Contract for FOC was signed in 2010.. FOC Achieved in 2019..
Now, IAF will say Delay in achieving FOC is ADA HAL issue.. But, of course IAF wont say that they were also part of the reason for the delay..
Anyway.. what stops HAL ADA to organize a press conference..?
Their bosses Batman & Robin have never once called out the Genrols for all their tricks, you really think HAL/ADA will have the stones to do such a thing?
Knowing Genrols will go after them with a stick, finding issues with every little rivet in Tejas or AMCA or whatever else.
IAF can only bite the bullet while China goes on fighter building rampage. Looks like GOI not even trusting armed forces and relies on diplomacy to survive.
MRFA V2 is a farce and IAF will see another circus.
Pakis have more awacs. China man may field an 6th gen fighter.
Would you trust the current Imported Army and Imported Air Force to perform their duties effectively in a future war with China?
Batman can give concession after concession to China and engage other "diplomatic" tricks, but it's only a time buying measure, 10 years are already gone, Imported Forces have nothing to show for it.
He can manage another 5-10 years max, once Taiwan has been grabbed we're invariably next.
Your dereliction of duties over chasing the latest French, Israeli, Russian and Israeli toys is not the fault of the Govt of India, not of HAL, not of DRDO.
When the Chinese invasion comes, our fate will be like that of Ukraine, with Batman having to run to foreign capitals with a katora in hand to get gibs, while spending large amounts of treasure to "emergency procure" things that should have been domestically produced and purchased in large mounts long back.
The Genrols responsible for this mess meanwhile will be chilling in the 5 Eyes places or Europe with their well-placed spawn who's education and job prospects were assured via the $$$ and "favors" gained through dalali.