Indo Russia Relations

Will the so called infonapalm site also releases zelenskys master chinas s400 data and details of their training specialist too, there is propaganda in this leak, although the leak still is significant .

Scorpion leak was much more significant.
But french and Indian experts claimed "koi nahi ghusa"

How this puppet president Zelensky installed by USA runs to his other master China.

If such was the case, how can Indian ICBMs have a lower published CEP than even the best Western ICBMs?
Western ICBMs were made back in the cold war. Ours were made much later and thus more advanced in their systems. Minuteman 3 is like 50 years old.
Same. Both are unreliable partners.
One has policy unreliability - USA.
Other has technical problems - Russia.
However, on matters of strategic interest, we should choose Russia, any given day.
Ehhh... To counter china we must pick USA. We cant do it alone. We need their investments weapons technologies etc. etc.

And i'd love to see the faces of Indian pro-russians when russia inevitably picks china over India in case of another sino-indian war like when USSR did back then.
But this time russia will be over reliant on china so it will be even worse, china is a much bigger trade partner to russia then India ever could be.
Russia will be in an incredibly sad place in the future, with extreme economic reliance on china, to near vassal state status.

I say it again and again.

India's enemy is not the west, but China.
Ehhh... To counter china we must pick USA. We cant do it alone. We need their investments weapons technologies etc. etc.

And i'd love to see the faces of Indian pro-russians when russia inevitably picks china over India in case of another sino-indian war like when USSR did back then.
But this time russia will be over reliant on china so it will be even worse, china is a much bigger trade partner to russia then India ever could be.
Russia will be in an incredibly sad place in the future, with extreme economic reliance on china, to near vassal state status.

I say it again and again.

India's enemy is not the west, but China.
You say wrong.
India's enemy is BOTH the west AND China. Russia will be forced to Choose China but will continue to do deals with us, the same way we are doing with both Russia and USA in the current war. Russia is already economically dependent on China. But Russia is not strategically dependent on anyone : it is capable of projecting hard power on its own and is a net resource exporter. Ergo, russia cannot be told to suspend ties with India by China, without China severing its russia deals as a threat- which China won't do, since China both needs the Russian market AND its resources. The same way we say 'so solly, but biznez is biznez' to the west when they put pressure on us to disengage.

That does not negate the fact that the west is hostile to India and will be due to a myriad of reasons in the foreseeable future.
Ergo, russia cannot be told to suspend ties with India by China, without China severing its russia deals as a threat- which China won't do, since China both needs the Russian market AND its resources.
Incorrect. China has many partners it can buy oil and gas from but russia, excluding india, has only one major partner it call sell its oil to after the west imposed sanctions due to its invasion of ukraine in 2022.

That does not negate the fact that the west is hostile to India and will be due to a myriad of reasons in the foreseeable future.
Since the bush administration, USA has never took any openly offensive actions against India. Instead: they lifted the sanctions they had put on us earlier from the nuclear tests, buying russian engines etc.
They are favouring india above even NATO allies like turkey, so much so that when turkey and china purchased S400 system they faced sanctions from USA, but USA made an exception for when India did the same (even if they bluffed they would do it earlier).

Also we have not faced any sanctions from our trade with russia, aside from secondary sanctions on a few companies. Same goes with oil pipeline deal with Iran.
It clearly shows a pattern: They are willing to bluff putting sanctions on us, but will not follow through because they NEED us. From our position as a counter to china to our economic emergence as a US friendly nation that can be an alternative to china as the world's factory. This shows why there have been so many cooperation deals signed between US and India in the last 2 decades.

India's enemy is BOTH the west AND China
Since when did USA openly violate Indian territory and undermine our security?
You can look at US support to pakistan during cold war but things change, thats the truth of international relations which are purely in self interest. US has many allies today that used to be its enemies (japan, veitnam). And many enemies that used to be allies (Iran, Afghanistan)

The truth is that it is in the past, but china continues to be openly aggressive against us even today, violating borders and clashes with indian troops happen literally every month.

