Indian Special Forces

IIRC 3rd SFG specialises in CBRN/Below terrain Ops. They regularly train for that in SK and Europe.
SF guys in full CBRN gear are a sight to behold , although the men inside them might not feel that good .
LOL does he think pipehitters are going around with injections and checking people and their medical records? Its just a type of CSR. These veterans need to fuckin relax!
Also it helps in breaking ice with locals.
And this is what has black pilled much of us

I remember seeing this video at the time and many of us were so excited to see SF content. And whilst the kit wasn’t great it wasn’t terrible for the time, I’m sure much of us expected the modernisation cycle/process to be linear from here, always on an upward trajectory yet that’s not what happened, in fact I’ve always maintained that 2012-14 is where PARA SF stalled and have remained around tbjs level ever since. You can see almost all this same kit spec in service today- FLCs, ACH, comns etc
It’s because army corruption was peak at this time lolz. Plus forget Para SF basically the entire Indian Army stalled around this time, in terms of modernizing and operation results.
The Indian SF are beyond repair.
A low key paunchy sqn cdr devoting time to make this cringe "art" than on concentrating on his physical fitness is epitome of what is wrong with the Indian SF.
The Indian SF are beyond repair.
A low key paunchy sqn cdr devoting time to make this cringe "art" than on concentrating on his physical fitness is epitome of what is wrong with the Indian SF.
If its any consolation this guy is not from the army. He is a part of the SRG. His ribbons are from the police service.
The Indian SF are beyond repair.
A low key paunchy sqn cdr devoting time to make this cringe "art" than on concentrating on his physical fitness is epitome of what is wrong with the Indian SF.
Diversity hire doing diversity hire things.
I bet next year we'll see India US bilateral Arts Exhibition 🙃🙃
The Indian SF are beyond repair.
A low key paunchy sqn cdr devoting time to make this cringe "art" than on concentrating on his physical fitness is epitome of what is wrong with the Indian SF.

1. NSG is a Police Organization
2. All Individuals involved in the above PR excercise (Medical Camp/ Art Display etc) would come from the Admin Wings - i.e IPS
3. SAG - i.e the Shooters are not part of this.

Lets move on

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