It's clear that Rajnath ji can't keep IAF's shenanigans under control. We need a no nonsense IDDM endorser as RM. We need another Parrikar.
Ultimately the change has to come from IA/IAF itself.
It is rare to find a politician like Parrikar who can go after Genrols, but for the Govt-pushed IDDM there are many risks, like Govt being changed every 5 years, coalition collapse, the mantri in question not being effective in RM role ( like Ninda Turtle ) or as in previous years the Govt of the day and Defence minister may also want a cut of the Import bux.
To affect proper changes via govt pressure you need to have a competent and dedicated guy like Parikkar for like 20 years.
Genrols, Marshols, Admirals, Meelards, Babooze etc all are a yuge professional clique, only those matching the ((( views ))) of existing hierarchy of the clique get the promotions, others do not, these promotees then perpetuate the "institutional mindset" as it were, for Meelards it's giving Leftie-Liberal activist rulings, for Genrols it's Importmaxxxing, for Admirals it's building their ships.
This gives their behaviors as an institution a longer shelf-life than the tenure of a single guy or a small group which as it is may, for e.g the top Genrols with the Chief-of titles serve for 2 years on average and 3 years max.
Speaking of tenures, the "retired" ones are also sem2sem as serving ones, like the one mustachioed retired genrol interviewed by Coupta's employees recently bamboozling people on ATAGS/MGS vs the Israeli equivalent.
Or Shukla and Panag types having post-retirement careers of being darbari patrakars with a side of import-promotion.
A benign version of this is retired Navy officers being full time employees of BEL, BDL, DPSU Shipyards in some kind of managerial or senior engineering role.
You may think that certain import-lovers of the higher ranks can be "purged" but their replacements will have the same "institutional mindset" since they are handpicked by their deposed superiors.
At some point the Chings will gather the Dragon Balls necessary to first anschluss Taiwan and then wage a war on us to "show you your place".
From what we see of their forces we will lose this, because of the simple reason of it being an industrial war, Rafales, Strykers and Athos can't be replaced in time, and aside from the factory lead time there can be governmental delays like the Ukranians are facing.
There is an important fork here in the Day After.
Either Genrol/Marshals fix their org and give full support and collaboration to building defense platforms indigenously, realizing the wars of the future will be industrial ones like WW2
Continue to full speed ahead import, and this will cause a weak and compliant govt of the day( the govt presiding over the defeat at war will most likely collapse or lose elections ) to sign various ((( treaties ))) with the US, in order to access their high-tech gear, in effect making us one of their vassals.
As their current behaviors and actions show, I have no hope for Genrols/Marshols and their respective services mending their ways before the inevitable 1962-Redux happens.