Opinions and Discussion about Feminism.


This man here is a billionaire. His name is Prasanna and he founded the company Rippling worth $10 billion and even with all his money and fame, his wife cheated on him—With a BROKE married man.

Yes, read that again- A Broke MARRIED MAN. Do you know how he found out? It was the broke married man’s wife who saw the text messages between her husband and Prasanna’s wife and she decided to send them to the billionaire to let her know how his wife has been sleeping with her husband.

In one of the messages sent to Prasanna, the broke married man was telling his wife to buy a XL condom and bring it to the hotel—You get what that means right?

Now that’ not all, the billionaire’s wife is seeking for the divorce in the US because she knows, in the US, she would get 50% of his money.

Prasanna filed for the divorce in India but he’s now running away from the police because his wife had lied against him, saying all sorts of rubbish.

Listen up Men, the woman you chose to marry can make or unmake you and you should see the trauma this young man is going through and he has to still pay her when she’s the one who cheated.
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This man here is a billionaire. His name is Prasanna and he founded the company Rippling worth $10 billion and even with all his money and fame, his wife cheated on him—With a BROKE married man.

Yes, read that again- A Broke MARRIED MAN. Do you know how he found out? It was the broke married man’s wife who saw the text messages between her husband and Prasanna’s wife and she decided to send them to the billionaire to let her know how his wife has been sleeping with her husband.

In one of the messages sent to Prasanna, the broke married man was telling his wife to buy a XL condom and bring it to the hotel—You get what that means right?

Now that’ not all, the billionaire’s wife is seeking for the divorce in the US because she knows, in the US, she would get 50% of his money.

Prasanna filed for the divorce in India but he’s now running away from the police because his wife had lied against him, saying all sorts of rubbish.

Listen up Men, the woman you chose to marry can make or unmake you and you should see the trauma this young man is going through and he has to still pay her when she’s the one who cheated.
:smokin: babaji ke shabd bhale kadwe lage par satya hai
at this stage the best solution to adultery problem (including any impeding divorce + alimony extortion) is to invest in drunk truck drivers who can deliver 'happy little accidents' to miscreants
he could've rather thrown some of his dollars at arranging 'happy little accidents' to get rid of such a chhinaal wife, and getting some personal sense of justice (even if it's cruel revenge) par muh korat ke darwaze khatkhatane hai jabki pata hai ki nyaay nahi hi milega...fir kyoun moralfag bane rehte hai yeh log...
I'm supporter of artificial womb technology, its proliferation with affordability will literally kill the biggest agency that MODERN women have over men = ability to give births
but knowing our system enough, they'll not allow such things to proliferate among most mango commoners, over muh mahila adhikar rona dhona muh Article 21 and all
XL condom
as for 🍆goes, most modern women have gone through pornography at least once in their life, internet is fuckin' everywhere, kids are secretly watching these things so it's far more obvious womenfolks are into it too, lusting after mota 🍆


if you are insecure about 🍆 size, there are some things called "Vasodilators" (means, chemicals that dilate thickened walls of the veins, making them wider inside and thus allowing more blood flows) like Alprostadil (chemical component is Prostaglandin-E1) that when...injected intracavernosally (means, on base of your 🍆) daily for a year to 1.5 some year, in some specific proportions of dosages, also mixed with testosterone or DHT base + diet with protein and creatine supplements, supplements that suppress Myostatin in the body like Epicatechin (it's a kind of extract from some fruits like pomegranate) + (optionally) using 🍆 pumps at times - all of it may very well give you a respectable endowment BASED ON HOW MUCH GENETIC POTENTIAL YOU HAVE FOR IT, OF COURSE

well, Alprostadil / Prostaglandin E1 injections are quite costly but probably a worthy investment than getting your woman stolen

for thorough technical evaluation, read through this patent
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View attachment 28574

This man here is a billionaire. His name is Prasanna and he founded the company Rippling worth $10 billion and even with all his money and fame, his wife cheated on him—With a BROKE married man.

Yes, read that again- A Broke MARRIED MAN. Do you know how he found out? It was the broke married man’s wife who saw the text messages between her husband and Prasanna’s wife and she decided to send them to the billionaire to let her know how his wife has been sleeping with her husband.

In one of the messages sent to Prasanna, the broke married man was telling his wife to buy a XL condom and bring it to the hotel—You get what that means right?

Now that’ not all, the billionaire’s wife is seeking for the divorce in the US because she knows, in the US, she would get 50% of his money.

Prasanna filed for the divorce in India but he’s now running away from the police because his wife had lied against him, saying all sorts of rubbish.

Listen up Men, the woman you chose to marry can make or unmake you and you should see the trauma this young man is going through and he has to still pay her when she’s the one who cheated.
She is the same women who likes XL size. That's why she needs 50%

View: https://youtu.be/mAqUSXHChpU?si=8JVTYs-Soizi2n-7

In Gwalior, a man has accused his wife's boyfriend of trying to kill him by crushing him with a car. When the man tried to stop the car, the boyfriend driving the car ran over him. Not only this, the young man who came under the front wheel of the car was dragged for about 100 feet. Watch the video to know the whole matter.
when i look at the wisdom of female judges in this country, my respect for sharia grows tenfold
why even female judges, as if male counterparts are any good

