Opinions and Discussion about Feminism.

People get the leaders they deserve. That is simple reality of any democracy: create space for political capital xyz amongst people = some politician will come along and champion it.

You want gurukul and hindu institutions and all that ? Bacchey, thats called you want to sprint before you can even stand.
Hindus are not united like muslims+christians + libbus are. First order of business is to create hindu consciousness. That is our generations ( 40+ peoples) job in BJP/hinduvta. Another 20 years later we can talk of strarting a gurukul or two depending on how the next 20 years fare in our quest to lern how to stand on our two feet, aka create basic hindu unity.

Its one thing to come to hindu-leanining forums like this, its another to create such momentum ON GROUND.
One thing that is true for post-Advani era BJP,aka motu-bhai+modi Bjp,is that they are your good old 'chakki pees-ing' model of politics : slow, steady grinding, shifting of overton windows. They are never in a hurry to get anything done, unless they deem it an emergency issue like article 370 or such - because the largest party in the world and most successful party in the world for last 15 years,isnt gonna abandon the model that works.

Modi i think is a visionary because he has the realism of a visionary - he knows how to plant the seeds and focus on watering the seeds,rather than whining or wishing why we dont have a lotta fruit in our garden right now.

We have not won the most basic war frontier to win : control our own narrative. That is the first order of business of hinduvta, not gurukul or jhatkaa certification- those will automatically follow once we win the basic frontier war : control our own narrative.
Controlling our own narrative is what BJP has failed if I am not wrong. I remember quint, print like channels hardly getting a few thousand views on Youtube, their articles being on the last in google searches. Now look how these seeds have been watered and now they are big news corporations. So yes well done!
BJP is again at the same old game of 2004 - win Muslim hearts and minds.
Now, there is a twist in the tale.
Win Women hearts and minds! As if we Hindutvabadis have given them theka for winning the hearts and minds of our women. Women are not your votebank, BJP. They are certainly not your workers for your sweatshops.
Time has come for a more conservative Hindu party to come into existence. One which focusses on Hindu society, like the reformers of old, and not just cultural nationalism as a jingo.
Ok. Granted.

Tell us what seeds Modi has planted which will one day serve as a root of the future Akhand Bharat? Which seed has he planted which strengthens the Hindu-Hindu unity.
Leave aside RSS, they are doing good work, I am talking of Modi alone.
[Not sarcasm, I am BJP since Atal was in power]
Modi has singhe-handedly built more roads+water+rail lines+ electricity lines across India than any PM not named Nehru IIRC and he has Nehru beat by a country-mile in water + electricity.

Modi is not here to plant Hinduvta ideology or hindu civilizational roots. That is OUR JOB. he is there to use whatever WE THE PEOPLE have planted, to progress the METRICS of the hindus. And that, he has done splendidly.
A prime minister is an engineer, not a physicist. Judge him by metrics of practice. not theory. Hindu-hindu unity is our job. as hindus.Not his job.

Controlling our own narrative is what BJP has failed if I am not wrong. I remember quint, print like channels hardly getting a few thousand views on Youtube, their articles being on the last in google searches. Now look how these seeds have been watered and now they are big news corporations. So yes well done!

Controlling our own narrative is a game BJP has succeeded in so far excellently. Control of narrative isnt a short battle, its a multi-year battle akin to multi-day battles in some past battles. Because unless you wanna pull a Stalin and stick a shovel in hand of every reporter+journalist we dont like and send them to tibet border labour camps and put our own people in their jobs next monday, winning narrative control takes YEARS.

And lets see how BJP has fared in the 10-ish years since they have been in position to fight this war : we have sites like Swarajya, channels like Arnab's , palki's, etc that have distinctly shifted the overton window in pro-Hindu terms,unheard of in the Zee news+Doordarshan days of Maun Mohan Singh.

There is huge proliferation of hinduvta and pro hindu inputs in social media - so much so that it has the gora pignats really worried.
There is very little '1990s-early 2000s' style joota-kissing indian of 'saar saar we so harmless and peaceful plz dont be racist/protet us o libbu white saaar' as mainstay of the indian narrative in the west.

