Indo US Relations

@GaudaNaresh is a living proof of my personal theory of "the further the bong moves from bengal the less retarded he gets" .. Phool sapoort brozzer .. We will work towards industrialization energy security total green death here while you mold the west in our image. :military:

Your theory isnt without merit. This scenario is actually true and over time, i've realized that the sane bengalis often tend to have one or both parents being 'probashi bengali', meaning, bong who didnt grow up in bongisthan. Even i am directly half probashi bangali because my dad's family is based off of Andamans and grew up there, only experiencing Bongistan for uni years and then facking off to Dilli. Even amongst my aunts/uncles, the ones who remained in Bongistan after college turned out to be far more retarded than the ones who fucked off from bongistan like my dad, an aunt who never came or another uncle who basically is more marathi than bongi at this point.

It must be the arsenic in the groundwater or something that makes bongistanis retarded. Afterall, most of us who are 45-50+ grew up drinking the tubewell water from bongistan.
my personal theory of "the further the bong moves from bengal the less retarded he gets"

Your theory isnt without merit


Ant bhala to sab bhala.

A fine sense of humor you guys have.
@GaudaNaresh is a living proof of my personal theory of "the further the bong moves from bengal the less retarded he gets" .. Phool sapoort brozzer .. We will work towards industrialization, energy security, total green death here while you mold the west in our image. :military:
weren't there some bongs holding placard in Murica, Britshitland, Germany and Australia few years back not to vote for Modi. I don't find a single Telugu or Tamil or even Kannadiga, its always Bongistanis.

Ant bhala to sab bhala.

A fine sense of humor you guys have.
It takes time to be honest .. I have met bongs
>Work in filthy capitalist non union IT industry
>Supports communist party
Indeed... dark humour is all we have .. leave us alone.
The bihari equivalent is worse lel.
weren't there some bongs holding placard in Murica, Britshitland, Germany and Australia few years back not to vote for Modi. I don't find a single Telugu or Tamil or even Kannadiga, its always Bongistanis.
Like I said above .. it takes time .. It takes one generation of separation for it to take hold honestly. ANd if they are exposed to JNU jholla chaps or pro plaistinian type western colleges well the cycle starts again.
What do you mean "even kannadiga" they are non existant in such retardation, There are straight up LTTE recruitment cells in Australia and other anglo countries. Have you not seen the Im from "tamil nadu" (not India/Bharat) when tamil folks intro themselves outside lol. Not supporting leaderji is the least of our problems.
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@GaudaNaresh is a living proof of my personal theory of "the further the bong moves from bengal the less retarded he gets" .. Phool sapoort brozzer .. We will work towards industrialization, energy security, total green death here while you mold the west in our image. :military:
And reverse holds true for Punjabis - especially Sikhs
And reverse holds true for Punjabis - especially Sikhs
Makes sense. We are polar opposite people in India - one likes to flow 'paseena' like its floodwater, the other is allergic to any 'paseena-work'. One likes to do military, trucking and kheti-baari, other likes to go 'engineer or doctor or nothing'.
So it makes sense we will be opposites here too.
@GaudaNaresh is a living proof of my personal theory of "the further the bong moves from bengal the less retarded he gets" .. Phool sapoort brozzer .. We will work towards industrialization, energy security, total green death here while you mold the west in our image. :military:
Not always true.

I had a colleague who was a hindutva edgelord and super religious.
Then again his hometown was unironically in a border-district in Bonglol.
Not always true.

I had a colleague who was a hindutva edgelord and super religious.
Then again his hometown was unironically in a border-district in Bonglol.
It is weird situation out there:
One of the most kattar hindutva warrior - a Bengali
One of the most ir-religious, woke, secular, etc etc - a Bengali

There is nothing in between!

and have met both!
It is weird situation out there:
One of the most kattar hindutva warrior - a Bengali
One of the most ir-religious, woke, secular, etc etc - a Bengali

There is nothing in between!

and have met both!