Sure you can look at some internal interference by the USA but thats another tuesday in geopolitics when it comes to global powers.
In the grand scheme of things it is necessary for India to have a close relation with USA. Not be overly dependent, sure, i'm all for strategic autonomy. But close relations none the less.
Ehhh... To counter china we must pick USA. We cant do it alone. We need their investments weapons technologies etc. etc.

And i'd love to see the faces of Indian pro-russians when russia inevitably picks china over India in case of another sino-indian war like when USSR did back then.
But this time russia will be over reliant on china so it will be even worse, china is a much bigger trade partner to russia then India ever could be.
Russia will be in an incredibly sad place in the future, with extreme economic reliance on china, to near vassal state status.

I say it again and again.

India's enemy is not the west, but China.

The west should not be India's enemy because the two entities are separated by several continents and oceans. However, the west does harbor, arm, and fund elements which are belligerent towards India.

If we understand the risk of Russia's over-dependence over China, then so do Russia's policy makers. They aren't naive, are they? The recent Modi-Putin optics carried a message for China as well.

OK, to counter China we pick USA. Then what? USA + NATO will come to save us just like they have been saving Ukraine? You are grossly underestimating west's dependence on China. And, what is the basis of the assumption that we cannot do it alone?

It will be a geopolitical blunder of the gargantuan scale to outsource India's security to a foreign entity.
Ehhh... To counter china we must pick USA. We cant do it alone. We need their investments weapons technologies etc. etc.

And i'd love to see the faces of Indian pro-russians when russia inevitably picks china over India in case of another sino-indian war like when USSR did back then.
But this time russia will be over reliant on china so it will be even worse, china is a much bigger trade partner to russia then India ever could be.
Russia will be in an incredibly sad place in the future, with extreme economic reliance on china, to near vassal state status.

I say it again and again.

India's enemy is not the west, but China.
Are you blind and deaf to the shenanigans that the West did with regards to India? No one is doubting that but you are wrong if the west is not India’s enemy. The west is not a true friend of India. Russia will not choose China over India but it will stay out of the conflict directly between China and India. The West will continue to play games with India.
Ehhh... To counter china we must pick USA. We cant do it alone. We need their investments weapons technologies etc. etc.

And i'd love to see the faces of Indian pro-russians when russia inevitably picks china over India in case of another sino-indian war like when USSR did back then.
C But this time russia will be over reliant on china so it will be even worse, china is a much bigger trade partner to russia then India ever could be.
Russia will be in an incredibly sad place in the future, with extreme economic reliance on china, to near vassal state status.

I say it again and again.

India's enemy is not the west, but China.

Your opinion Truly reflects Abrahamic background, you must have studied in Christian convent school.

Ukraine picked USA and result we are seeing on the ground. This is what you are wishing for India.

India China had skirmish in 2020 where Russia delivered weapons instantaneously on India's demand.

Can you show your face on DFB now when USA is not supplying India GE 404 engine and delaying Tejas MK1a???

Gl0b0h0m0s Liberandu-sickulars keep showing their hallmark trait by "Keep repeating" same sentance for ages like here "Russia extremely over relience on China" but fails to point out what are those extreme reliance are??

China is our enemy but west is also highly unreliable. So Russia is a best option atleast until we witness what you are claiming ( China's allience)
If we understand the risk of Russia's over-dependence over China, then so do Russia's policy makers. They aren't naive, are they?
To be fair, what choice do they have? After they were isolated from the world due to their idiotic decision to invade ukraine in 2022. Infact Russian reliance on china only grows, with more intertwined trade.

Then what? USA + NATO will come to save us just like they have been saving Ukraine?
No, because we are not ukraine. The key benefit of having close relations with USA is that in case of war with china we have their complete economic and military support. They dont have to wage war on china or anything but pressuring china via sanctions (which will be very effective against the globally intertwined chinese economy) and some aid here and there would do wonders.
Additionally we could get better ToT terms and more collabs with US MIC companies in our own defense projects. Giving us some edge against china.

You are grossly underestimating west's dependence on China.
Yes, that is what makes India so important to USA, as a counterbalance against china. India has potential to be the next factory of the world after china. This is why US is investing so much in India to grow the manufacturing sector(look at FDI 2023).

