Indian Special Forces

Can someone explain me, why RR or PARAs are always attached to MARCOS in Kashmir region, why can't they operate separately in their 8 man team (Prahar).
Wouldn't it be more efficient and effective....?
Can someone explain me, why RR or PARAs are always attached to MARCOS in Kashmir region, why can't they operate separately in their 8 man team (Prahar).
Wouldn't it be more efficient and effective....?
Due to logistics.

Intel,Food,shelter.transport,maintenance,electricity,water etc.
Due to logistics.

Intel,Food,shelter.transport,maintenance,electricity,water etc.
Maybe IA wouldn't wanna allow MARCOS to operate independently since land terrain in general is considered as their turf and it wouldn't look good on their image if MARCOS successfully eliminate terrorists (even at night) using smaller teams and no casualties
But are MARCOS allowed to participate in the firefight though! If Paras are in the mix, I've noticed RR and SOG typically form the outer cordon

In the recent encounter where NSG were involved, it seemed like they were part of the bomb diffusion/disposal team and maybe forensics but not directly engaging with the hostiles
ofc they are, Paras are embedded with MARCOS usually as an extra muscle, when you need a little more than 8 guys who are properly trained

here take a look, in this MARCOS alone eliminated all four terrorists while being attached to a 10 Para SF team

Here too, they were operating with 9 Para SF, and got into heavy firefight

More so, in this case 9 Para SF were not able to pull effective room intervention at night, allowing the millitants to escape, sadly even today Para SF are not proper owners of the night. It was MARCOS that eliminated both the terrorists who had inflicted massive casualties.


These are still just the known operations due to the avalibility of citations, here's one from Vice Marshal Arjun Subarmanium's book too

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If MARCOS were leading the op with solely their own men, they probably could. But it seems like they are only embedded with Army units. Plus the guys forming cordons cannot so.
Can someone explain me, why RR or PARAs are always attached to MARCOS in Kashmir region, why can't they operate separately in their 8 man team (Prahar).
Wouldn't it be more efficient and effective....?
Due to logistics.

Intel,Food,shelter.transport,maintenance,electricity,water etc.
Maybe IA wouldn't wanna allow MARCOS to operate independently since land terrain in general is considered as their turf and it wouldn't look good on their image if MARCOS successfully eliminate terrorists (even at night) using smaller teams and no casualties

Well well well, as discussed in my previous post, the army has alot of faith in MARCOS and MARCOS are treated no different than an Army SF unit deployed in Kashmir.

The fact of the matter is....MARCOS are small in numbers. Even in Matt Bissonette's books No Easy Day and No Hero, he mentions that when a small force of DEVGRU guys would go like 8 of them, they'd be accompined by 20 or so rangers from 75th and 100s of Afghan commandos of the Northern Alliance, they would lay of the cordon, which they call 'perimeter' as rangers and Seals would go in, each covering the other as they move in. MARCOS, Para SF, RR operate's just a standard protocol...understanding

The army needs to cover's a dense jungle in a big valley in a bigger district. Finding a terrorist in such an area is like finding a needle in a haystack blindfolded. We can’t track the guerrillas unless they move, and we can’t predict a move unless we provide a stimulus.

Watch these two podcast to know how army operates in Kashmir tactically speaking, the breif thing is - that their main job is to cut the millitant's way out of the jungle into civil areas else there will be more complexity in the operation. For that to lay of the cordon it's always something that will require manpower. Sometimes the regular army will just be like a bait, and MARCOS or Army SF will be laying their counter ambush at the exact same spot where they expect millitants to come, hats off to the RR for having their faith in SF.


How many shots Major Avinash fired in real ops or how many encounters he had participated ? 😄
What Kind of logic is this? It is like condemning a soldier because during his service he never saw a war.
There are good-skill snippers who never had a single kill but retired with many decorations given to them by their institutes. The same is true with NDA trainers whom I know personally, who have never been to field duties yet they make great soldiers.
Ani upload the video on 4 different platforms, hope the video is still their will try to find it after the op is over
Also few local channels
But are MARCOS allowed to participate in the firefight though! If Paras are in the mix, I've noticed RR and SOG typically form the outer cordon

In the recent encounter where NSG were involved, it seemed like they were part of the bomb diffusion/disposal team and maybe forensics but not directly engaging with the hostiles
NSG was there as close protection team of some officials they don't participated in encounter in anyway


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