Indian Railways

Isn’t hydrogen carrying in tanks is dangerous? There is risk of explosion. Or there will be onboard hydrogen generation using fuel cells?
Hydrogen fuel cells are quite safe for use in trucks and these trains.

It does not work for the cars but is one of the best alternatives to ICE and EV in heavy load vehicles like transportation trucks and goods train.​

at this point in time, ze germans will utterly fail to implement systems that India has been implemented in past 10 years. ze germans are no longer the beacon of operational efficency that we were led to believe when we were growing up, it's better to find out for ourselves what works and what does not on our own terms.

otherwise gora employed snake oil salesmen will keep offering products expoliting our insecurities as part of their sales pitch, in the future. people at the helm at that point in time will not have factual information on what works or what does not. meanwhile snake oil salesmen will not hesitate to fund a few oped pieces, on why India is bad because gormint/india didn't buy their product, and our public will go into usual rr blaming everything under the sun from four thousand years of history for this. :truestory:

either way, experimentation on applications to exploit alternate energy sources has to continue. there is no other choice.
Isn’t hydrogen carrying in tanks is dangerous? There is risk of explosion. Or there will be onboard hydrogen generation using fuel cells?

Toyota have commercial Hydrogen tanks. Demonstrated tank integrity multiple times including firing an 50 cal round at it.

But Hydrogen generally difficult to store and transport. Increase the logistic cost.
India introducing hydrogen trains before having trains that run faster than 25mph lol. What a joke.​
There are different projects running in parallel to work on existing issues with Indian Railways.​
This is actually rather sad. What in the world is holding India back? Faster trains = faster movement of people = faster growth + less reliance on plane travel

In case you forgot Railways has upgraded close to 50% of all track length from average speed of 70-80KMPH to 130 KMPH. That is done in last 3-4 years alone.​
There are different projects running in parallel to work on existing issues with Indian Railways.

In case you forgot Railways has upgraded close to 50% of all track length from average speed of 70-80KMPH to 130 KMPH. That is done in last 3-4 years alone.​

that's a trick question, he has a habit of picking the worst stats and guilt tripping members.

IR runs 21000 trips(passenger and goods combined) per day, that's about 75 lakh train trips per year. when the denominator is so huge, it takes massive jump in numerator for the needle of average speeds to move even slightly up. there would be high density routes which will be pulling the average numbers down.

will have to check zone wise average speeds.
There are different projects running in parallel to work on existing issues with Indian Railways.​

In case you forgot Railways has upgraded close to 50% of all track length from average speed of 70-80KMPH to 130 KMPH. That is done in last 3-4 years alone.​
1. Can we do something regarding Curvature? like straightening of tracks
2. What can be maximum speeds if tracks are too unviable to be straightened?
3. Is 150 to 180 KMPH Possible on present Curvatures? Could having quicker acceleration reduce times?
that's a trick question, he has a habit of picking the worst stats and guilt tripping members.

IR runs 21000 trips(passenger and goods combined) per day, that's about 75 lakh train trips per year. when the denominator is so huge, it takes massive jump in numerator for the needle of average speeds to move even slightly up. there would be high density routes which will be pulling the average numbers down.

will have to check zone wise average speeds.

I pulled this from Wikipedia

Just in case it's not clear, this is slow
There are different projects running in parallel to work on existing issues with Indian Railways.

In case you forgot Railways has upgraded close to 50% of all track length from average speed of 70-80KMPH to 130 KMPH. That is done in last 3-4 years alone.​
that's a trick question, he has a habit of picking the worst stats and guilt tripping members.

IR runs 21000 trips(passenger and goods combined) per day, that's about 75 lakh train trips per year. when the denominator is so huge, it takes massive jump in numerator for the needle of average speeds to move even slightly up. there would be high density routes which will be pulling the average numbers down.

will have to check zone wise average speeds.

I genuinely appreciate how you guys can keep explaining the same thing over and over and over again to some esteemed armchair experts who have never gone through a budget doc in their entire life.

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