And, what is the basis of the assumption that we cannot do it alone?
Because of china's complete economic, military and technological superiority. See above how west can help India with this.

It will be a geopolitical blunder of the gargantuan scale to outsource India's security to a foreign entity.
Absolutely correct. But im not vowing for India to outsource its security to USA like european countries did. But to be a key partner on equal footing. Cooperation on technology of defense equipment and US ToT would greatly boost our security as well as our domestic defense industry.

**Also I'd like to add, im not saying we should allienate russia anytime soon, we can still gain a lot from our partnership. Oil and gas, defense cooperation etc. But when we have to inevitably choose a side, its obvious where we should go.

See the message above, i explained just how important India is to USA and how far they are going to go preserve our relations.
Your opinion Truly reflects Abrahamic background, you must have studied in Christian convent school.
Ad hominem, what a way to show your intelligence.

Ukraine picked USA and result we are seeing on the ground. This is what you are wishing for India.
What result? The 60$ billion aid bill that was signed a few months ago? Them being able to prevent russia from successfully overtaking their country even after struggling for nearly 3 years? Enviable result i must say.

India China had skirmish in 2020 where Russia delivered weapons instantaneously on India's demand.
Those were different times(pre invasion) and not a case of war.

Can you show your face on DFB now when USA is not supplying India GE 404 engine and delaying Tejas MK1a???
Can you show me your face when Russia delayed their equipment deliveries?
Well granted its due to them being in an active war, but that is not my main point here.

Yes, it sucks that they are delaying GE404 engines to India. We should likely look for ToT agreements instead of buying straight up. Like F414 engines which would be made here. I already expressed that i am all for strategic autonomy.

Gl0b0h0m0s Liberandu-sickulars keep showing their hallmark trait by "Keep repeating" same sentance for ages like here "Russia extremely over relience on China" but fails to point out what are those extreme reliance are??
I did, but if you cannot read its not my fault.
Let me go over:
Over half of russian exports go to china.
Russian domestic consumer market already dominated by cars, goods, clothes, semiconductors sourced from china.
Actually chinese semiconductors play a key role in russian missile manufacturing.
To be fair, what choice do they have? After they were isolated from the world due to their idiotic decision to invade ukraine in 2022. Infact Russian reliance on china only grows, with more intertwined trade.

No, because we are not ukraine. The key benefit of having close relations with USA is that in case of war with china we have their complete economic and military support. They dont have to wage war on china or anything but pressuring china via sanctions (which will be very effective against the globally intertwined chinese economy) and some aid here and there would do wonders.
Additionally we could get better ToT terms and more collabs with US MIC companies in our own defense projects. Giving us some edge against china.

Yes, that is what makes India so important to USA, as a counterbalance against china. India has potential to be the next factory of the world after china. This is why US is investing so much in India to grow the manufacturing sector(look at FDI 2023).

Because of china's complete economic, military and technological superiority. See above how west can help India with this.

Absolutely correct. But im not vowing for India to outsource its security to USA like european countries did. But to be a key partner on equal footing. Cooperation on technology of defense equipment and US ToT would greatly boost our security as well as our domestic defense industry.

**Also I'd like to add, im not saying we should allienate russia anytime soon, we can still gain a lot from our partnership. Oil and gas, defense cooperation etc. But when we have to inevitably choose a side, its obvious where we should go.

See the message above, i explained just how important India is to USA and how far they are going to go preserve our relations.

Your analysis is too simplistic or fan-boyish, mostly opinionated. Any geopolitical deal involves two or more entities, and a single party's wishful thinking won't translate into the reality in this complex world.

Just take a look at Ukraine's location to understand how important it is for the NATO alliance, important enough for the USA to threaten sanctions against India's banks and businesses.

It is Europe's largest country by land area. Ukraine's loss translates into a dangerous pressure point in the NATO alliance's immediate neighborhood that will cripple it's power-projection capabilities elsewhere.

USA's investments in India are not altruistic. US' businesses invest in India for profits, just like they invest in China. We don't need to get into any special alliance with the USA for investments or business, the market forces will automatically determine the flow.

