Russian Ukrainian War

The light of urbanization and it's fruit as downfall of villages or small towns... No one wants to work and grind for minimum pay in mines or in cattle farms in village when same can be earned in city with much lesser effort... That's a common problem in all countries, specially in the western and peripheral ones.
People always move out to live at ease, and new people are brought in at times again and again to compensate the lost plowing hands....
Thats why the black slaves were introduced in US to work in farms/ plantation or Indians to certain pacific countries to replace or replenish the vacuum. Thats why now the migrant crisis is happening in West, as it has lost the willing hands to do the basic dirty works which rotates the wheel of society, thanks to declining total population expansion rate and fertility rate to maintain the workforce.

70 years past the middle east was like doormat to the rest of the world though having ocean of crude oil beneath their feet. And now, check, how they live... it's not for only presence of resource, the relevancy needed and technology availability to extract that resource scores a vital point too.
That's right - technology. I was wrong when I said that it was a ghost town. There is a coal mine, an asphalt plant and small light industry enterprises. But where in Soviet times three workers were needed, now one person can cope. And the town withered. There are many such towns where people leave it.
When we restore Donbas (for Russian reparations), we will destroy the entire Soviet economy.
P.S. By the way. Agriculture brings in good money.
Just wondering what the end goal is here. These high-tech GPS guided long-range missiles would have to programmed, operated and navigated by NATO personnel/satellites and this is blatant and overt involvement. I dare say not even Ronald Raegan would have approved this. If it's approved, it implies Ruski nuke arsenal has failed since it has not deterred an attack on its home soil. What would any nation worth its salt do in such a scenario, irrespective of what its political or ideological inclinations are?!?! Is it worth losing the world and humanity for the sake of Ukraine?

US hints at allowing Ukraine to strike deep inside Russia, enraging Putin
an assassination already happened . remember wagners , an army started marching towards moscow , "coup" leader then died in plane crash . another coup attempt is not unthinkable . US is far more stable than Russia . when was last time there was armed rebellion there ?

Trump himself has said his plan is to push down oil price , force Putin to negotiate . i know he says a lot of bullshit so lets see

Better worry about your stable America :roflb: :roflb: :roflb:

I just said and it happened.

Oil producing countries cutting oil production to keep price up. World is not slave of Trump. Stop dreaming
:) not sure how he is gonna do it , but thats what he is claiming , i dont mind , if it does happen , its good for us too .

Don't judge things on election narratives. People tells/Claims a lot during elections.

Maldives president won election purely on hate against India and Muzzi promised lots against India but in reality he is coming India next week to make relationship more better.

Barak Obama promised to close Abu Garib prison in Cuba in 2008 during election. He was elected twice but couldn't close the prison, infact ended up increasing the funding 😂

Trump will do the same as Biden is doing today. Presidents change but foreign policy remain persistent.

If Ukraine lost the war then Trump will be blamed so he will be forced to continue the war.
Jesus says love each other but only when it's suitable for you.

Ukrainian are just a canon fodder. As I said earlier only Putin loves Ukrainian rest of all want them dead as soon as possible.

Morality and peace is a elusive phenomenon for Abrahamic religions and Gl0b0h0m0s Liberandu-sickulars.
Vishnugupt, i dont think ur qualified to speak about what Jesus said. Stick to the topic and keep religion out of it.
Vishnugupt, i dont think ur qualified to speak about what Jesus said. Stick to the topic and keep religion out of it.

Why should we keep religion out because it doesn't suits you now?? You people are very quick to criticize others culture and believe and blame it for their backwardness.

Now why couldn't your fake religion should be questioned??

Christianity alone destroyed thausands of language, cultures and species leave aside religion of pieces.

Why freedom of opinion disappears when things come back to you?

All war in Europe and Middle East have fingerprint of Abrahamic religions so my point is valid of questioning the religions
Why should we keep religion out because it doesn't suits you now?? You people are very quick to criticize others culture and believe and blame it for their backwardness.

Now why couldn't your fake religion should be questioned??

Christianity alone destroyed thausands of language, cultures and species leave aside religion of pieces.

Why freedom of opinion disappears when things come back to you?

All war in Europe and Middle East have fingerprint of Abrahamic religions so my point is valid of questioning the religions
FOE cuts both ways :cmegusta:
Why should we keep religion out because it doesn't suits you now?? You people are very quick to criticize others culture and believe and blame it for their backwardness.

Now why couldn't your fake religion should be questioned??

Christianity alone destroyed thausands of language, cultures and species leave aside religion of pieces.

Why freedom of opinion disappears when things come back to you?

