, free healthcare to all Rouhinyass
Can gormint say 'free education is only for indian citizens and not for refugees' ?
What is the correct standpoint legally speaking?
Legally speaking ever since the SC invoked the Basic Structure Doctrine, all bets are off. No politician or party has the balls to cut the balls of the SC with the result the SC is the one castrating the executive & legislature bit by bit
Legally speaking ever since the SC invoked the Basic Structure Doctrine, all bets are off. No politician or party has the balls to cut the balls of the SC with the result the SC is the one castrating the executive & legislature bit by bit
Whats basic structure doctrine? And do you see judicial reforms back in fray as Trump back in power?
Legally speaking ever since the SC invoked the Basic Structure Doctrine, all bets are off. No politician or party has the balls to cut the balls of the SC with the result the SC is the one castrating the executive & legislature bit by bit

They can reverse these judgements by passing a law right? Like what happened in the shah bano case
Legally speaking ever since the SC invoked the Basic Structure Doctrine, all bets are off. No politician or party has the balls to cut the balls of the SC with the result the SC is the one castrating the executive & legislature bit by bit
i dont know about others here, but i find it disgusting to see daily newspaper contents filled with SC said this , SC said that, HC ordered this, etc etc. makes one question did we really elect anyone who can make a change or are we being governed by a coterie of un-elected arrogant mofos who spread gyan and find it a "lauda's burden" to reform us.

its shameful to see the gormint grovel like eunuchs in courts.
i dont know about others here, but i find it disgusting to see daily newspaper contents filled with SC said this , SC said that, HC ordered this, etc etc. makes one question did we really elect anyone who can make a change or are we being governed by a coterie of un-elected arrogant mofos who spread gyan and find it a "lauda's burden" to reform us.

its shameful to see the gormint grovel like eunuchs in courts.

Well, I hope one day this rogue SC can be reined in. So much of the stuff they’ve simply invented out of thin air like this whole PIL system, the whole collegium nonsense needs to go. They were never a part of the original constitution. Each year they keep adding newer and more nonsensical inventions.

BJP should’ve muscled through the NJAC act despite it being struck down but they seem to have given up.

Perhaps it’s time to let the ED loose on these miyalards.


Please deduct salary of judges to fund these schemes including there family salaries

Yet another one of those pleas where Colin Gonsalves is involved.

Their demands are crazy btw,

This directive came in response to a public interest litigation (PIL) filed by the NGO, which sought a mandate ensuring that Rohingya refugees could enrol their children in schools and access government benefits without requiring Aadhaar cards or citizenship verification.

The next bit is interesting. Gonsalves is latching on to the UNHCR issued identity cards of the illegal immigrants despite India not being a signatory to the convention;

When the Supreme Court requested their residential details, Gonsalves noted that the refugees possessed identity cards issued by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), recognizing their status.

No orders issued so far (possibly cuz milards are yet to hear the GoI);

The court, however, added that before deciding on the benefits for the Rohingya refugees, the status of residence of their families needs to be ascertained.

Not sure how the milaards can go against the GoI on this one , tbh. Gonsalves and his chamchas have been fighting similar legal battles since at least 2014 - none of those PILs went anywhere.

Legally speaking ever since the SC invoked the Basic Structure Doctrine, all bets are off. No politician or party has the balls to cut the balls of the SC with the result the SC is the one castrating the executive & legislature bit by bit

The previous pleas did not go anywhere. Gormint will oppose this one too. Let us see how this one plays out.

I have to commend these Soros funded orgs tho - they just do not lose morale even after losing 47563853 PILs and continue fighting and hoping for a miracle.
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i dont know about others here, but i find it disgusting to see daily newspaper contents filled with SC said this , SC said that, HC ordered this, etc etc. makes one question did we really elect anyone who can make a change or are we being governed by a coterie of un-elected arrogant mofos who spread gyan and find it a "lauda's burden" to reform us.

its shameful to see the gormint grovel like eunuchs in courts.

it's lawfare, these things are not happening on their own. someone is filing cases and arguing them in a particular way to get these responses and outcomes. they are designed to make to you lose faith in the system.

it's happening across the world, in all liberal democracies.
Yet another one of those pleas where Colin Gonsalves is involved.

