Indian Special Forces

After watching para sf's room intervention videos and firing style, do you think they are trained by SAS!? Watch that 3 para sf's firing with green Berets. It's beyond pathetic.

1) para SF is part of infantry, and still now para SF are powerless to get their own identity. Why?
Why is Lt.General Katoch complains that parachute regiment is controlled by officers from airborne units. But the fact is SF units were more in numbers than para airborne, still para SF is powerless!!??
Even after becoming a Lt.general why is Katoch sir and many other para SF high-ranking officers failed to create a seperate SF unit!? While they were in service all of them only care about their promotions, when got retired they write books contains criticism of everyone else.
2) two para SF battalions are permanently deployed in Kashmir with each battalion having 500+ soldiers. Other than them, additional para SF soldiers are deployed there too.. if there are 100+ rooms why not send more para SF guys into the operation!?
There wasn't any hostage situation, locals are asked to vacate the building by terrorists. Those who were inside the building said this to local media at that time.
Bro, Delta Force and Peshmerga joint raid in freeing 70 prisoners was done within 3 hours, they cleared whole prison complex filled with large number of ISIL. So stop justifying para sf's lack of training and skills by saying "there were 100+ rooms" ( which that building doesn't had). Remember, only 2 terrorists were there.
And yes, para SF stoped operation at night, it is nothing new, they do it in most urban operations, you can check the news reports or shiv aroor's book to confirm it.

Both US green Berets and SAS offered help to train para SF, and they also offered help to set up our AFSOD. It was indian army who doesn't want their help.
Man, whatever training SAS Provides to indian SF will be huge one considering para sf's poor quality training.
SAS don't provide drone training.
Green Berets offered help to set up SFTS, indian army denied it(army officials thinks US involvement will compromise tactics of Indian army!!).
Check how a rebel group like Peshmerga's CT division is trained by DELTA.. man they are equipped and trained to nato standards. They are the best CT unit in middle East. The operations they conducted are top notch.
US always wants to improve military to military relationship with india because they knows that political parties changes, but military personnel will be there so it is more efficient to have better military relationship than having a good political relations.
But in India, defence relations means defence deals. No one intrested in joint training or deep SF cooperation. Lt. Gen Katoch explains about this in his book.

Training with others who have more experience will always help. What do you think, why US is so egger send their soldiers to foreign training schools? They are trying to learn from everyone.. like a PhD student.

tactics are based on equipments. There is no such things like 'we are good at tactics but lack equipments'. Army officials have powers to purchase equipments by their own but they are in 'chalta hai' attitude. They don't always have to go to MOD for approval. If 9, 10, 21 para soldiers are comparatively better equipped than 3, 2, 12 para SF soldiers then it points to the efficiency and seriousness of battalion commanders.
Why Marcos are better equipped than para SF!? Marcos are the least numbered unit in navy, and role Vijaypal sir played in mordanising MARCOS was huge. It shows that man in charge is all that matters
Why no one in para SF care to better equip the unit!?.
No need to blame MoD for incompetence of para SF commanders.

