One only has to see Commodore Arogyaswami Paulraj
- served the Indian Navy for 26 years
- 1971 war vetran
- the next year he developed new sonar technologies still used in IN
- served as the founding director for three major labs in India, Center for Artificial Intelligence and Robotics, Defense R&D Organization, the Central Research Laboratories, Bharat Electronics, and the Center for Development of Advanced Computing, Dept. of Electronics (as co-founder)
- Moved to the US in 1990s
- Invented multiple-input and multiple-output (MIMO) (one of the founding revolutions in WiFi technology)
- Developed 4G and 5G technologies
- Fellow of
The World Academy for Sciences
- recipient of Prince Philip Medal, Farady Medal, American Academy of Arts and Sciences member, US Patent and National Inventors Hall of Fame, Foreign Member, Royal Swedish Academy, Foreign Member, Chinese Academy of Engineering and alot more
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