Pakistan Economy


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Oil and gas exploration companies pledge $5 billion investment in Pakistan
Last updated: 2024/07/06 at 3:21 PM

Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif presides over a meeting in Islamabad. — APP/File
  • Oil and gas companies meet PM Shehbaz to discuss investments.
  • Prime Minister forms high-level committee to address E&P sector issues.
  • It secures the E&P sector for complete investment and profit security.

ISLAMABAD: A group of local and international oil and gas exploration and production (E&P) companies are poised to pump $5 billion into Pakistan’s oil sector, showing confidence in the government’s investor-friendly policies and assurances of the safety of their capital, according to the state -run APPLICATION.

An announcement to this effect came to light at a meeting held between a delegation of local and international E&P companies with Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif on Saturday, as pressure continues to mount on Islamabad to shore up the country’s faltering energy infrastructure.

If implemented, it will not only help provide more reliable energy supplies to the country’s growing population, but also reduce dependence on expensive oil imports.

“Exploring oil and gas reserves locally in Pakistan is our top priority,” Prime Minister Shehbaz said during the meeting with the delegation at the Prime Minister’s Office, calling on oil and gas explorers to tap its offshore reserves as well. Pakistan.

Pakistan spends billions of dollars every year to import oil and gas, the prime minister said. “Production from local reserves will save Pakistan’s precious foreign exchange and fuel and natural gas will become affordable for the common man.”

Facing a severe balance of payments crisis, record inflation and a sharp currency devaluation, Pakistan lacks sufficient resources to operate its oil and gas plants, so it imports most of its energy needs.

Consequently, planned blackouts, known as loadshedding, occur every summer due to fuel shortages and high demand. The duration of these power outages varies in different regions of the country, which has a population of 241 million.

The representatives informed the Prime Minister that during the next three years, about 240 exploratory wells will be drilled for $5 billion for oil and gas exploration in Pakistan.

The meeting was informed that at present, Pakistan’s domestic production stands at 70,998 barrels of oil and 3,131 MMSCFD of natural gas per day, which needs to be drastically increased to achieve as much self-sufficiency as possible.

Forming a committee to coordinate with the explorers, the Prime Minister directed the relevant authorities to provide solutions to all the problems of the industry on priority. The new body, which will consist of experts, secretaries and the relevant authorities, will be chaired by Deputy Prime Minister Ishaq Dar.

The committee, after consultation with stakeholders, will formulate proposals to create an attractive policy for exploration and development of oil and gas reserves in Pakistan.

State Bank of Pakistan (SB) Governor Jamil Ahmed told the meeting that on specific instructions of the prime minister, all remittances (profit of the business) had been sent to the respective countries of the oil and gas producing companies.

The delegation thanked the Prime Minister for making the oil and gas exploration and production sector part of the consultation process, listening to their problems and finding serious solutions to them.

The meeting was attended by Deputy Prime Minister Ishaq Dar, Federal Ministers Ahad Khan Cheema, Muhammad Aurangzeb, Syed Mohsin Raza Naqvi, Engineer Amir Muqam, Ahsan Iqbal, Sardar Awais Khan Leghari, Deputy Chairman Planning Commission Jehanzeb Khan, Prime Minister Coordinator Ranaz Ehsaan Chairman of the Federal Board of Revenue Amjad Zubair Tiwana, representatives of domestic and international companies and relevant senior officials.

According to the Pakistan Economic Survey 2023-24, Pakistan’s oil import bill declined in the first nine months (July-March) of the financial year 2023-24, not because of higher local production but because of lower consumption.

The Economic Survey reports that the drop in consumption was caused by reduced economic activity and higher product prices. Total imports of petroleum products fell to 11,047 thousand metric tons, worth $8.36 billion.

The main imported products are spirits (MS), high speed diesel (HSD) and crude oil. Compared to the same period of last financial year (2022-23), the import bill for member states decreased from $3.704 billion to $3.156 billion, for HSD from $1.646 billion to $1.050 billion and for crude oil from $4.287 billion to $4.051 billion.

Oil and gas exploration companies posted mixed results during this period. Natural gas exploration fell 2%, while crude oil production rose 1.5%.

Natural gas production fell from 1,190 million cubic feet in the first nine months of the previous fiscal year to 1,166 million cubic feet in the same period this year.

However, crude oil production rose 1.5%, from 25.5 million barrels to 25.7 million barrels.

So, the Undocyumented economy is registering fall in energy consumption YoY and moving towards becoming top 5 economy by 2075!

Textile exports will start falling soon

Tahir Jahangir Published July 24, 2024 Updated 16 minutes ago
It seems that our economic planners are living in a fantasy world. Contrary to our budgetary expectations, which portray our exports rising from the current 30 billion dollars a year to 60 billion in a few years; our textile exports shall actually start falling.

Fall in cotton production

Published July 24, 2024 Updated about an hour ago
EDITORIAL: In yet another piece of discouraging news for the country’s economy, the Pakistan Cotton Ginners Association has announced that cotton production during the current season has dropped by almost half compared to the same period of last year.