If we give the USA an opportunity to fight China to the last Indian, the US will happily take it.

Even though India-China have territorial disputes, the two countries still cooperate wherever our interests converge. Geopolitics is not a game of binaries.

Russian domestic consumer market already dominated by cars, goods, clothes, semiconductors sourced from china.
Actually chinese semiconductors play a key role in russian missile manufacturing.

But, the western media reports say that the Russians are scavenging the Washing Machines and Toasters for the missile parts. Are those reports wrong?
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and a single party's wishful thinking won't translate into the reality in this complex world.
Its not wishful thinking, USA has openly stated this viewpoint, of India being a key player to counterbalance china. Look at their press conferences and public statements.
important enough for the USA to threaten sanctions against India's banks and businesses.
And yet, aside from secondary sanctions on some businessess, USA refrains from sanctioning India. Same goes with our S400 deal with Russia, where USA sanctioned turkey and china but not India. Why is that i wonder? Perhaps because USA sees the importance of India acting as a counterbalance against chinese dominance?
USA's investments in India are not altruistic. US' businesses invest in India for profits, just like they invest in China. We don't need to get into any special alliance with the USA for investments or business, the market forces will automatically determine the flow.
Ofcourse, they dont do this for our friendship ofcourse. But the sheer importance of these deals remains a reality.
Yes we dont need to get into any alliances with the USA for economic cooperation. When it comes to defense and intelligence cooperation however it becomes a different topic. We are already in QUAD for example.
If we give the USA an opportunity to fight China to the last Indian, the US will happily take it.
Ofcourse when you get to hypotheticals it can get real wild but USA knows India wouldn't agree to such a thing and we wont be like ukraine either to be forced into that spot.
India and USA only need to act in mutual interest here, India uses USA and USA uses India and each furthers their own goals.
There need be no submission from India. We are far too huge for being like just any other US "ally".
Even though India-China have territorial disputes, the two countries still cooperate wherever our interests converge. Geopolitics is not a game of binaries.
Economic cooperation is a separate domain from having common interests.
USA and India share a similar common interest to counter china.
India and China do not.
That is a fact.
But, the western media reports say that the Russians are scavenging the Washing Machines and Toasters for the missile parts. Are those reports wrong?
I dont see how that has anything to do with my viewpoints. Mainstream media from everywhere bullshits a. lot of info.
Your opinion Truly reflects Abrahamic background, you must have studied in Christian convent school.

Ukraine picked USA and result we are seeing on the ground. This is what you are wishing for India.

India China had skirmish in 2020 where Russia delivered weapons instantaneously on India's demand.

Can you show your face on DFB now when USA is not supplying India GE 404 engine and delaying Tejas MK1a???

Gl0b0h0m0s Liberandu-sickulars keep showing their hallmark trait by "Keep repeating" same sentance for ages like here "Russia extremely over relience on China" but fails to point out what are those extreme reliance are??

China is our enemy but west is also highly unreliable. So Russia is a best option atleast until we witness what you are claiming ( China's allience)
I am not in favour of west or anything but if it was not for murica ukrain would be run over by Russia and now there is kind of statusquo.
Its not wishful thinking, USA has openly stated this viewpoint, of India being a key player to counterbalance china. Look at their press conferences and public statements.

And yet, aside from secondary sanctions on some businessess, USA refrains from sanctioning India. Same goes with our S400 deal with Russia, where USA sanctioned turkey and china but not India. Why is that i wonder? Perhaps because USA sees the importance of India acting as a counterbalance against chinese dominance?

Ofcourse, they dont do this for our friendship ofcourse. But the sheer importance of these deals remains a reality.
Yes we dont need to get into any alliances with the USA for economic cooperation. When it comes to defense and intelligence cooperation however it becomes a different topic. We are already in QUAD for example.

Ofcourse when you get to hypotheticals it can get real wild but USA knows India wouldn't agree to such a thing and we wont be like ukraine either to be forced into that spot.
India and USA only need to act in mutual interest here, India uses USA and USA uses India and each furthers their own goals.
There need be no submission from India. We are far too huge for being like just any other US "ally".

