Opinions and Discussion about Feminism.

Lmao, you are still at it? Those anti adultery laws were only applied against men, ie, a married lady engaging in adultery could not be prosecuted, but her 'illegitimate' male partner could be. Also, adultery was not even be considered a valid ground for divorce. So you being the resident ubermensch 'mardangi' eggspert on this forum should have no reason to oppose the decriminalization, no?

Also, statistical lie. Insignificant increase in %wise divorce filings across the formal labor force (as surveyed in PLFS) in the past 7 years;

View attachment 28340

Roughly no increase at all, if informal workforce is added with due weightage.

So is this some kind of fake cope only the chosen ubermensch 'mards' can engage in?
Adultery is not prosecutable for any man or woman even now. At best under Hindu marriage act, you can present the evidence you have gathered in a court of law against your partner to show grounds for a divorce.
Adultery is not prosecutable for any man or woman even now. At best under Hindu marriage act, you can present the evidence you have gathered in a court of law against your partner to show grounds for a divorce.
this is correct. Unless you want to be dehati islamist shitholes, you cannot prosecute adultery- how the hell can u prosecute consensual activity between two grown ass humans ?? you cant.
as you said,best u can do is collect ancillary evidence for divorce or seperation.

people often forget that there exist predatory men who go after married women doing everything possible to trap them into their kind of things

thinking it is ALWAYS consensual between two adulterers is outright foolish

that law whatever even if misused heavily was a check and balance thing to take actions against such miscreants, and even if it's outright jihadi dehati to criminalise it, it was better to have that kind of check and balance for preventive measure at least, its removal is doing nothing but injustice to those husbands whose wives are being targeted by such people

if it didn't have a provision for making a case for divorce by providing evidence in court, then it should've happened instead of outright removal of it

if it was misused by evil minded people to trap innocent men, then something should've done with procedures and investigations to put forth cases in better manners to the courts

but they just shed all responsibilities in name of muh rights and now things are going in such ways that people will have no option but to take matters in their hands eventually, bypassing entire judiciary system at least to settle the things

things are going so bad that they're even murdering their husbands and harassing their family because of this outright gynocentric setups
Adultery is not prosecutable for any man or woman even now. At best under Hindu marriage act, you can present the evidence you have gathered in a court of law against your partner to show grounds for a divorce.
Firstly, my response was meant to trigger the incel who gives out 'mardangi' certificates to the members here.

Secondly, as @GaudaNaresh has pointed out - the state has no business prosecuting adultery, what two consenting adults engage in their bedroom is none of their concern. I do not subscribe to this 'mai baap sarkar' concept.

Third of all, the state, however, should declare adultery to be a perfectly valid ground for divorce (which they have already). The previous colonial era adultery laws were discriminatory against men and plain stupid.
if the state can dictate terms of hindu vivah / marriage by thrusting down age of consent and age of marriage on us, then a man can only marry one woman (monogamy), then they come forward to dictate terms of how a husband treats his wife by enforcing dowry laws, domestic violence laws and other things, and even dictate terms of divorce by armtwisting husbands for alimony - they should better take actions on adulterers who disrespect a union of marriage instead of going outright gynocentric about everything and only push one side to corner while giving other side total freedom over everything

or else, the state can better let hindus dictate these things on their own instead
that law whatever even if misused heavily was a check and balance thing to take actions against such miscreants, and even if it's outright jihadi dehati to criminalise it, it was better to have that kind of check and balance for preventive measure at least, its removal is doing nothing but injustice to those husbands whose wives are being targeted by such people
Exactly so. That's the same as I said. Divorce cases and adultery has boomed, post this myopic decriminalisation of Adultery.

