Russian Ukrainian War


The 2nd wave of ukrainian attack at kursk has already started last month. Only problem is, its relatively open vast land, ukraine can push further and capture another 1200 to 1500 sq km, but the cost? They are actually losing the most prized merchandise at regular interval.. the HIMARS. They need those to hit the defense lines way back near NPP, and the minimum safe '?'area to activate those is- Sumy! ukraine will send more and more mechanised infantries and shocktroopers through the vast open land with no big cover and russia will just use KA52 / mi28 hind from safe distance out of stringer's range, then fpv drones, then ambushes, even after all these, if any team breaches-- FAB is there to flatten the full plot. Basically we are going to see another repetition of meat wave s crashing like Bakhmut. My guess, russia will just let them to move another 10/20km inward so that the supply lines gets more thinner and desperate to continue, then blast all the tincans incoming at their own turf.
Ukraine will continue their kursk offensive at any cost, no matter how many heads they loss, zelensky needs to present his winning plan to biden uncle at any cost for further donations to fill his and his companions pockets.... after all a vast part of the machinery they are losing, are coming at no cost incurring except the humans. Thanks YOU- NATO donations.

so war must go on for the sake of humanity- UPS, the US and German MIC s ( Germany just showcased it's new toys for the world market in recent NAFO meet in the name of ukraine action plan :unsure: ) ...Tally-Ho........

Ukraine can do whatever it wishes in Kursk, short of actually threatening the city of kursk itself, this diversionary feint means nothing if Donbass is lost.
Simply because Kramatorsk is their last line and if your third line of defense gets overrun in 2 years, it means whatever defensive fortifications you've built *in* these 2 years elsewhere as fallback positions arent gonna last very long.

Hell, i think Russia would even let Ukraine seige Kursk while they take over entire eastern half of Ukraine if needs be it, 1 city destroyed is a small price to pay to win all the way up to kiev.

The kursk incursion is not gonna win the war for Ukraine. But the collapse of Solviansk-Kramatorsk line will make sure it loses the war.

Most people, especially traditional enemies of Russia ( Germans, Anglos, Poles etc) consistently misunderstand the Russian patriotic spirit. They love to potray it as ' Aah mother raaashia, i shall die for u' type of bravery, but the most obvious factor they ignore, is Russian population's ability to absorb war weariness- which means expecting times to get harder, shit to get more expensive, pay to get less and still not be ' oh my gawd, end ze war so i can still afford cheap tv dinners' mentality.
Its the mentality my Bong parent's generation had around 1971 war : it sucks. Get over it. Survive and tough it out, desh needs ur kurbani.
Not 'andolaan to end ze war'.
According to Ukrainian Foreign Ministry spokesman Heorhii Tykhyi, Mongolia's refusal to arrest Putin means they now share responsibility for his war crimes. Ukraine will now work with its allied partners to ensure Mongolia faces "consequences" for this action.

India needs to roll out the red carpet for Putin and give the middle finger to ICC. ICC is a fucking banana court. ICC refused to issue arrest warrants for Bush, Obama, and Biden for war crimes they committed while in office.
India needs to roll out the red carpet for Putin and give the middle finger to ICC. ICC is a fucking banana court. ICC refused to issue arrest warrants for Bush, Obama, and Biden for war crimes they committed while in office.
India is not a member/part of ICC, so it's arrest warrant/ jurisdiction / threats regarding putin's arrest on arrival on Indian soil stands no ground.
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Is not it true that India recently had a deal signed up with US regarding 155/52 shells? may be that supply is re-routed to ukraine...
Now Ukraine is on the manu.
Sab khatam it's over.

Advance in different direction

Ukraine was in manu from day one.

Abhi khatam nhi hoga... Sirf itne khoon se Gl0b0h0m0s Liberandu-sickulars ki pyaas nhi bujhegi.

