Indian Special Forces

Jay Wankhade once said on twitter that Para sf has a couple of Scar Hs in service (v limited). Is that true?
Yes got them to test liked them prepared to give orders then realised we are Indians we don't do things simple and went back to 0.
Para don't dare to do night ops against millitant theyd be slaughtered lol shows your intelligence
You have half baked knowledge
You got few points right but rest are wrong
Mate do you consider Para SF as super soldiers? Because news flash, they might be at par with others when it comes to skills, endurance etc
when it comes to everything else, they are sub par at best.
Training schools
Practise and sops
Induction in battle schools
Training of instructors
Instructors training units

Deployment in field

Classic recent case is Negev..think about when it was inducted and when we finally got to see it in combat.

Its not Ukraine.

You will soon see Marcos and Garuds deploy these things in Kashmir.
Ni he bhai no matter how much the Gang and their Brats try they can't come out of their lala word 😭

The gear Marco's use as standard in valley even in 2019 phase we see a few units or Paras with that gear in valley in 2024 and we start celebrating it saying it's mordernasation while it's the basic gear shows you all you need to know about the mindset the Army is living in chill Maro kuch ni hona Jana they aren't coming out of their ego Major Ashish like guys are very few although I disagree with his views on Agniveer I totally agree with him on gear part yaha ek para sf ki pic with High cut and a Plate carrier comes from valley and everyone on Twitter and here ( including me) goes gaga it's 2024 the world's moved on ham aabhi bhi early 2000s me he.
Jay Wankhade once said on twitter that Para sf has a couple of Scar Hs in service (v limited). Is that true?

Yes got them to test liked them prepared to give orders then realised we are Indians we don't do things simple and went back to 0.
I believe this was the tender they were planning to float back then. Imo, HK416 would've been better but I'd take any AR based platform at this point over Tavors


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I believe this was the tender they were planning to float back then. Imo, HK416 would've been better but I'd take any AR based platform at this point over Tavors

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Yes this was the tender and HK 416 was considered first then the whole German thing happened and we went to Scars since SG and NSG used Scars
I believe this was the tender they were planning to float back then. Imo, HK416 would've been better but I'd take any AR based platform at this point over Tavors

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Maanga bhi kitna kam quantity tha becharo ne. Utna successful surgical strike ke baad itna toh de dena chaiye tha. Lekin madarchod MoD.

@Noob I dont think they would get ARs anytime soon. PLR se TAR FT diladenge, aur ITL Mars ki jagah Mepro MOR.
I get your point but I think the primary point is the availability of quality gear for the operators. MARCOS have all the best available to them. And that gear has been spotted in Kashmir as well. From Binods, to high cuts to proper PCs and everything. Moreover, MARCOS' main theatre of operations is maritime. And over the last year, they have done a lot of great ops and in all of these ops, MARCOS has been seen equipped very well (minus some real Gucci stuff like Comtacs). The same can't be said about Para SF in their primary theatre of ops. Almost all photos of paras from operational areas have been underwhelming expect for a few recent ops over the last 2-3 years.
Additionally, Paras have never been able hold a candle to the partner forces that they train with in terms of gear. Even the freaking Egyptians and Kyrgyz are better equipped.
So yeah, Maj Avinash is spot on. There's no comparison between Paras and MARCOS gear. Be it ops or exercises.

More worryingly, he brought up the point of inadequate NV capabilities. Even the thought that now the terrorists probably have TI sights and 3rd gen NVGs while Paras mostly have only 2nd gen monotubes is scary. Maybe that's why Para don't dare to do night ops against militants. They'd be slaughtered 🙂🙂
Please elaborate, my good Sir!

Cause from what I've personally noticed, most Para SF op descriptions start with the line "At daybreak..." Or "At the first light of day..."
In your last paragraph you say millitant have gen 3 nvg and thermals meanwhile forces have gen 2 nvg and thermals
Meanwhile in reality in squad of 4 trts only one have m4 which is equiped with cheap Chinese thermals and no gen 3 nvg as you claimed
And para have thermals from tonbo which are one of the best as thier fairly distributed on them and also nvg mono
Which is good night fighting capability not best but good lets hope we see bino and quads in future
And you Sayed if para does night op against millitant then they will be slaughtered how much of inferior complex you have fir yourself
indian sf are more than capable of conducting such ops successfuly
They doesnt have enough gear yes but saying they will be slaughtered by trts is plain stupid and ignorant
Mate do you consider Para SF as super soldiers? Because news flash, they might be at par with others when it comes to skills, endurance etc
when it comes to everything else, they are sub par at best
They doesnt have enough gear yes but saying they will be slaughtered by trts is plain stupid and ignorant
We are by time seeing sf getting more and more modern gear its timely process i myself raised question on mordenisation of sf and infantry in past on this very thread but if some stupid says our best soldier will be slaughtered because he thinks sf doesn't have night fighting capability then he is stupid and I will argue
The real reason -

View attachment 9257View attachment 9258View attachment 9259Curb on small arms exports to India has been lifted as of 2024.
Yes got them to test liked them prepared to give orders then realised we are Indians we don't do things simple and went back to 0.
Germany and Europe is not reliable defence partner even for zorawar engine germany failed to do so at last zorawar had american engine now there were also report germany failed to supply engine for arjun mk1a and in future germany will again stop export to india saying same human rights bullshit
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