Bengalis come in 3 shades. In order of prevalence, these are the three shades of Bong hindus:

a) Doesnt give a shit, wants no lafraa, just wants no jhanjhat, will say whatever needs to be said to maintain status quo. Appox 60% of bongs
b) Libbu-tard who thinks Islam and communism are best things since sliced cheese and hindus should ape them. Approx 30%
c) Wants to cut off all green mundi and make a skull pile at charan of maa kaali. Approx 10%
This is a development that India needs to take cognizance - weaponization of space by US for its own purposes and uses.

This is a development that India needs to take cognizance - weaponization of space by US for its own purposes and uses.

There is some KALI thing by DRDO. Shooting Electron Beams something something that can fry electronics. We need a stick against Starlink-esque LEO Constellations and Optical Imaging Satellites. Something like a very large diameter AESA Radar Powerful enough can function as Disruptor.

GOI is vainly giving dossier pe dossier to kanada, it's usa that needs to be made to understand, usa should be made aware to reign in these elements or else it has too loose something, in the cost benefit analysis gora sahib should be convinced supporting separatist against Bharat will be a loss for them.
DEI ,so called modern slavery act ,wokeism, multiculturalism, supporting immigration etc aren't done by gora sahib by virtue of him being a noble civilised supporter of hooman rights, but to hide his shame and as a smokescreen to carry on with his dhandoo (aka business).

Gora sahib has to be named and shamed legally by the rules, by opinion pieces, intellectual discussion, art work, (do unto him what he does to you o infidel )only when he senses his reputation is at stake as a sponsor of terrorism will he amend his ways otherwise he will hide behind the facade of freedom of speech, heathen threatening my sovereignty etc
DEI ,so called modern slavery act ,wokeism, multiculturalism, supporting immigration etc aren't done by gora sahib by virtue of him being a noble civilised supporter of hooman rights, but to hide his shame and as a smokescreen to carry on with his dhandoo (aka business).

Gora sahib has to be named and shamed legally by the rules, by opinion pieces, intellectual discussion, art work, (do unto him what he does to you o infidel )only when he senses his reputation is at stake as a sponsor of terrorism will he amend his ways otherwise he will hide behind the facade of freedom of speech, heathen threatening my sovereignty etc

Modern slavery is the easiest example of stunning gora propaganda and their brain rot.
Apparently modern slavery = trad slavery according to goras. If you ask them why, the answer is 'well slaves are slaves due to conditions, so it counts'. But when you ask, how is ILLEGAL situation comparable to LEGAL situations, how is being kidnapped in a country where it is a crime makes the country same moral culpability as a country where its LEGAL to kidnap people, its crickets and silence.

Modern slavery is cope trope of goras, because goras know that there is ZERO evidence of slavery for 2000+ years in India, SE Asia and in Chinese history of slavery, they banned slavery around 100 BCE and that edict has been violated only 7-8 times since, in the era of chinese dynasties.
That means about half the human population in the world hasnt engaged in slavery for at least as long as christianity has existed.
goras wanna hide this fact
Trash article appears in US state aligned propaganda outlet "New York Times" in favor of their assets.

ChuChant Chung thinks that it is the "event of the century", dekho dekho "NEW YORK TIMES" pe aaaya hai!!!!! "NEW YORK TIMES PE AAYA HAI, TO SACH HAI, AB TO BHHAGNE KA JAGAH NAI HAI, Checkmate Modi"



New York Times publishes full-page anti-India propaganda article hailing 2020 Ant-Hindu Delhi Riots accused Umar Khalid​


A reminder that these "Muh Islamophilic" Lundericans had even killed Saddam's 14 year old grandson -

Photo of Lunderican terrorists killing -

Bengalis come in 3 shades. In order of prevalence, these are the three shades of Bong hindus:

a) Doesnt give a shit, wants no lafraa, just wants no jhanjhat, will say whatever needs to be said to maintain status quo. Appox 60% of bongs
b) Libbu-tard who thinks Islam and communism are best things since sliced cheese and hindus should ape them. Approx 30%
c) Wants to cut off all green mundi and make a skull pile at charan of maa kaali. Approx 10%
I was never (b). I was a Right-leaning(a) before for very long,now (c).

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