Their demands are crazy btw,

The next bit is interesting. Gonsalves is latching on to the UNHCR issued identity cards of the illegal immigrants despite India not being a signatory to the convention;

No orders issued so far (possibly cuz milards are yet to hear the GoI);

Not sure how the milaards can go against the GoI on this one , tbh. Gonsalves and his chamchas have been fighting similar legal battles since at least 2014 - none of those PILs went anywhere.

The previous pleas did not go anywhere. Gormint will oppose this one too. Let us see how this one plays out.

Neither did the Rohingyas . They stayed put thanks to the legal cover the SC provided them aided no doubt by the likes of Colin Gonsalves.

You know the best part? The next step will be Gonsalves filing a petition for citizenship of children born to those Rohingyas in India .
I have to commend these Soros funded orgs tho - they just do not lose morale even after losing 47563853 PILs and continue fighting and hoping for a miracle.
Neither did the Rohingyas . They stayed put thanks to the legal cover the SC provided them aided no doubt by the likes of Colin Gonsalves.

They are yet to receive any legal/semi-legal cover tbh. The last time out, the Gormint flatly rejected their asylum claims claiming that the illegals had no right to stay and that the legal protections and the right to equality did not apply to illegals.

They deported a few of them back to Myanmar (Gonsalves and co fought a legal battle to stop it but failed). But deportations have been stalled since March, 2024 because the Junta is not even in a position to accept them back.

You know the best part? The next step will be Gonsalves filing a petition for citizenship of children born to those Rohingyas in India .
it's lawfare, these things are not happening on their own. someone is filing cases and arguing them in a particular way to get these responses and outcomes. they are designed to make to you lose faith in the system.

it's happening across the world, in all liberal democracies.

Ironically, SC Milaards were pretending to care about a so-called detention backlog and wanted gormint to deport kanglus and rohingyas at a faster pace as recently as a few day back. :bplease:

As I keep saying, Indian Courts are a fucking soap opera. The milaards only care about hitting some headlines.
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They are yet to receive any legal/semi-legal cover tbh. The last time out, the Gormint flatly rejected their asylum claims claiming that the illegals had no right to stay and that the legal protections and the right to equality did not apply to illegals.

I argue they don't need any legal cover as long as they're permitted to stay here with the SC guaranteeing it & providing them access to everything a citizen is entitled to beginning with shelter, fooding, medicine , education now followed one fine day with work.

It's called creeping incrementalism. I mean that much should've been obvious by now . It's an old tactic by this cabal containing Gonsalves & his tribe
They deported a few of them back to Myanmar (Gonsalves and co fought a legal battle to stop it but failed). But deportations have been stalled since March, 2024 because the Junta is not even in a position to accept them back.

How many were deported? For the last so many years we've been given the figure of 30-40,000. They've spread across the country now with safe havens wherever Bengali aka BD Muslims are settled.

Why, I recall seeing a mini documentary by those many loony left channels proliferating YT ( it was sQuint IIRC) which highlighted the case of a Rohingya girl who passed her SSC examination in Chennai of all places where her family settled in around 2010 with her abbu working as an automobile mechanic having come to India somewhere in the early 2000s.

What's more apart from the local Muslim community there who're pretty well organised providing for them, the state govt is also supportive & then you have everyone's favourite busybody - the local & national NGOs. What more safeguards do you need?

Much the same situation exists in Hyderabad courtesy Owaisi & his MIM. Ditto in M pockets across the country.
Ironically, SC Milaards were pretending to care about a so-called detention backlog and wanted gormint to deport kanglus and rohingyas at a faster pace as recently as a few day back. :bplease:

As I keep saying, Indian Courts are a fucking soap opera. The milaards only care about hitting some headlines.


The entire stand up scene in India is one sick joke. Not that the West is anything better. But being derivative & offensive is twice as bad which is twice as bad as the poor jokes we're subjected to.

The whole goddamned scene is a racket just a couple of notches below the entire podcast racket. At least there's some quality in the latter whereas there's zero such attributes to the stand up scene.

I whole heartedly support this witch hunt. I'd rather they be lynched than us being subjected to low brow humour. If we keep being subjected to toilet humor , we'd never cultivate a good sense of humor.
According to the Air Chief Marshal, the Tejas Mk1A is not fully ready yet. The initial batch of aircraft being delivered features improvements over the Tejas Mk1 but does not yet include all the enhancements initially planned for the Mk1A.
At 1:21


I can't help but wonder when I see a Sikh wether they are acting in good faith

After living in Canada that's just how I see them

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