Bro, it was in 80s. At that time we doesn't had the financial capacity of what we have today. And Lt Col Rustom K Nanavatty was military attache, that's why he goes to SAS training centre, it doesn't mean para SF are closely studying SAS.
Para SF should have send soldiers to SAS training centre now, but they are not. Man even pakis are sending SSG to SAS training centres till 2017. Why don't send our soldiers because many officers in army thinks they are the best in the world.
Unless officials get out of their superiority complex and false pride noting will change.
on a lighter's your life going ? All well ?
1) para SF is part of infantry, and still now para SF are powerless to get their own identity. Why?
Why is Lt.General Katoch complains that parachute regiment is controlled by officers from airborne units. But the fact is SF units were more in numbers than para airborne, still para SF is powerless!!??
Even after becoming a Lt.general why is Katoch sir and many other para SF high-ranking officers failed to create a seperate SF unit!? While they were in service all of them only care about their promotions, when got retired they write books contains criticism of everyone else.
2) two para SF battalions are permanently deployed in Kashmir with each battalion having 500+ soldiers. Other than them, additional para SF soldiers are deployed there too.. if there are 100+ rooms why not send more para SF guys into the operation!?
There wasn't any hostage situation, locals are asked to vacate the building by terrorists. Those who were inside the building said this to local media at that time.
Bro, Delta Force and Peshmerga joint raid in freeing 70 prisoners was done within 3 hours, they cleared whole prison complex filled with large number of ISIL. So stop justifying para sf's lack of training and skills by saying "there were 100+ rooms" ( which that building doesn't had). Remember, only 2 terrorists were there.
And yes, para SF stoped operation at night, it is nothing new, they do it in most urban operations, you can check the news reports or shiv aroor's book to confirm it.
1.) No! Para SF asked for their own identity, by asking for Special Forces Regiment. This headquarters was later merged with InfantryDirectorate and finally disbanded with its appointments merged withMilitary Operations, Infantry and Weapons & Equipment Directorates;and the appointment of DDGMO (SF) in Military Operations Directorate was made tenable by both PARA (SF) and PARA officers.

Because of only one reason - the airborne officers complaining that their are parachute regiment special forces and therefore must stay with Parachute regiment. Lastly, SF battlalions are more in number today because of previously converted airborne battalions. They will not change today because their commanders pushed for being 'SF'

2.) Because everybody's AO is different, if an SF unit is already undergoing operations in Kupwara, you wont call them to Parampore for it ? I am not saying that Para SF's CQB is any where superior, but consider this, the unit has former SG & NSG guys cause they are sent on deputation. So their is some sort of teaching of tactics here and there. Lastly, yes Tactics are highly depended on your training, which is highly depended on your resources. 'Resources' are provided by the time the crises has already hit. It is the MoD's fault, neither can they have the guts to shove change up the army's throat neither can they get our equipment on time. And I with you there that agree that 100+ rooms is no bloody excuse.

tactics are based on equipments. There is no such things like 'we are good at tactics but lack equipments'. Army officials have powers to purchase equipments by their own but they are in 'chalta hai' attitude. They don't always have to go to MOD for approval. If 9, 10, 21 para soldiers are comparatively better equipped than 3, 2, 12 para SF soldiers then it points to the efficiency and seriousness of battalion commanders.
Why Marcos are better equipped than para SF!? Marcos are the least numbered unit in navy, and role Vijaypal sir played in mordanising MARCOS was huge. It shows that man in charge is all that matters
Why no one in para SF care to better equip the unit!?.
No need to blame MoD for incompetence of para SF commanders.
Bhai mere tactics are based on equipments, yes...that is the thing you send them to as many joint trg/course as you want but if you dont give them with the equipment the US is using what's the use. Our guys still do dynamic CQB atleast in Army SF and expose themselves alot. There guys atleast have the confidence of a good vest, flashbangs, breaching charges, overwatch etc....
After watching para sf's room intervention videos and firing style, do you think they are trained by SAS!? Watch that 3 para sf's firing with green Berets. It's beyond pathetic.
That's why SG and SFF are not under army. They are kept away.
what a punk....yahan vivad hogya tha. Or he just wanted to troll DFI which many people do. But I dont think that's the case. Ye gadha pite ga kisi din

I haven't been following this but why are ITBP and NSG in France?
France has requested friendly nations to send additional forces to augment their police forces in providing security for the 2024 Olympics.
France has requested friendly nations to send additional forces to augment their police forces in providing security for the 2024 Olympics.
And we sent ITBP? “Indo-Tibetan Border Police”for Olympic security wtf?NSG I can understand but ITBP what is their connection with security provider?
And we sent ITBP? “Indo-Tibetan Border Police”for Olympic security wtf?NSG I can understand but ITBP what is their connection with security provider?

To showcase ITBP's expertise in non-lethal combat given their experience dealing with the chinkis :p

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