people often forget that there exist predatory men who go after married women doing everything possible to trap them into their kind of things
thinking it is ALWAYS consensual between two adulterers is outright foolish
that law whatever even if misused heavily was a check and balance thing to take actions against such miscreants, and even if it's outright jihadi dehati to criminalise it, it was better to have that kind of check and balance for preventive measure at least, its removal is doing nothing but injustice to those husbands whose wives are being targeted by such people
if it didn't have a provision for making a case for divorce by providing evidence in court, then it should've happened instead of outright removal of it
if it was misused by evil minded people to trap innocent men, then something should've done with procedures and investigations to put forth cases in better manners to the courts
but they just shed all responsibilities in name of muh rights and now things are going in such ways that people will have no option but to take matters in their hands eventually, bypassing entire judiciary system at least to settle the things
things are going so bad that they're even murdering their husbands and harassing their family because of this outright gynocentric setups