Indo Russia Relations

Russia needs to realize one thing that Xina was/is/will be an Expansionist Empire. Its their 5000-Year Heritage. Chinese will always play the long game, they don't have the Civilizational Value of "Live& Let Live". They will do Salami Slicing with Russia once they detect weakness. So, it will only bite them back in ass if they think of short term benefits and resort to increased bhai-bhai with China due to increased Western Sanctions and not realize the long term threat. A Stronger India may be not be milked as previously as they did, but surely it won't chew your country full of natural resources. Russia believing that China would be its Eternal Friend will be its deathtrap.
Ad hominem, what a way to show your intelligence
I'm not a Dhimmi, so I always give fully deserving respect to Abrahamics. Abrahamics are sole reason today for all humen sufferings.

What result? The 60$ billion aid bill that was signed a few months ago? Them being able to prevent russia from successfully overtaking their country even after struggling for nearly 3 years? Enviable result i must say.

As I said zillions of times that Gl0b0h0m0s Liberandu-sickulars has zero knowledge about anything on the earth.
You just changed goal post without even realising to yourself. Actually America (NATO) promised shoulder to shoulders fight against Ruskie. 60 Billion dollar is nothing as per NATO promised. Infact Ukraine lost more money and men for NATO cause.

NATO hijacked Ukrainian Administration. Why NATO is not providing F-35, Rafale, Eurofighter?? If they are friends??

Gl0b0h0m0s Liberandu-sickulars are friends of no-one. They are terr@r!sts.

Those were different times(pre invasion) and not a case of war.

Hahaha, what happened now to your extreme China relience?? Didn't Russia thought about this ?? why should they help India in 2020 when they are going to a war against Ukraine next year??

They knew it. Still fulfilled our requirements.

Can you show me your face when Russia delayed their equipment deliveries?
Well granted its due to them being in an active war, but that is not my main point here.

Yes, it sucks that they are delaying GE404 engines to India. We should likely look for ToT agreements instead of buying straight up. Like F414 engines which would be made here. I already expressed that i am all for strategic autonomy.

Again, 😂😂😂
Brown Sipoy, Russia is in all out war so their situation is self explanatory. Still Russia delivered 2 S-400 during the war.

Tell why America is not able to deliver?? Is America in war?? No.

But again Gl0b0h0m0s Liberandu-sickulars will regurgitate same repeating answer "Due to poor supply chain issue".

I did, but if you cannot read its not my fault.
Let me go over:
Over half of russian exports go to china.
Russian domestic consumer market already dominated by cars, goods, clothes, semiconductors sourced from china.
Actually chinese semiconductors play a key role in russian missile manufacturing.

Poor knowledge of Gl0b0h0m0s Liberandu-sickulars is the biggest reason for Russia -Ukraine war. They know nothing but still pretend they know everything.

European still buying Russia oil, High end technology from Europe and America still finding it's place in Russia,

On several occasions, European semiconductors find in Russian missiles and Drones.

China do not supply car, cloths. It's largely supply electronic items and low grade semiconductors.

Russia produce good amounts of semiconductors though it is not as advanced as west but enough to weapon production.

Memorise my next line for your future reference....

"China is not helping Russia because Russia demanding it. China helping Russia for a common goal to weaken the West so China can take over Taiwan in future" Russia is saving China's Ass and Chinese know this very well.
I am not in favour of west or anything but if it was not for murica ukrain would be run over by Russia and now there is kind of statusquo.

If it was not America then Ukraine would been a intact country today.

Why are you deliberately avoiding American role in Ukraine Russia war?

Read Foreign agent bill of Georgia. Why it is being brought?? Why NATO/Soros opposing it even threatening sanctions??

Just read it. Then you can see how America capture countries covertly.
I love how West and Ruso phile Indians have been wrecking each other over the former since cold war - oblivious to fact relations are transactional at best with both West and Russia. We often used relations with both to balance each other by India. None of the first two are your besty bff, langotiya, yaar.

They will ditch India the moment they get better more beneficial deal from any other relation or if they see ditching India serves their own long time interests.

Yesa nhi hota bhai... Ye muhalle ki politics nhi hai.

There are far reaching consequences for even a slight misjudgement
As I predicted at the start of this war (Feb-2022). I will repeat again.

"Inadvertently, India is the only country which is benefitting from this war. The amount of benefits India will get from war will be far exceeding then anyone else."

India just jumped 8-10 years ahead on world stage within 3 years.

Another thing I also predicted about CAATSA. This is the worse law America passed. This law will only work against America and will be highly detrimental for America's image. ( भस्मासुर हैं ये )
The fact that Putin is not wearing a tie, says a lot. Or atleast, he wants to give the world a message. Modi is his buddy, he needs not wear a tie when talking to his buddy.
Diplomatic relations aside these two seem to be very good on a personal friendships level.