Too bad some crazy simp of this forum has derailed the arguments with his white knight beta orbiting ways.
You see, that's why these kind of conversations are so good, panty sniffers will surely come into the conversation, being able to bear no more and try to justify the unjustifiable. Look at him(probably her) at it again, trying to say that State should overlook immorality. I'm telling you guys, this crazy has surely had a raw nerve touched.

people often forget that there exist predatory men who go after married women doing everything possible to trap them into their kind of things

thinking it is ALWAYS consensual between two adulterers is outright foolish

that law whatever even if misused heavily was a check and balance thing to take actions against such miscreants, and even if it's outright jihadi dehati to criminalise it, it was better to have that kind of check and balance for preventive measure at least, its removal is doing nothing but injustice to those husbands whose wives are being targeted by such people

if it didn't have a provision for making a case for divorce by providing evidence in court, then it should've happened instead of outright removal of it

if it was misused by evil minded people to trap innocent men, then something should've done with procedures and investigations to put forth cases in better manners to the courts

but they just shed all responsibilities in name of muh rights and now things are going in such ways that people will have no option but to take matters in their hands eventually, bypassing entire judiciary system at least to settle the things

things are going so bad that they're even murdering their husbands and harassing their family because of this outright gynocentric setups
thats the most retarded post you've made here and you are generally a smart poster.

Let me get this straight. You want state to criminalize consensual sex between two adults......and you dont think that leads to a bullet train to islamist shithole morality police...that requires explanation as to how you think this magic happens where we prosecute adults for cheating on their spouses but dont turn into islamist sex repressive shitholes.
Aww.. did I hit a raw nerve?
But you do hand out 'mardangi' certs, no? Distinguishing between the alphas, the betas, the gammas and the deltas coupled with occasional simping over Putin is basically your activity on this forum in a nutshell, no?

thats the most retarded post you've made here and you are generally a smart poster.

Let me get this straight. You want state to criminalize consensual sex between two adults......and you dont think that leads to a bullet train to islamist shithole morality police...that requires explanation as to how you think this magic happens where we prosecute adults for cheating on their spouses but dont turn into islamist sex repressive shitholes.

Do not go there, he will call you a 'librandu bong'.
thats the most retarded post you've made here and you are generally a smart poster.

Let me get this straight. You want state to criminalize consensual sex between two adults......and you dont think that leads to a bullet train to islamist shithole morality police...that requires explanation as to how you think this magic happens where we prosecute adults for cheating on their spouses but dont turn into islamist sex repressive shitholes.
yes, yes and yes

if the state can dictate terms of hindu vivah / marriage by thrusting down age of consent and age of marriage on us, then a man can only marry one woman (monogamy), then they come forward to dictate terms of how a husband treats his wife by enforcing dowry laws, domestic violence laws and other things, and even dictate terms of divorce by armtwisting husbands for alimony - they should better take actions on adulterers who disrespect a union of marriage instead of going outright gynocentric about everything and only push one side to corner while giving other side total freedom over everything

or else, the state can better let hindus dictate these things on their own instead

it's not a private entity, two consenting adults when the state comes in between everything of this union, from dictating the ages they can marry, to even dictating terms when they separate with muh alimony things

and if someone cheats in this union, he/she must be made accountable the same way the state makes every other thing accountable in the same union; btw men cheating on their wives are still being punished in one way or other, but women getting free reign over 'rights' ?

otherwise, state should let hindus dictate over these things, i'd rather be called hindu shariawaadi than letting this one sided injustice slide

btw, vaidik vivaah is only sanctioned to kunwaras / virgins at the time of that union, rest of the defiled peeps to be married by other norms
thats the most retarded post you've made here and you are generally a smart poster.

Let me get this straight. You want state to criminalize consensual sex between two adults......and you dont think that leads to a bullet train to islamist shithole morality police...that requires explanation as to how you think this magic happens where we prosecute adults for cheating on their spouses but dont turn into islamist sex repressive shitholes.
There is a middle ground somewhere between turning into a weapons grade Whorehouse and a full blown stone pelting sharia state. Legalities tend to almost always be downstream from social morality so while it is not optimal for a state to step in all the time with remedial measures and it's also somehow difficult for society to punish such people the way it used to, in as harmless a manner as possible save for bruised egos and humiliation - think Cerseis walk of shame in GoT or the way the molester villain in Pushpa 2 was made to sit on a donkey with a blackened face - it's also not advisable to just accept the status quo and do nothing while shaming the desire to enforce such social norms as repressive anachronisms. These guard rails existed for a reason. What we see instead is the cultural Overton window being pushed toward licentiousness as much as possible in pop culture and academia with hardly any protests from anyone, sometimes the state itself encouraging it.
yes, yes and yes