Economic cooperation is a separate domain from having common interests.
USA and India share a similar common interest to counter china.
India and China do not.
That is a fact.

I dont see how that has anything to do with my viewpoints. Mainstream media from everywhere bullshits a. lot of info.

You want India to offer self to the US as a useful tool, a cannon fodder for "counter-balancing China"? Bad idea. What makes you think that India will not be their next target after the Chinese threat is dealt with?

US is a status-quo power and it doesn't tolerate competition. China, India and Russia are the three major threats to US' hegemony.

USA refrained from putting sanctions against India not because of some moral reason, they did not because they can't. They are not doing us any favor, they are just being realistic.

We don't need to be grateful or pay them back for this magnanimity. We owe them nothing.

India will work together with any foreign power as long as their interests converge with ours'. US is no exception. Our foreign policy doesn't revolve around managing our relation with the US and it's allies.

Allow me to remind you, we are in the QUAD, but we are also hold the memberships of SCO and BRICS.

PS: This thread covers India-Russia relationship. Let us stick to the topic.
Incorrect. China has many partners it can buy oil and gas from but russia, excluding india, has only one major partner it call sell its oil to after the west imposed sanctions due to its invasion of ukraine in 2022.

That is irrelevant. Oil is an in-demand resource that has more demand than production globally and as such, there will never not be a customer for oil from the 2nd largest producer in the world. FYI, the west is consuming Russian oil in record amount- just not crude. Its being re-routed through India after processing and same will continue.

Since the bush administration, USA has never took any openly offensive actions against India. Instead: they lifted the sanctions they had put on us earlier from the nuclear tests, buying russian engines etc.
They are favouring india above even NATO allies like turkey, so much so that when turkey and china purchased S400 system they faced sanctions from USA, but USA made an exception for when India did the same (even if they bluffed they would do it earlier).

Also we have not faced any sanctions from our trade with russia, aside from secondary sanctions on a few companies. Same goes with oil pipeline deal with Iran.
It clearly shows a pattern: They are willing to bluff putting sanctions on us, but will not follow through because they NEED us. From our position as a counter to china to our economic emergence as a US friendly nation that can be an alternative to china as the world's factory. This shows why there have been so many cooperation deals signed between US and India in the last 2 decades.
needing someone doesn't make you allies or non-enemies. in ww2, the anglos needed Russia. They were still enemies and as soon as mutual enemy was put away, they went back to being hostile. Same fate awaits us with the US.
US shelters wanted terrorists from India. US interferes in Indian internal matters and is openly calling for balkanisation of India via state2state diplomacy, bypassing the federal structure. That alone is grounds for war against an equal adversary. US does not recognise Indian maritime borders and does FONOPS against us. US uses its paid and state sponsored media to continuously create a hostile and negative image of India.
None of these are actions of allies, they are actions of adversaries.

Since when did USA openly violate Indian territory and undermine our security?
You can look at US support to pakistan during cold war but things change, thats the truth of international relations which are purely in self interest. US has many allies today that used to be its enemies (japan, veitnam). And many enemies that used to be allies (Iran, Afghanistan)

The truth is that it is in the past, but china continues to be openly aggressive against us even today, violating borders and clashes with indian troops happen literally every month.

Sure you can look at some internal interference by the USA but thats another tuesday in geopolitics when it comes to global powers.
In the grand scheme of things it is necessary for India to have a close relation with USA. Not be overly dependent, sure, i'm all for strategic autonomy. But close relations none the less.

US FONOPS in our territorial waters is an open violation of territorial sovereignty.
US didnt just support Pakistan during cold war, it PICKED pakistan during the cold war and it continuted its support well into the 2010s, 25 years after cold war ended.

also, Japan is not an ally, neither is germany. They are vassals. When you host foreign troops in your country but your troops dont have permanent base in that country, its called being a vassal.

US and India are geopolitical competitors. Russia and India are not. Hence Russia-India relations will always trump US-India relations in geopolitics.
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The west should not be India's enemy because the two entities are separated by several continents and oceans. However, the west does harbor, arm, and fund elements which are belligerent towards India.

