Indian Special Forces

again that has been called MARCOS by a former wikipedia article where this photo was there, but it is not. That's the VBSS team itself, in 2007 during some joint exercise I belive. From what I've heard, MARCOS stopped using sterlings after the mid 1990s, approximatley the same time they phased out crossbows
why did they acquired crossbow ??
why did they acquired crossbow ??
Imagine you wanna snipe someone silently , you can use a sniper but it has be far away so that sound doesn't reach, even with suppressor it has to be few 100's of meters away, but in case if you can't snipe someone from away, like in ships, ports between biuldings, jungles the environment of those does doesn't allow you snipe from a greater distance most of the times, so in these cases you use crossbow for a silent kill.
Honestly I feel like when civilians like us start to learn about distinguishing between MARCOs/VBSS/CCDTs/SPB, then a lot of things will get cleared. I have personally seen people posting pics of SPB or even CCDTs, claiming to be MARCOs. What say?:D
lol there was a famous picture of the SPB which was floated as MARCOS, even Livefist had it ig
For stealth kills and most of the times it was deem suitable to be used after immediately coming out of the water as the rifles and handguns needs the water to be cleared from the interior before being able to be used.
I doubt they'd ever be in a firefight righ after coming from the water....everything would be well planned and thought for during a mission. Coming out of the water onto a beach and conducting recce was one of their main tasks during Op Pawan, majority of the raids happened at night. Also in an entire squad usually just one or two guys would carry crossbows, the old school photos confirm that.
Yup, AFAIK their primary role is to guard/secure navy vessels at ports on both the Coastlines according to what Google says. CCDTs are the ones which have roles that overlap with MARCOs, like EOD or CD roles. Rest VBSS as we all know does VBSS for the navy.
CCDTS or Command Clearance Diving Teams are EOD guys who work under water. Let that sink in fellas.
Doing EOD work on land itself is a nut job.
Doing that under water means these guys sink in cause their balls are of steel and fucking heavy!
Why because the shockwave generated by an underwater explosion travels faster and with less energy dissipation compared to an explosion in the air. It causes rapid and intense overpressure, which can damage structures, crush submerged vessels, or injure marine life and divers nearby even if they are at a distance away from blast radius where had they been on land, they'd not get scratched. Unlike on land, where air can compress and provide some cushioning, water does not compress easily. This rigidity confines the energy of the explosion, concentrating it. So underwater demolion teams or clearance diver teams have the risk of not only been blown up by explosives if things go sideways but incase they're injured and cant make it up to surface for a boat or helo to extract them...sooner or later they'll drown while already having suffered a concussion. Also CCDTs have an offensive role too. They go underwater and plant explosive mines and also use explosives to remove obsticals on beach that might hinder a beach assault. You can say they are basically Sappers with a diving certificate
Acc to Cdr Vijay Rawat, all MARCOS were CDs, and some SDs before 2017 when the course changed to Combat diving course more suitable for MARCOS requirements.
What happened to the Arads that Para SF and MARCOS were supposed to get? 🙂🙂
Let's hope that they at least deck out the Tavors with some magnifiers and LAMs.
@IWIarad11 after AK19 court drama i sort of exepted it so no regret
Mepro mor pro ?
Well I do hope atleast they equip it with magnifier and magnified optics and vertical grips too
At this point they are flexing

legit mogging VBSS , Police and smugglers ............

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( the aura i have when i know i am better than everyone )
nah. its alright. they are the embodiment of a DFIan's wet dream. good to see they are taking modernization seriously. using stuffs they procured shows their commitment. they should be mogging their ragtag counterparts more than often. who knows, it might just lead to the ragtagers also take things seriously.
Imagine you wanna snipe someone silently , you can use it but it has be far away so that sound doesn't reach, even with suppressor it has to be few 100's of meters away, but in case if you can't snipe someone from away, like in ships, ports between biuldings, jungles the environment of those does doesn't allow you snipe from a greater distance most of the times, so in these cases you use crossbow for a silent kill.

I doubt they'd ever be in a firefight righ after coming from the water....everything would be well planned and thought for during a mission. Coming out of the water onto a beach and conducting recce was one of their main tasks during Op Pawan, majority of the raids happened at night. Also in an entire squad usually just one or two guys would carry crossbows, the old school photos confirm that.
Crossbows are just for the silent sniping.
They have much better penetration that a 9mm pistol and more silent than even modern day suppressor's on a pistol.
They are also pretty useful in modern day for certain scenarios, like trying to snipe someone inside a forest environment where you can't take aim from long distance because it's forest with trees in your way and from short distances snipers with suppressor and even pistols are lot louder than crossbow/ x Bow.
What happened to the Arads that Para SF and MARCOS were supposed to get? 🙂🙂
Let's hope that they at least deck out the Tavors with some magnifiers and LAMs.
Few units in Marcos Army is gonna enjoy the carbine deal winner whoever that maybe be and whenever that happens this decade or next one can't tell honestly.
Why do these ones look expectedly Tacticool but the marcos in Jammu don't?
Its more about the camera, J&K footage was shot by ANI with their 2 megapixel camera, this one was shot by the Navy.
Gear was similar if I remember and jammu ones were not running these headsets

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