LCA TEJAS MK-I & MK-IA: News and Discussion

Defence ministry forms high-level panel to boost indigenous light fighter jet production

Still waiting for a 'high powered committee' to look into urgent acquisition of FTB and massive funding for Kaveri ! Should it not be obvious to these chumps that without an engine no committee will solve the problem, or even if solved for now , in the future it will rear its ugly head again ? (Bangs head in frustration)
India can make all kinds of missiles & even SSBNs & we can't reorganize our manufacturing to mass produce a puny fighter jet ? Babudumbs need to be given 100 lashes as per Sharia !
आह् एतेन महोदयेन मोदते मे मनः !
Bruh, said puny fighter jet requires massively complex tech in the form of a jet engine to fly, and said complex tech jet engine is something we do not have and something which yankee doodle doos have and are squeezing us in a painful area before hopefully giving it to us.
And yes, before you again say "what ? we can send bloody rockets to the moon but not manufacture a simple jet engine ? ", the answer would be , sending rockets to the moon is rocket science which IS simpler than jet engine tech (something which I too learnt by and by thanks to far more educated membraans in this here forum and in its prev avatar of DFI )
Still waiting for a 'high powered committee' to look into urgent acquisition of FTB and massive funding for Kaveri ! Should it not be obvious to these chumps that without an engine no committee will solve the problem, or even if solved for now , in the future it will rear its ugly head again ? (Bangs head in frustration)
They are betting the future of domestic jet engines on an JV with either french safran or uk's Rolls-Royce.
In aero india, a scientist said jv partner to be decided by end of 2025.
Rear fuselage for LCA Mk 1A manufactured by Indian company

These guys have manufacturing fuselage for tejas mk1 for long time.
They just switched over to mk1a now.

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