All war in Europe and Middle East have fingerprint of Abrahamic religions so my point is valid of questioning the religions
No religion has destroyed anything in all d religious books I have read, the people that follow religion on the other hand are the culprits you refer too.
No religion has destroyed anything in all d religious books I have read, the people that follow religion on the other hand are the culprits you refer too.
What a week starter!!!

so the victory plan is something like- Ukraine and russia ceasefire at some area, ukraine gets permission from mistress Amrika to deep strike russia while russia agrees ceasefire!
IDN who drafted the plan, but who ever it might be.... is something to make an example of pinnacle of IQ to rest of the world!!!!!
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And there will be no elections in 2025. Until we win the war, there will be no elections. What catastrophe are you talking about? I'm just eating pierogi with mushrooms and reading on my phone. There's food, there's water, I called the vet for the cat today. The city infrastructure is fully operational. Weapons production has increased 6-fold. What catastrophe are you babbling about? About the Russians not moving near Pokrovsk or how they got trapped near Glushkovo?
I'm sure things are fine in Odessa, especially when compared with the frontlines. Go back and read my post, I said the catastrophe on the "whole frontline". I don't consider Odessa to be on the frontline right now. Also, although you might not feel the economic disaster right now, you will in a year. I also predict Russia's main goal is to take Odessa, that's the key to this whole thing. And Zelensky helped Russia out by wasting good soldiers and tons of equipment by invading Russia. Pokrovsk will take months to take, but it will be eventually taken, as well as Odessa. It's just a matter of time, and time is definingly not on your side.
I'm sure things are fine in Odessa, especially when compared with the frontlines. Go back and read my post, I said the catastrophe on the "whole frontline". I don't consider Odessa to be on the frontline right now. Also, although you might not feel the economic disaster right now, you will in a year. I also predict Russia's main goal is to take Odessa, that's the key to this whole thing. And Zelensky helped Russia out by wasting good soldiers and tons of equipment by invading Russia. Pokrovsk will take months to take, but it will be eventually taken, as well as Odessa. It's just a matter of time, and time is definingly not on your side.
If we measure in terms of time, then all of humanity will get rid of the rudiments of its body. And in tens of thousands of years, they will not pull out the "wisdom teeth" that our ancestors needed to grind coarse food. They will simply stop growing :)
I read your post well, but you apparently did not. I asked you about the Russian results in Pokrovsk and the Kursk region. They exist, but they are quite small and thanks to the Russian Aerospace Forces, Russian villages have become similar to Ukrainian settlements where the war has come.
Residents of the Sumy region do not consider the invasion of the Kursk region an adventure - they have stopped shelling them.
Don't judge things on election narratives. People tells/Claims a lot during elections.

Maldives president won election purely on hate against India and Muzzi promised lots against India but in reality he is coming India next week to make relationship more better.

Barak Obama promised to close Abu Garib prison in Cuba in 2008 during election. He was elected twice but couldn't close the prison, infact ended up increasing the funding 😂

Trump will do the same as Biden is doing today. Presidents change but foreign policy remain persistent.

If Ukraine lost the war then Trump will be blamed so he will be forced to continue the war.
I agree with everything you're saying. Putin must be strong when negotiating a peace deal with Trump. He has to convince him that the only way to guarantee long term peace is for Russia to have Odessa. What will happen after Trump (assuming he wins) is out of office and a neocon/neoliberal is elected president? If Russia has Odessa, nothing will happen because Ukraine will be too weak to do anything, but if they still have Odessa, the west will start another war. Putin doesn't trust the west in the long run. Trump could be convince of this, but Ukraine will never agree to it, so the war will go on until Odessa falls. The election is soon and Trump will say anything to get elected.
The first Leopard sighting in the Kursk region.
Again, German tanks near Kursk. :)
Of course, I am against such a designation, because these are Ukrainian tanks of German production, but it sounds mocking.;)
My grandfather fought near Kursk. In general, he fought from 1939 to 1944, then his tank was hit and he lost a leg. But now our soldiers are defending our country and I don’t have a toothache from the fact that they are on German tanks.

An episode of the evacuation of a Russian tank, presumably a T-55A, near the village of Vodyanoy. It is unknown what kind of combat vehicle is conducting the evacuation. It is possible that it is also a T-55 tank with a dismantled gun, or a VT-55A tracked tractor created on the basis of a T-55 tank. At the time of the evacuation, Ukrainian artillery is actively working. The evacuation of equipment was carried out by a Russian serviceman with the call sign "Petrovich", as reported, he has carried out about 30 evacuations of damaged equipment.

Episode of the breakthrough of the Russian airborne assault unit of the 106th Tula Airborne Division on the BMD-2, to the village of Snagost, Kursk region of Russia. The video was filmed on September 9, 2024, at that time, the village was controlled by the Ukrainian army. The BMD-2 was not alone, six BMDs, three tanks and several infantry fighting vehicles were used. The column of military equipment advanced from the village of Kornevo, towards the village of Snagost, passing through the checkpoints of the Ukrainian army, the column divided into three parts and entered the village of Snagost. For three days, the units held a circular defense, waiting for the main forces to arrive. Presumably, this is not the first group to enter the village.

Who is fighting whom ? Germans against russians? or ukraine aided by germans against russians!?

Someone said right- History repeats itself, over and over.

Kursk and Germany have some really old score to settle... again.

but what about the 7000's grave dug by German Nazis ?

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