But yaar, aajkal tum log brochure baachan nhi karte.... Kaha gayi vo Gulf war/ Vietnam war/Serbian war ke SEAD missions wali kahaniyan?
About Transnistria, this is my guess. There are no official statements.
What does it mean "to fight on three sides"? Transnistria does not have sufficient military force to organize a worthy rebuff. But we are solving a hypothetical threat to Odesa.
I have already said this: Technically, invading Transnistria is not a problem. A narrow strip of land on our bank of the Dniester is shot through by our artillery. All that is needed is a political solution, but there is none yet.
Stop reading selectively. I have already said - Ukraine does not lay claim to foreign lands. This region will return to Moldova when it is ready to take it under its control. But what a slap in the face for Russia.
All the rest of your words are drunken delirium. If you adore Putin, then you should listen to him from the beginning. Just 9 months ago he spoke about 617 thousand of his troops in Ukraine. He lied as usual, but these are his words.
I wonder why you are doing your homework so badly? One shows me pictures of a destroyed Abrams from the Donetsk direction. Another talks about empty numbers. Putin has not had a professional army since September 2022. We defeated it. Since that time, he has been fighting with numbers (as always in Russian history). That is why I do not keep track of how many soldiers he has now. I look at the availability of military equipment. He is running out of it. March battalions will appear soon. In the WW2, miners from Donbass defended Odessa with the help of sapper shovels and hand grenades. In WW1, such units were issued axes and also hand grenades.
This is a video where a Ukrainian MiG shoots down a moped with the help of an R-73, which was supposed to target a weak internal combustion engine, the gunfire is even closer.


Hm flying through same debris infested airspace instead of making slightly hard turn. Looks like we know what brought that F16 down.
Indeed, I am not unique. I am just an ordinary person and I am fine with that. I lost my desire to be a superhero when I grew out of childhood, but I see that you decided to stay there.
I seem to use the word "presupposition" a lot when I reply to you. You assume everyone is like you, including me. Since you had a desire as a kid to become a superhero, that means I had the same desire. Sorry to break you narcissistic ego, but I had no such delusions or desires. You're the one who joined the military, I'm sure you were a glory seeker, but got disappointed. I believe we should all just mind are own business, and the includes not being concerned with what your next door neighbor is doing, not to mention what another countries business is half way around the world. I do realize that I'm not minding my own business by posting on message boards. That something I have to think about more. Perhaps I'm bored and this is a form of entertainment, just like everything else we do in our spare time. I should play my guitar more and write more music or take more walks in the park. I'm going to set a goal to only post here twice a week. I'll have to see if I can accomplish that goal.
The last Ukrainian line in Donbass is the Kramatorsk-Slovyansk-Constantinsa (sp?) line. Once that is breached, its game over on the left bank of the Dneiper for Ukraine.

This is why the invasion of Kursk was a diversionary bait- Ukraine had to do something to divert Russian manpower from the Pokrovsk sector. Their intention was to send a well supplied highly mobile group to go in to Russia proper and capture huge chunks of territory at blitzkreig speed. But the war is run by Ukronazis and Murricans- both groups who show a remarkable ' ostrich's head in the sand' approach towards understanding Russians.
Russians dont go ' omg omg omg, they are invading mother Raaashiaaa... fuck Vuhledar or Pokrovsk, first get back sacred raashia soil' and send huge chaser squadrons. They send one to chase your ass around and mobilise reserves to come and encircle you. And they tell the civvies ' pls save urself, u live 5km from warzone, enemy no good, run'.
Hence the highly publicized Kursk invasion was a complete strategic failure.

The Kramatorsk-solviansk line is the fulcrum of this war- if Ukraine manages to hold that for another year or two, then the war can be deadlocked and frozen with ukraine 'not dead in the water'. But if that line falls, the entire eastern half of ukraine falls within the following year. That means Ukraine is dead in the water moving forward - a kiev govt, even if Run by nazis isnt gonna have much say when they can literally see Raashia from outside their govt windows, on the other side of the river.

This is also why this election is so important for the deep state: they know that Trump will seek to end the war, if only for the ' we brought a war to end, people can return to their homes now, stop being refugees now' PR angle, while Tamil aunty will keep the war going and give ukraine a chance to enter the ' frozen conflict' zone of short term survival.
Good points, the Russians were able to endure the siege of Leningrad and a hell of a lot more than that during WW2. How the Ukrainians thought they could break them psychologically with this pin prick, shows just how stupid and out of touch with reality they are. The whole west got overconfident by the breakup of the Soviet Union. They assumed the Russians became a weak people. They just had weak leaders, and now that they have a strong, smart leader the west can't admit they made a huge mistake.
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Hola amigos.
The bickering of this thread will continue but it's about time we draw some knowledge from it as well.

Explain how each
Private companies buy this and supply to ukriane.
Nothing against this from my side, we should sell more.
Have you noticed the recent russi tactics? they are now at most time letting the ukrainians store and shoot the merchandises freely for a time being to feel safe... they just observe with drones and map the movement and triangulate the storage and operating points( may be for too many dummies). Then when the threshold/storage reaches sufficiently fat or multiple targets concentrates at a singular point, they start fab or Iskander onto the points while its loading in midway.