The fate of a crop that contributes 10 percent to the agriculture GDP, and is a source of over half of our foreign exchange earnings besides providing employment to millions cannot be left to chance.

But jihad against the mushrikeen must go on!

Business pessimism grows under ‘worse’ govt​

The country’s business owners have become increasingly pessimistic about their future due to ongoing political turmoil and the new tax-heavy budget, describing the federal government as a “worse” manager of the economy, according to a recent survey.

Gallup Pakistan surveyed owners of 454 small, medium, and large businesses from over 30 districts in the second quarter of 2024 to compile its Gallup Business Confidence Index report. Many businesses found the government’s new financial plan for FY25 to be unfriendly to business operations, with about two in five businesses citing inflation as their biggest problem.

Majyd Aziz, Former president of the Karachi Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KCCI), commented on the survey, stating, “The current economic situation is best described as chickens coming home to roost.” Aziz pointed out that the private sector’s pessimistic outlook towards the government’s economic policies is a result of over a decade of economic mismanagement. He cited skewed priorities, wasteful financial outlays, heavy dependence on loans, losses of state-owned enterprises, inefficiency of taxation and regulatory agencies, political instability, and rampant corruption as root causes.

Aziz remarked that the survey underscores the business confidence matrix. The cumulative effect of continuous economic mismanagement has had a devastating impact, leading to business frustration and drastic actions such as strikes, protests, and pressure on chambers and associations. According to the survey, 57% of respondents view the future pessimistically, though Aziz believes more than 80% actually see a bleak future.

The survey found that price hikes remained the most cited problem, with 37% of businessmen wanting the government to address inflation, which soared to 12.6% in June, severely eroding consumers’ purchasing power. More than half (54%) of Pakistan’s businesses believe the current government is worse at managing the economy compared to the previous administration.

Executive Director at Gallup Pakistan and Chief Architect of the Business Confidence Index, Bilal Ijaz Gilani stated, “Ongoing political uncertainty and the recently announced heavy-on-taxation federal and provincial budgets have significantly impacted business optimism in the country.” The business community, already burdened with various regulatory measures and taxes, expressed serious reservations about the new budget, he said.

Six out of 10 businesses surveyed reported facing crippling load-shedding. This quarter, 16% more businesses reported increased power outages due to heavy load on the country’s power infrastructure in summer. Overall, 61% of businesses experienced load-shedding.

Businesses appeared more pessimistic about the future, with 57% expressing negative expectations, while only 43% were optimistic. The net future business confidence score has worsened by 36% since the last quarter, now standing at -14%. Pessimistic expectations were especially prevalent among businesses selling hardware and tools, electrical items, and manufacturing products. In contrast, businesses selling home decor, gift items like toys and sports-related products, and cosmetics were more optimistic.

The net direction of the country score also worsened to -64%, dropping by four percentage points from the previous quarter, continuing a consistently negative trend. Only 18% of respondents were optimistic about the country’s direction.

A significant majority of businessmen (85%) do not consider the government’s new financial plan to be a “good budget,” with only 11% of manufacturers and 15% of service providers viewing it as business-friendly.

Due to high inflation and poor business conditions, 9% more employers had to decrease their workforce in the second quarter. Additionally, 60% of businesses reported worse sales this year compared to last, with 66% of manufacturers and 58% of service providers experiencing a decline in sales.
With the beginning of a new fiscal year, oil sales by Oil Marketing Companies (OMCs) in Pakistan experienced a notable decline. Total petroleum sales for the month of July-24 were recorded at 1.20 million tons, a decrease of 11 percent year-on-year This reduction was attributed to several ongoing factors including increased prices of Motor Spirit (MS) and High-Speed Diesel (HSD), the availability of smuggled petroleum products from Iran, and reduced demand for Furnace Oil (FO)-based power generation.



Textile exports decline by 10% MoM, 3% YoY in July 2024​

Decline attributed to lower cotton yarn and cloth exports; garments and canvas show growth in the first month of the fiscal year


Govt seeks Rs32 trillion in loans for FY2024-25

Success of this borrowing plan is contingent upon the timely approval of the IMF loan and rollover by China

Wtf? This is more than a quarter of their "official" GDP. Almost equal to their actual GDP even when it includes rollovers.
Also pakis claim that this year their GDP will be around 124 trillion PeeKR, i.e. almost $450 billion :peace:
The total borrowing requirement excludes Rs2.6 trillion needed by the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) to meet its obligations, including settling $3.7 billion owed to the United Arab Emirates, $4.2 billion in Chinese trade finance, and $900 million in maturing IMF debt.
EDITORIAL: The Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) acknowledged a shortfall of 98 billion rupees during the first two months of the current fiscal year – net collections stood at 1,456 billion rupees while the target was 1,554 billion rupees. This shortfall has sent shockwaves of unease throughout the country
The crisis has deepened to an extent where even the largest scrap metal dealers are refusing to collect discarded machinery, citing a lack of storage space in the city’s warehouses. It’s hard to imagine that this city was once the industrial hub of Pakistan, earning it the nickname ‘Pakistan’s Manchester’.

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