their selective interpretation and leanings are known, some of higher echelon justices literally visited US of A when biden was elected to take cues from their supreme court justices
this may come as a surprise, or not, but the 'tribals' or aadivasis of Gujarat side...seems to have quite..."open" culture in them, and no it's not me saying it, THEY LITERALLY TEACH ABOUT IT UNDER 'AADIVASI SANSKRUTI' PARTS IN SOCIAL STUDIES HERE, EVEN IN GOVERNMENT BACKED/PRINTED MATERIALS 🤷‍♂️ - i've read it briefly while preparing for serkari examz...
and things i get to know...
-> aadivasis have made 'gotras' out of various trees, and like mainstream hindus, 'sam-gotri' vivah is discouraged, for e.g. someone with 'aambo' (aam - mango ka ped) can't marry with a partner having same tree as gotra
-> their kind of marriage also varies...the 'shortest' way one couple can marry in certain aadivasi samuday is to...well...lay down a pair of jhadu - broom, jump over together one side, jump over back to starting side, and presto! it's done! 🤷‍♂️
-> aadivasis have quite liberal and open culture around them, having lover/lovers before marriage AS WELL AS AFTER MARRIAGE is acceptable, heck, it's also ok to bear children from lovers, and husbands are quite accepting of these things 🤷‍♂️
in some tribes it's like a norm that engaged girls can live with their partners in their home, bear children and officiate their marriage when they feel time's right with securing their finances and all
-> in divorced cases, it's acceptable for them to spend time with their previous partner's home for a while, including 'those ways' 🤷‍♂️, usually divorcee person goes to take care of their children at previous partner's home and so
-> widow widower remarriage as well as old age remarriage is also acceptable norm there
-> although not prevalent like before, but other forms of 'marriages' were also there, like eloping, abduction or even "one sided" ones 🤷‍♂️ - means girl intruding a boy's home declaring him husband and living with them to perhaps win over hearts and later officiate things
-> i can't confirm much about legal status of this, but...seems some aadivasi cultures DO have polygamy?! LIKE HELL, AVERAGE HINDU LIVING IN SOME PARTS AWAY CAN'T BUT THEY CAN?!

and yet, these aadivasis have been labelled as 'traditional' people of their own kind, so i think people need to make distinction about 'traditionalism' between cultures
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state's literally enabling cuckolding by not penalizing married adulterers and giving free reign to married women, but will otherwise meddle in every other aspect of hindu marriage - starting from setting age of consent/marriage as well as dictating terms in divorce and all...even a bastard's legally deemed son/daughter of a husband in marriage

this will only brew sense of injustice in men and if they feel there's no way to get justice, extrajudicial means will have to do - or they can back off like this poor guy here
state's literally enabling cuckolding by not penalizing married adulterers and giving free reign to married women, but will otherwise meddle in every other aspect of hindu marriage - starting from setting age of consent/marriage as well as dictating terms in divorce and all...even a bastard's legally deemed son/daughter of a husband in marriage

this will only brew sense of injustice in men and if they feel there's no way to get justice, extrajudicial means will have to do - or they can back off like this poor guy here
I got only one word .. pimp.

Can someone in this forum define Hypocrisy to me?
Its the basic laws and basic social values and rights of the modern world that led to this, you can't have your cake and eat it too.
You guys enabled it, it was the base that the court set, that the consitution set, that enabled it.
If we want family Centric society to continue, then all these modern rights and social values will need to be sacrificed.
Does the younger generation wants to be peer pressured to marry because of societal pressure? No.
Does the younger genration wants to sacrifice their rights and freedom to live how they want? No.
I'm part of the younger genration, and i also doesn't want those.

You can either have family Centric society that values society/country as whole over individual rights and freedom, that is more patriarchal in nature, that is more stable in birth rate, more stable for long time.

Or you can have modern society that is more equal, more Individual freedom and rights.
But long term stability is sacrificed, family values are sacrificed, and internal division and polarity increases exponentially over time.

Simple as that, we can't have best of both worlds
West as society and group Is a dying one, same with japan and korea.
And immigration can and will help in economic sector, but society, it's values, it's ethnicity etc will not be saved.
We're gonna start to follow on the same footsteps after 2040, that's the fate were not escaping it, or do you even want to escape it? Do you wanna give up your individual freedom?
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Its the basic laws and basic social values and rights of the modern world that led to this, you can't have your cake and eat it too.
You guys enabled it, it was the base that the court set, that the consitution set, that enabled it.
If we want family Centric society to continue, then all these modern rights and social values will need to be sacrificed.
Does the younger generation wants to be peer pressured to marry because of societal pressure? No.
Does the younger genration wants to sacrifice their rights and freedom to live how they want? No.
I'm part of the younger genration, and i also doesn't want those.

You can either have family Centric society that values society/country as whole over individual rights and freedom, that is more patriarchal in nature, that is more stable in birth rate, more stable for long time.

Or you can have modern society that is more equal, more Individual freedom and rights.
But long term stability is sacrificed, family values are sacrificed, and internal division and polarity increases exponentially over time.

Simple as that, we can't have best of both worlds
West as society and group Is a dying one, same with japan and korea.
And immigration can and will help in economic sector, but society, it's values, it's ethnicity etc will not be saved.
We're gonna start to follow on the same footsteps after 2040, that's the fate were not escaping it, or do you even want to escape it? Do you wanna give up your individual freedom?
Individual freedom for what ? What exactly
Cheating ?
:smokin: babaji ke shabd bhale kadwe lage par satya hai

he could've rather thrown some of his dollars at arranging 'happy little accidents' to get rid of such a chhinaal wife, and getting some personal sense of justice (even if it's cruel revenge) par muh korat ke darwaze khatkhatane hai jabki pata hai ki nyaay nahi hi milega...fir kyoun moralfag bane rehte hai yeh log...
In india you just need political backing/support/pehchan.
It solves many other issues too. You can crush it if you have enough or atleast reduce you're trouble.

Those mens suffering out there don't have enough connection In most cases moved out from some where else and then settled in big cities like mumbai, banglore.
While building connections are easier when you're local. I won't say my father is all into this But I have seen that EASE when you have than pehchan with politicians.

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