Was reading somewhere that russia going to pin dedicated Iskander batteries with each company. If it actually happens, russians gona just decimate each ukrainian forward post/ concentration with Iskander to dust and roll forward!

By passing days, russian tactics getting really complex and unpredictable but fruitful, Some one must be reading the ' art of war' or 'Chanakya Niti' really carefully and implementing it throughout .



Man, its like a significant chunk of Ukrainian tank & artillery ammo is Indian ! And its not even drying up means there is a consistent supply

USA alone accounts for 50% of india's defense exports, add to that several other european countries like czech republic.
Yea lol, Ignore what the guy above is saying.

We are likely exporting 10s of thousands of shells to ukraine from Indirect channels.
Good points, the Russians were able to endure the siege of Leningrad and a hell of a lot more than that during WW2. How the Ukrainians thought they could break them psychologically with this pin prick, shows just how stupid and out of touch with reality they are. The whole west got overconfident by the breakup of the Soviet Union. They assumed the Russians became a weak people. They just had weak leaders, and now that they have a strong, smart leader the west can't admit they made a huge mistake.
westerners do not understand that which they hate. Because they dont spend a lot of time understanding different cultures, instead they believe so deeply in western universalism and its principles, that they think we are all western universalists just hiding under 'cultural and religious' influences and see their adversaries through this prism- be it indians, africans, russians, chinese, arabs, etc.

They only topically understand that Russians, like many countries(not all), have a national ethos. Like the americans and their ' freedom' ethos, Russians have an ethos. Its actually not directly ' aaah mother russia' nationalism, that is the western nationalist attitude and reading into it. The actual national ethos of Russia and Russians are ' we are survivors'. Every fackin leader of theirs that filled Russia with josh- from Putin to Peter the Great, invoked the whole ' we survive, we suffer but we survive, fack the enemy, if i die, they die too' angle to their cause.
The west has failed to understand, that Putin the autocrat didnt need to do anything at all, to invoke this survivor spirit in Russians, who from all accounts are not even having to compromise at the grocery stores like their western counterparts due to 'muh war and covid inflations'.
A Ukraine that is clear-cut in bed with far right fascist nazis, who weild disproportionate power within the beurocracy, backed by NATO, wanting to join NATO,talking about breaking up russia etc. doesnt require a carefully crafted Kruschevian plan to brainwash people or Stalinist brutality to shove it down people's throats in Russia.
Res ipsa locuitur. The evidence speaks for itself, as they say in the gora legal hoity toity terms.
What the west is failing to see, is when Putin says ' back off or this war can go nuclear', he isnt threatening nukes coz he is going down ala Saddam in a few weeks, he is saying ' we are prepared to go all the way'.
But then again, westerners completely misunderstanding the mood of the russian people is not a first time in recent history, they dont seem to learn from their mistakes, because they dont seem to adapt their methodologies.
Clear footage of the Russian Pantsir-S1 air defense missile system intercepting a Ukrainian 277mm M31A1 guided rocket, and a US-made HIMARS MLRS has been released. The video of the interception of the M142 HIMARS MLRS rocket was filmed in the Kursk region of Russia. The M31A1 rocket is a difficult target for air defense, since the RCS of the M31A1 projectile is presumably about 0.07 square meters, and it also has a high flight speed. The air defense crew must make a decision and intercept the target within a short period of time. The M31A1 HIMARS MLRS rocket was detected at a range of about 10 km and shot down at a range of 6,200 meters. Two 57E6 Pantsir-S1 air defense missiles were needed to intercept the target.

The missile strike on the Poltava Army Communications Academy is a real setback for the Ukr Armed Forces. Apparently it was some kind of graduation ceremony for signals, drone & EW operators, trained by Swedish experts (several confirmed KIA/WIA). The Ukr KIA is now given at 190 with about 600 WIA. Plus the Donbass front is collapsing (Vuhlevar, Pokrovsk, Toresk).
The missile strike on the Poltava Army Communications Academy is a real setback for the Ukr Armed Forces. Apparently it was some kind of graduation ceremony for signals, drone & EW operators, trained by Swedish experts (several confirmed KIA/WIA). The Ukr KIA is now given at 190 with about 600 WIA. Plus the Donbass front is collapsing (Vuhlevar, Pokrovsk, Toresk).
payback for the Russian soldiers killed in the last month during the Kursk offensive.

I bet that some non-Ukrainians were included in the kill count.

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