1. Total Population of Kerala: 3,56,99,443.
2. Muslim population of Kerala: 88,73,472 (26%)
3. Number of Madrasas in Kerala: 21,683.
4. Number of madrasa teachers in Kerala: 2,04,683.
5. Number of Panchayats in Kerala: 941.
6. Average number of Madrasas per Panchayat (21683/941) = 23 Madrasas. NB : More than one madrasa per ward.
7. Salary of a Madrasa Teacher = 25,000 per month (excluding those who are paid at the rate of Rs. 300 per hour).
8. Salary for madrasa teachers per month from exchequer: 204683x 25000 = 511,70,75,000
9. Pension given to Madrasa teachers per month (implemented by Pinarayi Govt.): 6,000 x 2,00,000 = 120,00,00,000
10. Total one month Madrasa salary and pension from exchequer: (5117075000 + 1200000000) = 631,70,75,000
11. Money spent in Kerala in a year including madrasa salary and pension (6317075000 x 12 ) = ₹7580,49,00,000
Information Credit: Hon'ble Minister of Higher Education - KT Jalil presented in the Legislative Assembly...
Can you imagine 7,580.5 crores every year on madrasa education in one state.