it's not a private entity, two consenting adult when the state comes in between everything of this union, from dictating the ages they can marry, to even dictating terms when they separate with muh alimony things

and if someone cheats in this union, he/she must be made accountable the same way the state makes every other thing accountable in the same union

otherwise, state should let hindus dictate over these things, i'd rather be called hindu shariawaadi than letting this one sided injustice slide

btw, vaidik vivaah is only sanctioned to kunwaras / virgins at the time of that union, rest of the defiled peeps to be married by other norms
But that is not relevant.
What state is regulating between YOU and your WIFE, is irrelevant to what it regulates for ME and another human.
You are made accountable for cheating in your marriage by it being grounds for divorce in your marriage.
You cannot however, arrest a human for doing consensual stuff with another human who are both of legal age.
Yes, state has right to regulate interaction between minor and adult - it has no such right OVER adults who are not in any sort of formal contract with one another. In theory one can argue that yes, state has right to regulate your marriage, as marriage is a formal contract between two humans with TOS. Me sleeping with ur wifeis no contract, no nothing, so state has literal zero right to regulate what two adult consenting humans do with their own bodies while in sane health of mind.

And not to mention, you are ignoring the blatant scope of abuse this has from BOTH the actual parties ( husband-wife-cheater) as well as the state itself.

I am shocked u dont see the 90 degree oiled slippery slope of your argument wrt how the state is gonna just fuck over people willy nilly doing this, not to mention everyone with money.

Imagine i want divorce from my wife - all i have to do, is go to India, pull out 2 lakh rupees, which is easy for me, then find 2 people, one who will go to jail as my wife's fake lover and another who is eyewitness and stuff my wife in jail and return to north america.
amazing !!!
But that is not relevant.
What state is regulating between YOU and your WIFE, is irrelevant to what it regulates for ME and another human.
You are made accountable for cheating in your marriage by it being grounds for divorce in your marriage.
You cannot however, arrest a human for doing consensual stuff with another human who are both of legal age.
Yes, state has right to regulate interaction between minor and adult - it has no such right OVER adults who are not in any sort of formal contract with one another. In theory one can argue that yes, state has right to regulate your marriage, as marriage is a formal contract between two humans with TOS. Me sleeping with ur wifeis no contract, no nothing, so state has literal zero right to regulate what two adult consenting humans do with their own bodies while in sane health of mind.

And not to mention, you are ignoring the blatant scope of abuse this has from BOTH the actual parties ( husband-wife-cheater) as well as the state itself.

I am shocked u dont see the 90 degree oiled slippery slope of your argument wrt how the state is gonna just fuck over people willy nilly doing this, not to mention everyone with money.

Imagine i want divorce from my wife - all i have to do, is go to India, pull out 2 lakh rupees, which is easy for me, then find 2 people, one who will go to jail as my wife's fake lover and another who is eyewitness and stuff my wife in jail and return to north america.
amazing !!!
Does morality have any say in any of your arguments?
Does morality have any say in any of your arguments?
everything is secondary to me in face of practicality.
A law or theorem or anything has to be practical, else its useless to me.

You and @johny_baba have to explain HOW this 'lets prosecute two adults for doing consensual activity together' is gonna work out, where do you draw the line, how do you prevent every single millionaire asshole like me from stuffing their 40+ wife in jail on fake-news and finding young floozy, how do you prevent govt from framing YOU as a cheater and stuffing you in jail - all i have to do is find a woman and a dude who will bear witness on you as cheater and in you go- these things have to be explained and rationally thought out instead of just 'EURGGGHH MAKE CHEATERZZZZZ GO TO JAIL'.

Like you want to criminalize cheating ? Ok. lets define cheating first. Define it. What is the line of physical contact that is cheating vs no cheating ? penitration law as in rape ??? just touch her like grope laws ??? Define karo yeh sabh before u think this is even a good idea.