Modi should take some inspiration from putin on how to deal with a terrible neighbor.
Yesa nhi hota bhai... Ye muhalle ki politics nhi hai.

Z41 are far reaching consequences for even a slight misjudgement
I weighed my words before I chose. Actually the way Russophile and Westrenphile Indians fight with each other is precisely because they think international relation is mohalla politics.

we may have less friction points with Russia but we do have friction points, points where Russophiles blind faith can be questioned. As for west, its every bit perfidious a- yet an economy enabler/partner.

India is doint best at this juncture. Remember even during cold war both factions had nuclear warheads pointed at us too under MAD. Thats real politik for us.

PS: If there is Real beneficiary from this war it is China. It got Russia, Russian Market and Russian policies under its thumb firmly. Obama's G2 is more real than before.

India, apart from petro discount and some reinvestment of money earned by Russia back into India(by product sanctions), is literally walking on eggshells.
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I weighed my words before I chose. Actually the way Russophile and Westrenphile Indians fight with each other is precisely because they think international relation is mohalla politics.

we may have less friction points with Russia but we do have friction points, points where Russophiles blind faith can be questioned. As for west, its every bit perfidious a- yet an economy enabler/partner.

India is doint best at this juncture. Remember even during cold war both factions had nuclear warheads pointed at us too under MAD. Thats real politik for us.

PS: If there is Real beneficiary from this war it is China. It got Russia, Russian Market and Russian policies under its thumb firmly. Obama's G2 is more real than before.

India, apart from petro discount and some reinvestment of money earned by Russia back into India(by product sanctions), is literally walking on eggshells.

Which means Indian planners need to up India’s game by go all in with its Atmanibharbharat programs, space program and renewable energy programs to reduce it’s reliance on other countries.
As someone who grew up in the oil industry, what you are saying has always been the case - countries who lack refining capacity always re-route their oil consumption to countries who can refine it for them.

Pre-2022, say a country like Poland would go 'Hey italy, i bought Russian oil, i need it refined, pls gib slot'. Post-2022, a country like Poland goes 'hey India, italy or spain(two biggest refiners in europe) wont take russian oil, i wont import russian oil, so can you buy extra russian crude, refine it and gib it to me plz'.

Thats it. thats all the difference there is.

This is because Russia and India do not have any geopolitical competition or competing goals with one another.
To summarize, this is the geo-political goals of the 4 main players:

1. China : World domination, while breaking out of the 1st island chain.
2. USA : world domination, by making sure it remains the top dog in the 'free world' and can weaponize 'freedom' against its competitors.
3. India: survival, with self-contained mini-continental logistics, with potential for world domination due to demographics & geography
4. Russia : security of the state.

The Russian central geopolitical considerations are two-fold : a) access to warm water ports b) protection of the east european plain.
Its these two goals that drive Russian expansionism, as their only warm water ports basically lead to two big salty lakes with tiny outlets ( Black sea and mediterranean) that are both controlled by NATO, while the east european plains are indefensible and the *only* way to defend a vast & indefensible flatland is to shorten the front.
This is exactly what the soviet union did by annexing western half of poland after ww2 : with its southern flank anchored by the Carpatian mountains ( Ukraine-Romania-Hungary border), it effectively shortened the eastern european plain to the length of the Polish border.

A tertiary Russian geopolitical goal has surfaced since breakup of USSR : protecting the Russian underbelly from central Asia. They do this by creating a buffer state in Kazakhstan, which is effectively the most russi-fied nation on the planet with a huge % of Russians living in it.

As such, Russia and India are not hostile to each other even behind the scenes because Russia and India do not have any competing interests. India has no interest in projecting control north of the Hindu Kush or Tibetan plateau, India also has no horse in the Russian desires as mentioned above.

West needs to maintain itself as the attractive option. Because west is highly dependent on brain-drain to sustain itself. Pre 2000s, the brain drain was required to maintain their technological lead and as such, the west projected itself as the 'you mind your business we mind ours, no harm done but so rich and clean' image to attract top talent.
Post 2000, the west's survival depends on brain-drain and manpower drain because western birth rates have cratered. West has also learned from its own history that if you are highly dependent on immigration, you cannot resist the immigrant cultures of origin and eventually, they will dominate your land. Hence the focus since 2000s to vilify India,China and all such nations that are the bulk majority of western immigrants - if you can keep projecting India as terrible, such as rape stories ( despite the fact that almost every single western country is 20-50 times more rape filled per capita than India), it will make 2nd generation Indians disassociate with India out of moral guilt and absorb better into western culture.
THAT is the key driver of anti-indian sentiments put out by western media, all of which are highly controlled by their governments through embedding ( just see how many CNN, BBC, CNBC, Fox etc hosts are former state department or former DoD employees).

