Incremental development is part of it but it is not the main part of the "Navy model"
Navy model is this :-
Navy WDB( user, spec-maker and designer ) --> BEL,BDL,Imports( suppliers ) --> DPSU Shipyard( assume MDL, builder/manufacturer )
In this model Navy has end-to-end project responsibility, they also get the retired officers to join your BEL, BDL and sit as directors on DPSU Shipyard boards, so all the more control on the production and armament of ships.
Any delays and Navy is blasted by CAG or whoever, there is no "incompetent DRDO and HAL" to get the direct blame.
Meanwhile on the other side :-
Airforce ( customer and spec producer ) --> ADA( Vendor, Design ) --> DPSU or Import suppliers --> HAL( Vendor, Production )
Here since Airforce is only the "buyer" they have no responsibility over the project which is under the ambit of ADA/HAL "vendors", whatever the vendors produce even after delay is then subjected to more spec changes, then they make the changes, go through over 9000 tests it ofc gets delayed and then the loop starts again.
At some press conference then the AF top brass will say " we ordered xyz in 1990, it is 2024 and not delivered

It is not the AF then that gets all brickbats, AF is innocent victim of "incompetent DPSUs", of course, since AF is only the buyer/customer you see who is buying ADA/HAL jet which is "forced upon" by the Govt
imo the only L from HAL/ADA's perspective is going at everything all at once, Deshi Radar, Deshi fly-by-wire system, Deshi Jet engine, should have gone for impoorts at first for the hard to do sub-systems and then indigenized everything gradually as MLUs for existing Tejas that they would produce.
The cure to his is ofc transition ADA to Air Force control and personnel gradually, they want a jet, they want it in certain numbers, they have to design it and get it built, full responsiblity with them, bulk imports are no solution for their whole force, Govt doesn't have that much money to spend, to be effective vs Chings we need to get on par in the numbers game.