If we understand the risk of Russia's over-dependence over China, then so do Russia's policy makers. They aren't naive, are they? The recent Modi-Putin optics carried a message for China as well.

OK, to counter China we pick USA. Then what? USA + NATO will come to save us just like they have been saving Ukraine? You are grossly underestimating west's dependence on China. And, what is the basis of the assumption that we cannot do it alone?

It will be a geopolitical blunder of the gargantuan scale to outsource India's security to a foreign entity.

West will ALWAYS be enemy of any nation that has the potential to dominate the 'world island', aka Afro-Eurasia. The fundamental goal of the west is world domination. The fundamental handicap of the west is demographically and geographically, they are at the periphery of the world island and not in a position to dominate it. That is the fundamental view of western geopolitics.
I love how West and Ruso phile Indians have been wrecking each other over the former since cold war - oblivious to fact relations are transactional at best with both West and Russia. We often used relations with both to balance each other by India. None of the first two are your besty bff, langotiya, yaar.

They will ditch India the moment they get better more beneficial deal from any other relation or if they see ditching India serves their own long time interests.
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That is irrelevant. Oil is an in-demand resource that has more demand than production globally and as such, there will never not be a customer for oil from the 2nd largest producer in the world. FYI, the west is consuming Russian oil in record amount- just not crude. Its being re-routed through India after processing and same will continue.
Just one caveat, the crude oil is not directly consumable, it needs to be refined. The oil refineries are designed to process only a limited types/grades of crude oil.

India entered the picture when it comes to the Russian crude oil because some of our refineries possess the capability to process this type of oil. Many middle eastern countries get their oil refined here in India for a similar reason.

You must have heard about Pakistan importing the sanctioned Russian oil. It was processed here in India. 🤣

needing someone doesn't make you allies or non-enemies. in ww2, the anglos needed Russia. They were still enemies and as soon as mutual enemy was put away, they went back to being hostile. Same fate awaits us with the US.

Absolutely, they are saving India for the dinner. They have not been overtly hostile towards India because their Indo-Pacific strategy will go up in the flames.

Also, we cannot be blind to the fact that US + UK jointly run a naval base right in the middle of the Indian Ocean on an occupied piece of land (Diego Garcia).

US shelters wanted terrorists from India. US interferes in Indian internal matters and is openly calling for balkanisation of India via state2state diplomacy, bypassing the federal structure. That alone is grounds for war against an equal adversary. US does not recognise Indian maritime borders and does FONOPS against us. US uses its paid and state sponsored media to continuously create a hostile and negative image of India.

None of these are actions of allies, they are actions of adversaries.

That is a major saving grace for Russia. Russia never hosted the anti-India "non state actors" on it's soil. Russia doesn't interfere in India's domestic politics (overtly). There is no major geopolitical friction between India and Russia.

I love how West and Ruso phile Indians have been wrecking each other over the former since cold war - oblivious to fact relations are transactional at best with both West and Russia. We often used relations with both to balance each other by India. None of the first two are your besty bff, langotiya, yaar.

They will ditch India the moment they get better more beneficial deal from any other relation or if they see ditching India serves their own long time interests.

Absolutely. and we select the best option available to us under a particular situation. However, this is also true that India-Russia relation has less friction points than the India-US relation.

Also, there is a cultural angle, the western societies are more individualistic and amoral than the eastern ones. This reflects in their foreign policies as well.
Just one caveat, the crude oil is not directly consumable, it needs to be refined. The oil refineries are designed to process only a limited types/grades of crude oil.

India entered the picture when it comes to the Russian crude oil because some of our refineries possess the capability to process this type of oil. Many middle eastern countries get their oil refined here in India for a similar reason.

You must have heard about Pakistan importing the sanctioned Russian oil. It was processed here in India. 🤣

As someone who grew up in the oil industry, what you are saying has always been the case - countries who lack refining capacity always re-route their oil consumption to countries who can refine it for them.