America has an added incentive to be hostile towards India : it is the only country that has the demographics AND the system structure to challenge USA's crown as 'leader of the free world'. Ie, what happens if India hits 40 trillion economy one day and what happens if that day comes before USA hits that mark ? Boom. India is the leader of the free world. Its a democracy, its far more diverse indegenously than USA is and USA can't use ' evol dictatorial barbarians who are threat to free world, unite behind meeeeee' rhetoric. Hence US panderings to these fake-ass democracy ratings to try and de-legitimise Indian democracy and keep a hold of its crown along with sponsoring balkanisation of India.

No country has a bigger stake in breaking up India as USA or China does.
Guy is in form here, great and correct analysis, to add your point.
Indians are not rapist, if we did that why in foreign lands one don't see Indians up in woman related crime top 10 spot but we are in TOP 10 SPOTS FROM BELOW?
The Yankees rape more woman in their own land than any Indian can do and also the pleasure woman industry that is their in South Korea and assault on Japanese women in Japan due to their military base.
Please, if some one pointed this all GOD BLESS AMERICA will become GOD F#C% AMERICA.
I weighed my words before I chose. Actually the way Russophile and Westrenphile Indians fight with each other is precisely because they think international relation is mohalla politics.

we may have less friction points with Russia but we do have friction points, points where Russophiles blind faith can be questioned. As for west, its every bit perfidious a- yet an economy enabler/partner.

Russia did play dirty games detrimental to the interests of India.

Russia tried to stop India's expansion towards the Central-Asian region and the Balkans. Russia tried to make an ingress into the Indian Subcontinent via Pakistan and Bangladesh (in alliance with China).

Russia also tried to steamroll India's diplomatic influence in Afghanistan. What is even more bizarre is that the US actually played along with Russia against India in Afghanistan.

Just go through the India-specific reports in RT and Sputnik before the Russian invasion of Ukraine, you will mostly find snakes, cows, poverty, social discrimination, and rapes.

India is doint best at this juncture. Remember even during cold war both factions had nuclear warheads pointed at us too under MAD. Thats real politik for us.

In the next big war, even if India decides to stay neutral, we will still end up getting nuked. The status-quo powers won't allow us to remain intact because that will result in a meticulous rise of India on their ruins.

PS: If there is Real beneficiary from this war it is China. It got Russia, Russian Market and Russian policies under its thumb firmly. Obama's G2 is more real than before.

India, apart from petro discount and some reinvestment of money earned by Russia back into India(by product sanctions), is literally walking on eggshells.

India is a net beneficiary of the Ukraine war, even if our benefits are lesser than China's.

The war took big boys' attention away from the India's sphere of influence. It restricts the Geo-strategic maneuverability of all the major powers against India.

India's economy is extremely sensitive to the fuel prices. After the COVID lock-down (and the Russia-KSA oil price war) and Before the Ukraine war started, the oil prices were steadily going up. The Russia-Ukraine war allowed us access to the cheap Russian oil and coal to fuel our fast growing economy and stabilize the inflation. India's COVID-stricken economy needed this boost.
I weighed my words before I chose. Actually the way Russophile and Westrenphile Indians fight with each other is precisely because they think international relation is mohalla politics.

we may have less friction points with Russia but we do have friction points, points where Russophiles blind faith can be questioned. As for west, its every bit perfidious a- yet an economy enabler/partner.

India is doint best at this juncture. Remember even during cold war both factions had nuclear warheads pointed at us too under MAD. Thats real politik for us.

PS: If there is Real beneficiary from this war it is China. It got Russia, Russian Market and Russian policies under its thumb firmly. Obama's G2 is more real than before.

India, apart from petro discount and some reinvestment of money earned by Russia back into India(by product sanctions), is literally walking on eggshells.

Manufacturing sector is the back bone China and it is exactly being hurt due to Russia -Ukraine war.

Earlier when India used to appeal the West for investment of India they used to ignore but now it became a strong case.

Europe and America has significantly reduced their investment in china. Moreover there are multiple shadow sanctions has been put against China.

I know these actions not killing China but helping India for sure. Europe and America has realised fully that until they don't make serious investment in India they should forget India's support against Russia.
Russia did play dirty games detrimental to the interests of India.

Russia tried to stop India's expansion towards the Central-Asian region and the Balkans. Russia tried to make an ingress into the Indian Subcontinent via Pakistan and Bangladesh (in alliance with China).

Russia also tried to steamroll India's diplomatic influence in Afghanistan. What is even more bizarre is that the US actually played along with Russia against India in Afghanistan.