So while i would say that our Narenda Napoleon hasnt won the battle vs narrative control, he is definitely in the process of un-entrenching the enemy and having them re-draw battle-lines and retreat. Ie,progress.

I dunno what else we can expect, unless you were expecting Narenda Stalin....
man wtf is this true , even if wife cheats , still we need to pay alimony???
Ofcourse. Welcome to western legal logic : the concept of alimony exists as a concept for 'spouses of extremely rich people who have gotten accustomed to rich lifestyle to not undergo significant discomfort of downgrade of lifestyle, as they did not earn the billions and have the means to sustain their lifestyle.

This is why in westrern world, when millionaire/billionaires divorce, spouse ALWAYS gets some xyz amount of it - less if the spouse cheated, more if they did not. because alimony as a legal concept is tied to whether you deserve $$ from your spouse coz you got used to eating caviar and rolls royce coz you were husband/wife to billionaire. If the answer is yes, aka you get alimony, then whether u cheated or not does not have decisive influence on whether you deserve this lifestyle - it only has small influence, aka determining magnitude of compensation, not entitlement of it.

This is legal logic 101 that is espoused in the west and aped in India.
Modi is not here to plant Hinduvta ideology or hindu civilizational roots.
Thanks for being honest. I hope BJP supporters and volunteers stop deifying him and call him Hindu hridaya samrat.
Hindu-hindu unity is our job. as hindus.Not his job.
Without institutional support, you can say bye bye to all this. It is the Raja who promotes Dharma, protects Dharma, propagates Dharma. The Praja is an extension of the Raja. But there is no point in arguing. Modiji doesn't visit this forum. He will not see my posts. So I am just wasting my energy. :)
Thanks for being honest. I hope BJP supporters and volunteers stop deifying him and call him Hindu hridaya samrat.

Without institutional support, you can say bye bye to all this. It is the Raja who promotes Dharma, protects Dharma, propagates Dharma. The Praja is an extension of the Raja. But there is no point in arguing. Modiji doesn't visit this forum. He will not see my posts. So I am just wasting my energy. :)
raja praja theory doesnt work in ganatantra.
So entire chanakya-niti on raja-praja is null and void, his neeti only works still in international politics or autocracies.
In ganatantra, its praja who sets stage for neta. The more active the praja, the more active the neta.
Its not just decriminalization of adultery, its also how easily po*n is being created, distributed, sold in India via webseries while our minsters who are in charge, talk about sanskars and Indian culture, when they are the ones who can actually bring the change. In 99% of these videos, they will show married Hindu wives, in their traditional attire, opening up their legs for anyone.

Also I feel a lot of degeneracy being promoted by none other that Hindutvadis. I remember during the time of Congress(not a fan of them), consumption of alcohol was still a very big taboo by the Indian middle class atleast. To see a women smoking or drinking was very very rare. But now the situation has changed.
Also this whole madness of calling ordinary women as Devis by Hindus is so cringe, like just because she has XX chromosomes, that doesn't equate her with some God or Goddess. Putting man or women on a pedestal is never a good idea.
Then comes the full force of pseudo feminist articles videos on Internet telling Indian women to become degenerates. And our communication minister does nothing. And there are so many other points to mention but it will take days to write them...

The Indian Hindu society in general have become what they used to make fun of 15-16 yrs back. Now your own daughters are there doing digital prostitution on Instagram and the father is proud that her daughter is an "influencer".

You mean Nehru who was licking all Gora landing strips when ever he could was a Hindutvawadi?
May be Indira who "affairs" are well known was one too
Or was it Rajiv who went and got himself a stripper a hindutvawadi too.

May be tomorrow you will blame hindus for your birth too.
raja praja theory doesnt work in ganatantra.
So entire chanakya-niti on raja-praja is null and void, his neeti only works still in international politics or autocracies.
In ganatantra, its praja who sets stage for neta. The more active the praja, the more active the neta.
There is both a bottom-up and a top-down aspect to this endeavor, both need to do their parts. A leader who has risen above the masses to represent them cannot just be judged like a mango man who happens to be thrust into a position of power. There are times when their job will be as easy as trying to knock the ball into an empty net and pluck low hanging fruits but there will also be times when they have to do the heavy lifting and risk becoming unpopular. Even in a ganatantra leaders and cult of personalities are valuable for a reason.

