Indian Special Forces

Lets say NSG is disbanded today…

Do you think Para will become SEALs?

Is NSG stopping Para from purchasing anything?

Haha this is where our understanding of the problem is.

Para SF are getting obliterated in encounters and wearing worse equipment than Ugandans coz of themselves…They..Their..Them!!!!!!!

NSG is a elite counter terrorism,sabotage and hijack and bomb squad unit which TRAINS Para SF on Urban combat.

Sky Marshalls are also a big responsibility of NSG.

When a Para SF operator goes and joins NSG he takes only thing is his Airborne batch…whereas he gets to train in unarmed combat,urban warfare, grooming which his unit didnt provide,new firing techniques,new tactics etc.

Its a win win situation even for the Para.
Lets say NSG is disbanded today…

Do you think Para will become SEALs?

Is NSG stopping Para from purchasing anything?

Haha this is where our understanding of the problem is.

Para SF are getting obliterated in encounters and wearing worse equipment than Ugandans coz of themselves…They..Their..Them!!!!!!!

NSG is a elite counter terrorism,sabotage and hijack and bomb squad unit which TRAINS Para SF on Urban combat.

Sky Marshalls are also a big responsibility of NSG.

When a Para SF operator goes and joins NSG he takes only thing is his Airborne batch…whereas he gets to train in unarmed combat,urban warfare, grooming which his unit didnt provide,new firing techniques,new tactics etc.

Its a win win situation even for the Para.
Just curious: do you have a personal animosity towards para sf?! 😂
Just curious: do you have a personal animosity towards para sf?! 😂
I dont think he does, but the point makes sense. I mean look at how thr Army treats it's SF, a super infantry. Someone retired said that Ghataks are the special forces for the battalion and SF are the special forces in general...that's not the disntinction. Doing tactical raids is no longer considered 'special' what it used to be. How much have Para SF shown in any of the MOUT exercises with the US, the battlefields are changing and we dont seem to.

Lastly I dont understand what people are saying here about NSG, it is obviously needed
  1. It has the best EOD unit in the country. It's even called National Bomb Data Centre (NBDC), dont think that means something ?
  2. NSG is the only one to provide antihijacking and air marshal capability, dont tell me that is not required.
  3. NSG is India's fedral Counter Terrorism and Anti terrorism unit.....if there's a threat in a metropolitan city beyond the capabilities of regional SWAT, NSG is what we need.
When a Para SF operator goes and joins NSG he takes only thing is his Airborne batch…whereas he gets to train in unarmed combat,urban warfare, grooming which is unit didnt provide,new firing techniques,new tactics etc.

Downside is the lack of Inst Memory of their Operators as SAG all rotate back. I would like to see SAG be a permanent posting
Army treats it's SF,

IMO the problem is COIN. Post Lanka - the kills in JK/NE brought medals and cash prizes / Promotions to Units/COs etc.

The CO wants to derisk him self and get the highest reward- so they call for SF for every single thing.

Its a symptom of overall cultural issues within the Army.

(my 2 paisa only)
I think m4 is our
But attachments is of usa
Bcoz us army use hk416

No dude. Pretty sure the M4 is american too. The most common weapon in any US Armed Forces unit is still the M4A1 Block 1 (barring probably the top SOF units). And it makes no sense for US to take out our M4s without the standard attachments. Conversely, makes no sense that Americans would give just the attachments for our M4s.

AFAIK the Americans will NEVER use someone elses weapons.
IMO the problem is COIN. Post Lanka - the kills in JK/NE brought medals and cash prizes / Promotions to Units/COs etc.

The CO wants to derisk him self and get the highest reward- so they call for SF for every single thing.

Its a symptom of overall cultural issues within the Army.

(my 2 paisa only)
That is how Armoured troops started pouring in for ops in RR.

They had no idea even on how to take cover and fire.

They used to finish off their ammo quota in 30 mins.

This is the reason CBS was made ie to train non infantry troops.

Everyone wants to go there for promotion opportunities…no one wants to be left.

Or what sense would it make for a T90 tank driver or a Arty topchi to lift an AK.

In Lanka also they were in for a rude the next war also it will be the same.

Our Army thinks their tanks would circle Paki cities and make them suffer…IT WOULD NEVER HAPPEN.

With a judicious use of RPGs and Drones today you could make your enemy pay a heavy price in battle.

Are we even looking to afford a 10 tank loss a day in a long war?

BMPs would be 8 of those casualties.

To all those who say josh is everything on podcasts let me ask them didnt our hindu ancestors like Maratha and Rajputs not have josh…We have to upgrade tech and tactics.

You cant keep loosing men in small petty ops like that.
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Our enemy..

Read the comments of US soldiers about them.

