Don't want to get far off topic, but observe how writers like Maxwell will never write books titled "Pakistan's India war" or "Pakistan's India obsession" or "Pakistan's violent birth". There is a particular animus toward India, nothing more. Maxwell is actually quite sympathetic to Pakistan, which for someone who wrote a book in favour of communist China, is ideologically incongruous. You would think the likes of Maxwell would deride Pakistan as a "reactionary state using religion to deceive the masses, and promote hostility toward India, to deflect from real economic and developmental issues" He's sympathetic to Pakistan's position on Kashmir( though stopping short of fulsome support), the reasons for its formation, and was anti-India during the 1971 war. There is a longstanding dislike of India for its anti-colonial position, and its unwillingness to join NATO like alliances to counter Russia/SU. The latter reason is likely one explanation as to why Maxwell and other writers blame India for 1962. They blame India for Goa in 1961, and Pakistan in 1965 and 1971, and on Kashmir in general. Nothing honourable or ideologically wholesome, or even consistent, here.