From Govts side what the society needs or wants is for them to remove obstacles and hindrances and work as a multiplying force for the causes that their vote bank sees as important and non-negotiable to the point that it need not even have to be spelt out. That's the whole point of winning the game of electoral politics.
Modi is not here to plant Hinduvta ideology or hindu civilizational roots. That is OUR JOB. he is there to use whatever WE THE PEOPLE have planted, to progress the METRICS of the hindus. And that, he has done splendidly.
I agree with what you say are his part of the deal, and what is our part of the deal, for Hindu civilizational roots.

Then tell me this, and coming back to the theme of the thread.

1. What is the advantage for Hindus in having more females in the army, when there are not enough willing men volunteers getting chance in it?

2. What is the advantage in encouraging and in a way creating an ecosystem which expects women to earn their own keep, all the while disregarding and overlooking the fact that her part in the society is most efficiently managed when she takes care of the family?

3. What is the advantage he wants to bestow upon Hindus by keeping the forces in society alive, all those who want to defile the female gender with ideologies that poison their minds like - my body my choice, child-free life, nuclear family life, and worst of all sexual independence even within a marriage using legal theories like marrital rape and sexual consent and will to engage with participants outside marriage (yes, there are talks about this in the leftist circles already and beyond)

4. What advantage is he giving to men by not giving them any tax breaks when they are running a family. A very simple question. Theoretical one. If both me and my wife earn 12LPA each, no tax. However, if I earn that 24LPA - my tax is in multiple lakhs! What kind of advantage is he bestowing on the Hindu society by financially trapping Hindu families in this dual income family death spiral. And we all know how divorces are directly related to this financially "independent" wife phenomenon.

5. Why is he making or trying to make a Hindu female votebank? Is he trying to say that Hindu females have interests which are different than that of "Collective Hindu society"?

Please - answer these, since you are so confident about this development wizard!
I agree with what you say are his part of the deal, and what is our part of the deal, for Hindu civilizational roots.

Then tell me this, and coming back to the theme of the thread.

1. What is the advantage for Hindus in having more females in the army, when there are not enough willing men volunteers getting chance in it?
What is not the advantage of increasing women participation in national defence ?? I don't see why we can't have more gunman saxenas...
2. What is the advantage in encouraging and in a way creating an ecosystem which expects women to earn their own keep, all the while disregarding and overlooking the fact that her part in the society is most efficiently managed when she takes care of the family?
Because it isn't. The old model of single income household doesn't work in modern world. Neither does western dual income and shit parenting.
This is why Modi sends mixed signals of patil pavan siya raam as well as self made woman.
3. What is the advantage he wants to bestow upon Hindus by keeping the forces in society alive, all those who want to defile the female gender with ideologies that poison their minds like - my body my choice, child-free life, nuclear family life, and worst of all sexual independence even within a marriage using legal theories like marrital rape and sexual consent and will to engage with participants outside marriage (yes, there are talks about this in the leftist circles already and beyond)
This is under legal ambit. Not modis. He isn't here to pull a trumpwa on Indian legal system....
4. What advantage is he giving to men by not giving them any tax breaks when they are running a family. A very simple question. Theoretical one. If both me and my wife earn 12LPA each, no tax. However, if I earn that 24LPA - my tax is in multiple lakhs! What kind of advantage is he bestowing on the Hindu society by financially trapping Hindu families in this dual income family death spiral. And we all know how divorces are directly related to this financially "independent" wife phenomenon.

5. Why is he making or trying to make a Hindu female votebank? Is he trying to say that Hindu females have interests which are different than that of "Collective Hindu society"?

Please - answer these, since you are so confident about this development wizard!
See above.
What is not the advantage of increasing women participation in national defence ?? I don't see why we can't have more gunman saxenas...

Because it isn't. The old model of single income household doesn't work in modern world. Neither does western dual income and shit parenting.
This is why Modi sends mixed signals of patil pavan siya raam as well as self made woman.

This is under legal ambit. Not modis. He isn't here to pull a trumpwa on Indian legal system....