Just go through the India-specific reports in RT and Sputnik before the Russian invasion of Ukraine, you will mostly find snakes, cows, poverty, social discrimination, and rapes.

In the next big war, even if India decides to stay neutral, we will still end up getting nuked. The status-quo powers won't allow us to remain intact because that will result in a meticulous rise of India on their ruins.

India is a net beneficiary of the Ukraine war, even if our benefits are lesser than China's.

The war took big boys' attention away from the India's sphere of influence. It restricts the Geo-strategic maneuverability of all the major powers against India.

India's economy is extremely sensitive to the fuel prices. After the COVID lock-down (and the Russia-KSA oil price war) and Before the Ukraine war started, the oil prices were steadily going up. The Russia-Ukraine war allowed us access to the cheap Russian oil and coal to fuel our fast growing economy and stabilize the inflation. India's COVID-stricken economy needed this boost.
Well you just expanded on what I said. I said we had few friction points with Russia and you listed some of them. We have bigger friction points with west. West does the same as Russia at much much larger scale than what Russia does to us.

War in Ukraine war has some benefits while some were lost. Case in point US and Pakistan are realigning. Thing is with weak supply chain base - we are bound to be played by both outside and inside forces. Upgradation, maintenance of military wares have been affected. Russia for all purpose is under thumb of China.

For economy, some are still holding out verdict.
Manufacturing sector is the back bone China and it is exactly being hurt due to Russia -Ukraine war.

Earlier when India used to appeal the West for investment of India they used to ignore but now it became a strong case.

Europe and America has significantly reduced their investment in china. Moreover there are multiple shadow sanctions has been put against China.

I know these actions not killing China but helping India for sure. Europe and America has realised fully that until they don't make serious investment in India they should forget India's support against Russia.
investment is not being routed at rate what we expect. Actually other countries like Vietnam have benefitted more. You forget a lot of American capital is tied in China , as well as big market for American Goods. Till Market for American goods is not eroded completely in CHina - you can bet China shall be handled with kid gloves.
Russia did play dirty games detrimental to the interests of India.

Russia tried to stop India's expansion towards the Central-Asian region and the Balkans. Russia tried to make an ingress into the Indian Subcontinent via Pakistan and Bangladesh (in alliance with China).

Russia also tried to steamroll India's diplomatic influence in Afghanistan. What is even more bizarre is that the US actually played along with Russia against India in Afghanistan.

Just go through the India-specific reports in RT and Sputnik before the Russian invasion of Ukraine, you will mostly find snakes, cows, poverty, social discrimination, and rapes.

Yes however the damage done by US is far greater than Russia could ever do. Russia never tried to break up India like US did and still is trying to. Russia is not trying to dictate the rules to Indian culture as the US is doing with its wokeism crap. Russia is not trying to control the Indian economy like the US is doing. Russia is not sharing intel and providing material support to India's enemies to hurt India as US is doing with respect to Pakistan.

Whatever you say about Russia, I could recite US examples that are 10 times worse than what Russia did.

How is it an economic slide when India is the fastest growing economy among big countries? China has more structural defects in its economy than does India and those are gonna hurt China way more than Japan's structural defects hurt Japan resulting in lost decade of growth (should be term as lost generation of growth).
How is it an economic slide when India is the fastest growing economy among big countries? China has more structural defects in its economy than does India and those are gonna hurt China way more than Japan's structural defects hurt Japan resulting in lost decade of growth (should be term as lost generation of growth).
Blade till India does not have solid educational/research base& culture, Indian Inc outlook is not changed towards it for R&D. TIll Indian industries themselves do not start themselves nurturing research eco system from ground up - I have less and less hope. These growth figures are hawa ka jhonka till then. We experienced higher growth rates before 2004, 2005 onwards only to be tapered down sharply.

Blade till India does not have solid educational/research base& culture, Indian Inc outlook is not changed towards it for R&D. TIll Indian industries themselves do not start themselves nurturing research eco system from ground up - I have less and less hope. These growth figures are hawa ka jhonka till then. We experienced higher growth rates before 2004, 2005 onwards only to be tapered down sharply.


Then we have to incentivize Indian companies to devote more resources into research. We can use a carrot and stick approach by using the taxation powers. We can offer generous tax credit or deductions if they devote a significant portion of their revenues toward research and impose higher tax brackets on those who do not sponsor research given their levels of revenue.
Then we have to incentivize Indian companies to devote more resources into research. We can use a carrot and stick approach by using the taxation powers. We can offer generous tax credit or deductions if they devote a significant portion of their revenues toward research and impose higher tax brackets on those who do not sponsor research given their levels of revenue.
And you think it has not been done by Govt till now? Subsidies for R&D exist in one form or other. Indian Inc is more clever(in hoodwinking) and more lethargic (in R&D) than you think...


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