Ok. Granted.
Tell us what seeds Modi has planted which will one day serve as a root of the future Akhand Bharat? Which seed has he planted which strengthens the Hindu-Hindu unity.
Leave aside RSS, they are doing good work, I am talking of Modi alone.
[Not sarcasm, I am BJP since Atal was in power]
Modi has singhe-handedly built more roads+water+rail lines+ electricity lines across India than any PM not named Nehru IIRC and he has Nehru beat by a country-mile in water + electricity.
Modi is not here to plant Hinduvta ideology or hindu civilizational roots. That is OUR JOB. he is there to use whatever WE THE PEOPLE have planted, to progress the METRICS of the hindus. And that, he has done splendidly.
A prime minister is an engineer, not a physicist. Judge him by metrics of practice. not theory. Hindu-hindu unity is our job. as hindus.Not his job.
Controlling our own narrative is what BJP has failed if I am not wrong. I remember quint, print like channels hardly getting a few thousand views on Youtube, their articles being on the last in google searches. Now look how these seeds have been watered and now they are big news corporations. So yes well done!
Controlling our own narrative is a game BJP has succeeded in so far excellently. Control of narrative isnt a short battle, its a multi-year battle akin to multi-day battles in some past battles. Because unless you wanna pull a Stalin and stick a shovel in hand of every reporter+journalist we dont like and send them to tibet border labour camps and put our own people in their jobs next monday, winning narrative control takes YEARS.
And lets see how BJP has fared in the 10-ish years since they have been in position to fight this war : we have sites like Swarajya, channels like Arnab's , palki's, etc that have distinctly shifted the overton window in pro-Hindu terms,unheard of in the Zee news+Doordarshan days of Maun Mohan Singh.
There is huge proliferation of hinduvta and pro hindu inputs in social media - so much so that it has the gora pignats really worried.
There is very little '1990s-early 2000s' style joota-kissing indian of 'saar saar we so harmless and peaceful plz dont be racist/protet us o libbu white saaar' as mainstay of the indian narrative in the west.
So while i would say that our Narenda Napoleon hasnt won the battle vs narrative control, he is definitely in the process of un-entrenching the enemy and having them re-draw battle-lines and retreat. Ie,progress.
I dunno what else we can expect, unless you were expecting Narenda Stalin....