See above.
All your answers can be summed up to - BASICALLY NOTHING.
Thank you.
If this is the state of a billionaire. I guess we are fucked.

Indian men need to be very careful when marrying.
do thorough background checks and never ever marry a feminist or remotely feminist. In fact marry one that is very religious. That gives you best chance at marriage.
Indian men need to be very careful when marrying.
do thorough background checks and never ever marry a feminist or remotely feminist. In fact marry one that is very religious. That gives you best chance at marriage.
Nah man. I have seen ultra religious women flipping and becoming vengeful as hell. All the traditional wisdom of not feminist or not modern etc etc won't matter when divorce is imminent. Even if the woman is a really nice lady, the entire system of dickhead lawyers, police, judge, family will convince her she's the victim, she needs justice, she needs the money and her husband needs to suffer. I literally saw it happen in our extended family. A simple divorce blew up into getting the family jailed.

Best course of action is having a SC/ST friend who's willing to put fake case on them and their entire extended family if anybody tries this type of extortion shit.

If ya have money, moving your entire family to dubai or some other place so that they are not harassed too. In the meanwhile, weaponize other parts of the law against the perps.

The system is broken. The only thing we can do is use it to protect ourselves. Weaponization of law and lawfare goes both ways imho.
Nah man. I have seen ultra religious women flipping and becoming vengeful as hell. All the traditional wisdom of not feminist or not modern etc etc won't matter when divorce is imminent. Even if the woman is a really nice lady, the entire system of dickhead lawyers, police, judge, family will convince her she's the victim, she needs justice, she needs the money and her husband needs to suffer. I literally saw it happen in our extended family. A simple divorce blew up into getting the family jailed.

Best course of action is having a SC/ST friend who's willing to put fake case on them and their entire extended family if anybody tries this type of extortion shit.

If ya have money, moving your entire family to dubai or some other place so that they are not harassed too. In the meanwhile, weaponize other parts of the law against the perps.

The system is broken. The only thing we can do is use it to protect ourselves. Weaponization of law and lawfare goes both ways imho.

hence my post which says 'best chance'.

You can still get screwed by a religious wife.
I was only comparing your chances at happiness when marrying a feminist vs a religious one.

Trust me, there is no happiness when marrying a feminist, unless you are ready to chop your balls off
As it should be.
As I said, we eelected a Modi. Not a Stalin. He is not there to burn down Indian legal system and do As he pleases.
What you say- I am not disagreeing, since a person like Maun Mohan, also wanted to do everything by the book, just like Modi is doing.

But point is, while voting for him, we expected to do just the opposite to what he is doing now.
If he's giving us this raw a deal, he can stay assured his deal is also going to become as raw.

If you are an NRI, be prepared to say goodbye to those Modi-Modi rallies.
All these adultery related cases exploded after Modi made adultery decriminalised.
Lmao, you are still at it? Those anti adultery laws were only applied against men, ie, a married lady engaging in adultery could not be prosecuted, but her 'illegitimate' male partner could be. Also, adultery was not even be considered a valid ground for divorce. So you being the resident ubermensch 'mardangi' eggspert on this forum should have no reason to oppose the decriminalization, no?

Also, statistical lie. Insignificant increase in %wise divorce filings across the formal labor force (as surveyed in PLFS) in the past 7 years;


Roughly no increase at all, if informal workforce is added with due weightage.

So is this some kind of fake cope only the chosen ubermensch 'mards' can engage in?
Lmao, you are still at it? Those anti adultery laws were only applied against men, ie, a married lady engaging in adultery could not be prosecuted, but her 'illegitimate' male partner could be. Also, adultery was not even be considered a valid ground for divorce. So you being the resident ubermensch 'mardangi' eggspert on this forum should have no reason to oppose the decriminalization, no?

Also, statistical lie. Insignificant increase in %wise divorce filings across the formal labor force (as surveyed in PLFS) in the past 7 years;

View attachment 28340

Roughly no increase at all, if informal workforce is added with due weightage.

So is this some kind of fake cope only the chosen ubermensch 'mards' can engage in?
Aww.. did I hit a raw nerve?

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