Indian Special Forces

What's with the robo dog hate ? It's not a gimmick and has multiple use cases unlike jetpack !
Chinese and Americans are using them and testing various applications. Attaching a pic of a seal using the diver harness for the robodog
View attachment 19284
Its a valuable addition to any K9 elements be it in SWAT or SOF role
Robots are useful and so are Modern ARs like Sig 716. Problem is are the priorities. If you are not going to utilise them for what they are intended for, better use the money for more essential things like proper gear for infantry which currently look more like saharan militia.
UThat's why one of the points I mentioned was the process is so shit that one unit starts looking decent and other one still looks like something from 90s era
Agreed i guess in mordenisation few unit are getting equipment first other unit will follow the suit
I dont want to sound insensitive here but have a look at the safety catch of his AK, looks like a very solid jugaad
Does the string gets taught and pulls the leaver off safe automatically when the gun is pulled up ?
The Indian SF are beyond repair.
A low key paunchy sqn cdr devoting time to make this cringe "art" than on concentrating on his physical fitness is epitome of what is wrong with the Indian SF.
Our own kind kind of wokeness where we don’t do things we are supposed to do but rather these type of garbage collection to get quick wah-wahi
This is really great. The only thing bugging me (and this is me being pedantic btw) is that for fast reloads aka the mags on the belt, people never have mag pouches with flaps on. Defeats the purpose of fast reloads as evident from the video.
in combat fast reloards are very rare, tactical reloads are more common. Its far more common to switch to your sidearm.

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