Please, explain to me how can a special forces unit provide quality training within just 150 acres(NSWTTC) OR 1500 acres (SFTS Bakloh) or >50 acres (INS KARNA). When other foreign special forces required more than 8000 acres of land for providing good training on basic special operations!!????
Please, explain to me if indian training centers are so good then why indian special forces soldiers who visited KASOTC were so impressed by training infrastructure there and took their time there more as learning new things than winning the competition they gone there to participate!!!??
Let me ask you something based on open source information, how could you even consider indian SF training as world class when Indians SF only got their 1st modular CQB training center in 2017, 1st indoor firing range in late 2018, 3rd generation NVG after 2015(till now it's not standard issued)!!???? Meantime their western counterparts had all these since 1980!!?? And it takes decades to develop tactics on new things.
Tell why indian SFTS don't have sniper firing range of more than 1500m!? (There is no concept of firing beyond 1500m in India and the current range got only after 2019, pakis developed a world class sniper training school in 2015, tho they got good sniper training from foreign countries since 2008). And Marcos doesn't even have a good sniper firing range of more than 1000m.
There is no concept of tactical driving among indian special forces (Marcos do get some from civilian off road driving teams on off road driving, noting beyond that, concept of TD doesn't exists in para SF's training syllabus, they don't have a training area for it).
Other than Garuds commandos training centre there are no runways in any of special forces training centers in India.
I can go on about things which para SF doesn't even heard about but other morden SF have. But my argument with you doesn't change anything untill indian special forces decide to change themselves.