In engineering school, we had a term we used to mock physics students by that i think is applicable here : "looks good on paper, but no worky in real world"
sometimes the state itself encouraging it.
The State has a lot to gain over licentious and promiscuous behaviour of individuals.
Adulterers will buy goods and services for enabling their act. Contraceptives, Abortion services, Hotels, Lawyer fees, Taxes of legal fees. Not to mention two great Indian weddings coming from one broken marriage. This is good business for them, they thus encourage it, immoral that they are.
The State has a lot to gain over licentious and promiscuous behaviour of individuals.
Adulterers will buy goods and services for enabling their act. Contraceptives, Abortion services, Hotels, Lawyer fees, Taxes of legal fees. Not to mention two great Indian weddings coming from one broken marriage. This is good business for them, they thus encourage it, immoral that they are.
If you think the state needs adulterers to fund condom industry and not unmarried people + married people, i think you need to see some serious data on these reproduction related industries.........

fyi, the biggest consumer base of condoms are married men who dont cheat !!!
everything is secondary to me in face of practicality.
A law or theorem or anything has to be practical, else its useless to me.

You and @johny_baba have to explain HOW this 'lets prosecute two adults for doing consensual activity together' is gonna work out, where do you draw the line, how do you prevent every single millionaire asshole like me from stuffing their 40+ wife in jail on fake-news and finding young floozy, how do you prevent govt from framing YOU as a cheater and stuffing you in jail - all i have to do is find a woman and a dude who will bear witness on you as cheater and in you go- these things have to be explained and rationally thought out instead of just 'EURGGGHH MAKE CHEATERZZZZZ GO TO JAIL'.
After the mess they have made with their domestic violence acts and family court systems, no Indian should advocate for more state intervention in the personal lives of the citizens. Bitch, anybody can file for anything and your life would be over. It also makes room for yet anothet avenue of institutionalized corruption; the babudom and the milards would have a field day. Gormints should keep the fuck out of the personal lives of its citizens.
at this stage the best solution to adultery problem (including any impeding divorce + alimony extortion) is to invest in drunk truck drivers who can deliver 'happy little accidents' to miscreants

Do not go there, he will call you a 'librandu bong'.
heh, perhaps it's a cultural, normalised thing for your side of men and womenfolk into indulging open marriages, swinging and such things because muh rights but rest of the sabhya samaaj is suffering a lot from the state's one sided handling of those things - so you do you but we gotta complain about injustices
everything is secondary to me in face of practicality.
A law or theorem or anything has to be practical, else its useless to me.

You and @johny_baba have to explain HOW this 'lets prosecute two adults for doing consensual activity together' is gonna work out, where do you draw the line, how do you prevent every single millionaire asshole like me from stuffing their 40+ wife in jail on fake-news and finding young floozy, how do you prevent govt from framing YOU as a cheater and stuffing you in jail - all i have to do is find a woman and a dude who will bear witness on you as cheater and in you go- these things have to be explained and rationally thought out instead of just 'EURGGGHH MAKE CHEATERZZZZZ GO TO JAIL'.

Like you want to criminalize cheating ? Ok. lets define cheating first. Define it. What is the line of physical contact that is cheating vs no cheating ? penitration law as in rape ??? just touch her like grope laws ??? Define karo yeh sabh before u think this is even a good idea.

In engineering school, we had a term we used to mock physics students by that i think is applicable here : "looks good on paper, but no worky in real world"
Fear of the law, to begin with has to be instilled in people. What has worked for ages, will work now, no amount of modernity or practicality can substitute illegallity and immorality.

Yes, there is scope for abuse. Just like a knife can be used by a surgeon to save lives, it can be used by a murderer to end lives . Tools will always have to exist , you cannot wish away tools because their is a potential for immorals to misuse it. If you think you can get rid of your wife that way, shame on you. And may the wrath of the Law and God be on you. So a lot depends on the State's willingness to put morality as the canon of the society. There are many connected things here like polity, type of government, religious tones of society etc. however, none can override the fact that what is wrong will always be wrong.

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