Indian Special Forces

We all know that

It doesn’t make it any less valid to point out their weaknesses. Being less sh!t than paras isn’t hard, they are not there to look good on Reddit but do a job.

Poor tactics and poor skills is going to leave them messed up and the mission failed

If someone could please find that footage of MARCOs doing a drill at night on a civilian ship that would be great. Flagging each other nonstop
You talking about this one...?

IA claim to be professional and discipline, uniformity is the ultimate embodiment of that but you get 10 soldiers and you’ll get 30 different standards of equipment.

The excuse they haven’t got money for these basic things doesn’t ring true anymore, besides don’t they have 10000s of people whose entire job is to literally manage logistics and inventory?

So what’s left? They are unbelievably inept? Corrupt?
Wtf is this ??they uploaded it seriously?
In that too their admins forget to blur the name tag

Also no control over guys like wolfdevilbajwa, no dedicated team to spot such people both ours and the enemy chapri soldiers while other countries have such teams.
(Fun Fact: our guy wolfdevilbajwa was a friend of Late Hav. Neelam Chib 9 Para SF)
Why did bajwa not learn something good from his friend?
I think we didnt evolve after Brits left to be honest.

No sniper schools..No night fighting.

Just upgrading AR coz that makes them think they are cool.

An Alternate take will be lot of our old big officers were a product of Royal Army colleges and they were trained by Royal Army officers, since they have an expeditor approach they same seen in our early days of Army ops where we are ready to cut out Enemy Land. But after Independence our Political started to have an say in Military from early Nehru fiasco in 1962 and subsequent bond between Army and Political nature of our country where we are started to go with NAM and no war bullshit, our Army slowly lost that old nature and started to move into this new rigid bullshit where lot of officers can escape scrutiny where under their watch fatal incidents occured.

They didn't release it after the op, it was released mid op and thought that body was of a terrorist but then they retrieved and identified.

Poor handling of information is going on for long time. Even GoI can't able to figure out an way to advertise the policy.

Huh? To maintain a static cordon at night NVG won’t work? So stopping operations and letting terrorists escape in the night once again is the answer?

What’s the definition of doing the same thing again and again expecting a different result? You’d think after 30++ freaking years these guys would change their tactics even slightly or learn some lessons but then again it’s these same big brains;


Unfortunately we are going backwards and generals were crying we will win with X weapon when an indigenous weapon went to endless trials.
Don't think they will be creating whole another SF regiment after theaterization, SF units will be divided among these commands with some permanently or rotating units with AFSOD

The best we can then get is to convert some in each command.
(Assuming no. of commands lower)
Example: If 4 SF units are given to a command
One will be SF, one reserve, another airborne and another ranger type

Please correct if I sound stupid
How many freaking YEARS have the ‘Gucci gang’ been saying this?

It is SOP to stop operations when it gets dark and you wonder how so many terrorists get away?

Americans take pride in ‘owning the night’, this is a relatively low cost option in 2025

Imagine these jokers going against a peer force that has even rudimentary night vision, it will be like shooting fish in the barrel for them
Forget “peer force” I highly doubt the current IA could handle a militant outfit like the 90s Kashmir proxies or the LTTE.
You are right coz we are using a tech the US used for Op Desert Storm.

This is the latest version.


Forget US evn the Ukrainians are merging the NVG and Thermal.

Its called application of your resources which we dont do!

The whole world is using NVGs. Indians seem to be allergic to modernizing and hold on to BS theories like “my race is more marital than you saar”. Well guess what, non martial kashmiris have kicked indian military ass left right and center since 2023.
for Para maybe, but MARCOS I've heard were perfoming amazing after that in Kashmir
For the whole Indian Army I meant. If you read about how IA adapted in Sri Lanka you will find a stark contrast in fdiffcernecr to current attitudes. When they wanted new guns, they got new guns. Now? They know night fighting would possibly end the kashmir insurgency for good but refuse to use their brains.

I must know how retarded the average indian is if this is the people who are running the army in 2024
Huh? To maintain a static cordon at night NVG won’t work? So stopping operations and letting terrorists escape in the night once again is the answer?

What’s the definition of doing the same thing again and again expecting a different result? You’d think after 30++ freaking years these guys would change their tactics even slightly or learn some lessons but then again it’s these same big brains;


you’ll find more tactical innovation and change in the 3 years of the sri lanka conflict than you will since 2000 in Kashmir

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