Pre-2022, say a country like Poland would go 'Hey italy, i bought Russian oil, i need it refined, pls gib slot'. Post-2022, a country like Poland goes 'hey India, italy or spain(two biggest refiners in europe) wont take russian oil, i wont import russian oil, so can you buy extra russian crude, refine it and gib it to me plz'.

Thats it. thats all the difference there is.

Absolutely, they are saving India for the dinner. They have not been overtly hostile towards India because their Indo-Pacific strategy will go up in the flames.

Also, we cannot be blind to the fact that US + UK jointly run a naval base right in the middle of the Indian Ocean on an occupied piece of land (Diego Garcia).

That is a major saving grace for Russia. Russia never hosted the anti-India "non state actors" on it's soil. Russia doesn't interfere in India's domestic politics (overtly). There is no major geopolitical friction between India and Russia.

This is because Russia and India do not have any geopolitical competition or competing goals with one another.
To summarize, this is the geo-political goals of the 4 main players:

1. China : World domination, while breaking out of the 1st island chain.
2. USA : world domination, by making sure it remains the top dog in the 'free world' and can weaponize 'freedom' against its competitors.
3. India: survival, with self-contained mini-continental logistics, with potential for world domination due to demographics & geography
4. Russia : security of the state.

The Russian central geopolitical considerations are two-fold : a) access to warm water ports b) protection of the east european plain.
Its these two goals that drive Russian expansionism, as their only warm water ports basically lead to two big salty lakes with tiny outlets ( Black sea and mediterranean) that are both controlled by NATO, while the east european plains are indefensible and the *only* way to defend a vast & indefensible flatland is to shorten the front.
This is exactly what the soviet union did by annexing western half of poland after ww2 : with its southern flank anchored by the Carpatian mountains ( Ukraine-Romania-Hungary border), it effectively shortened the eastern european plain to the length of the Polish border.

A tertiary Russian geopolitical goal has surfaced since breakup of USSR : protecting the Russian underbelly from central Asia. They do this by creating a buffer state in Kazakhstan, which is effectively the most russi-fied nation on the planet with a huge % of Russians living in it.

As such, Russia and India are not hostile to each other even behind the scenes because Russia and India do not have any competing interests. India has no interest in projecting control north of the Hindu Kush or Tibetan plateau, India also has no horse in the Russian desires as mentioned above.

Absolutely. and we select the best option available to us under a particular situation. However, this is also true that India-Russia relation has less friction points than the India-US relation.

Also, there is a cultural angle, the western societies are more individualistic and amoral than the eastern ones. This reflects in their foreign policies as well.

West needs to maintain itself as the attractive option. Because west is highly dependent on brain-drain to sustain itself. Pre 2000s, the brain drain was required to maintain their technological lead and as such, the west projected itself as the 'you mind your business we mind ours, no harm done but so rich and clean' image to attract top talent.
Post 2000, the west's survival depends on brain-drain and manpower drain because western birth rates have cratered. West has also learned from its own history that if you are highly dependent on immigration, you cannot resist the immigrant cultures of origin and eventually, they will dominate your land. Hence the focus since 2000s to vilify India,China and all such nations that are the bulk majority of western immigrants - if you can keep projecting India as terrible, such as rape stories ( despite the fact that almost every single western country is 20-50 times more rape filled per capita than India), it will make 2nd generation Indians disassociate with India out of moral guilt and absorb better into western culture.
THAT is the key driver of anti-indian sentiments put out by western media, all of which are highly controlled by their governments through embedding ( just see how many CNN, BBC, CNBC, Fox etc hosts are former state department or former DoD employees).

America has an added incentive to be hostile towards India : it is the only country that has the demographics AND the system structure to challenge USA's crown as 'leader of the free world'. Ie, what happens if India hits 40 trillion economy one day and what happens if that day comes before USA hits that mark ? Boom. India is the leader of the free world. Its a democracy, its far more diverse indegenously than USA is and USA can't use ' evol dictatorial barbarians who are threat to free world, unite behind meeeeee' rhetoric. Hence US panderings to these fake-ass democracy ratings to try and de-legitimise Indian democracy and keep a hold of its crown along with sponsoring balkanisation of India.

No country has a bigger stake in breaking up India as USA or China does.

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