The whole propoganda of them being conscripts and we will kick their ass with superior infantry and SF will go out of the window after first few days.


Only thing superior about IA is it’s stupidity, lack of farsightedness and inability to adopt.
Don’t know why it’s generals say that PLA is inexperienced, when they have ample experience in kicking our buts thoroughly.
And unlike us they don’t look like African militia even in propaganda videos.
People who think Galwan is a bench mark of how India can beat PLA Inf, are in for a rude awakening. A full blown conflict will see a lot more body bags on both sides before things become clear. This wont be a peer to peer conflict anymore like people tend to think.
I wont even touch the AF topic.
Navy is probably the only arm that can go toe to toe with them.
Are we talking about same incident where IA troupes were caught unprepared by PLA , beaten black and blue and rounded up with handcuffs for humiliating photo op?
Is it how they are planning to fight next skirmish? Let’s not go to a full-blown war because as per IA generals we don’t have resources for even a weak of intense war with PLA
Bcoz us army use hk416
No they don't. Marines use the M27 IAR and Recon kits which is H&K derivative. Army is still M4 based being replaced with the Sigs. SF used to have 416s, and still do but most use Noveske or URGI models as their first choice.
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AFAIK the Americans will NEVER use someone elses weapons.
Not really NEVER.
They have a Familiarisation training phase where they use the other countries weapons. Here in Europe when they cross train, they often do that.
Apart from that, OPFOR training is also done with Soviet style weapons to simulate the environment.
Only thing superior about IA is it’s stupidity, lack of farsightedness and inability to adopt.
Don’t know why it’s generals say that PLA is inexperienced, when they have ample experience in kicking our buts thoroughly.
And unlike us they don’t look like African militia even in propaganda videos.

Haven't you seen border movie, and not heard that phrase? chdiya nal main baaz ladawa sawa lakh ton ek ladawa taan Gobind Singh naam dharava. That's the moto. Indian army doesn't need modernization. ONLY jazbaa works.. and roti saag dudh ghee makhan basss. Desi laundey hai bhai.

How Marcos fought without helmet and adequate bullet proof metal plate in Taj, commando Teotia has explained. He was wounded and still fought, that's different thing that he was not well equipped but results are there. Jazba works, rest s*cks!
Are we talking about same incident where IA troupes were caught unprepared by PLA , beaten black and blue and rounded up with handcuffs for humiliating photo op?
Personally I find this whole line insulting to the men who died there that night. They weren't unprepared, they were initially overwhelmed and valiantly fought back. Our Men died and so did theirs. CCP buried that info and used prisoners to build their narratives. GOI did not and that is their fault.
You conveniently seem to ignore the few videos we have of our troops beating the living fuck out of those Chinese scums.
Whatever the case might be in the future in a full scale conflict, you can be sure that the men on the frontlines will fight like there's no tomorrow.
Personally I find this whole line insulting to the men who died there that night.
That’s why I said it. Why glorify that incident where optics are against your claim and you have nothing to prove that you did good.

They weren't unprepared, they were initially overwhelmed and valiantly fought back. Our Men died and so did theirs.
Getting overwhelmed by your known enemy is extreme unpreparedness. Also they have planned and were well prepared with all kinds of sharp and lethal weapons and spiked clubs with them, while all IA men had were stones and sticks.
And Soldiers fight valiantly be it USA,IA,PA or PLA. Its what they do.
CCP buried that info and used prisoners to build their narratives. GOI did not and that is their fault.
I find this line of argument laughable and its not first time our forces have done it. Same thing happened in “Agar Rafale hota” incident.
First we deny that we got humiliated and complain that our enemy has hidden the evidence that we have beaten and humiliated them. Expecting that is even a bigger stupidity. Are we Canada ?, who shows evidence of their own defeat? when infact it should be IA/IAF showing evidences that we indeed have done good, just like PA/PLA did that day. All we had from IA/IAF was “Trust me Bro” “We did fantastic”
Then we get humiliated again when enemy starts showing evidences to support their claim and have nothing to hide our humiliation.

You conveniently seem to ignore the few videos we have of our troops beating the living fuck out of those Chinese scums.
True we did have few videos where few of them are shown to have been beaten thoroughly. But it just prove that the incident did happened and few of theirs too got beaten.
Then why complain when PLA showed surrendered IA soldiers with black eyes, swollen faces and broken ribs and hands with torn clothing, chained like prisoners and away from their weapons?

Whatever the case might be in the future in a full scale conflict, you can be sure that the men on the frontlines will fight like there's no tomorrow.
I’m afraid of that too. All we have to show is “Zazba” and we will face an enemy preparing to confront the whole world and is throwing everything it can to achieve it’s objective.
They are preparing
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