Indian Special Forces

Confirmed? Or rumours?
It's sf nothing is going to be confirmed but the numbers are too small for me to consider them as part of their Arsenel if we went like this Paras have Quads,Scars,A few units of Hks, Dual tubes, Comtacs and what not @Tier 1 Patriot probably knows alot more gear but when the few units remain and they don't go into a large order I don't consider them as part of their Arsenel that's just my thoughts no one has to agree with it
It's sf nothing is going to be confirmed but the numbers are too small for me to consider them as part of their Arsenel if we went like this Paras have Quads,Scars,A few units of Hks, Dual tubes, Comtacs and what not @Tier 1 Patriot probably knows alot more gear but when the few units remain and they don't go into a large order I don't consider them as part of their Arsenel that's just my thoughts no one has to agree with it
Makes sense. A few pieces in the HQ
MARCOs gear is pretty similar or better than this
Except rifle hope they standardise the Arads soon


On a realistic note, I don't think that's gonna happen anytime soon. I will give you my reasons. The x95s are new, right? I mean they are still replacing the older tavors. I think what can happen is how paras have tavors as a std issue & a few m4s sprinkled in every unit. That's the only way Arads might come in. +some with black ops/devgru like team.
On a realistic note, I don't think that's gonna happen anytime soon. I will give you my reasons. The x95s are new, right? I mean they are still replacing the older tavors. I think what can happen is how paras have tavors as a std issue & a few m4s sprinkled in every unit. That's the only way Arads might come in. +some with black ops/devgru like team.
TBF it should be more like "standard issue arads and m4s with a few x95s sprinkled here and there".
On a realistic note, I don't think that's gonna happen anytime soon. I will give you my reasons. The x95s are new, right? I mean they are still replacing the older tavors. I think what can happen is how paras have tavors as a std issue & a few m4s sprinkled in every unit. That's the only way Arads might come in. +some with black ops/devgru like team.
Ofc it will not happen in a click it’s a long procedure but main point is the intent MARCOs wants to replace their standard primary weapon with a new one and they will do it,if I were to predict I think at the end of 2025 we might see some credible info of what they are going for.
They replaced the gear like this aswell,they were using UCP and suddenly bang behind the scenes they chose MCP so it can happen.

Don’t compare it with Para they are 20k+ standardisation is not a option there MARCOs is wayyyyy less in numbers they can and will equip every operative with the gear they are going for.
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