Russian Ukrainian War

@Akim why do you try to change the minds of people here? Most here don't know much about Eastern European history and the bad blood with Russia. It's a hopeless cause here to make people change their minds to see why Russia is fully in the wrong here. Why waste time trying it?

On a side note, I hope to visit Odessa again. I had a wonderful time there and in Lviv few years ago. Slava ukraini!
I'm not trying to convince anyone here, but I'm really interested in reporting what's being missed here and seeing how their matrix is being torn apart. Adequate people ask my opinion on various events here. Inadequate ones immediately "throw slippers". Like in that video where two "Russo-turisto" attacked a woman and her daughter on a beach in Egypt because they were speaking Ukrainian. Her husband (a military man on leave) came running to the woman's screams and sent the inadequats to the hospital.
@Akim why do you try to change the minds of people here? Most here don't know much about Eastern European history and the bad blood with Russia. It's a hopeless cause here to make people change their minds to see why Russia is fully in the wrong here. Why waste time trying it?

On a side note, I hope to visit Odessa again. I had a wonderful time there and in Lviv few years ago. Slava ukraini!
Russia is fully in the wrong? Ukraine is 100% innocent? LMAO! You're correct about not being able to get anyone here to believe that bullshit. Gosh, you are one stupid, ignorant idiot.
I'm not trying to convince anyone here, but I'm really interested in reporting what's being missed here and seeing how their matrix is being torn apart. Adequate people ask my opinion on various events here. Inadequate ones immediately "throw slippers". Like in that video where two "Russo-turisto" attacked a woman and her daughter on a beach in Egypt because they were speaking Ukrainian. Her husband (a military man on leave) came running to the woman's screams and sent the inadequats to the hospital
That story sums you up perfectly. While I think those two Russia's are cowards and deserve to be in the hospital, I also think it's irrelevant for many reasons. I think everyone knows there are people that are total pieces of shit regardless of their sex, race, or sexual orientation. But what does that have to do with the big picture going on in Ukraine?
I'm not trying to convince anyone here, but I'm really interested in reporting what's being missed here and seeing how their matrix is being torn apart. Adequate people ask my opinion on various events here. Inadequate ones immediately "throw slippers". Like in that video where two "Russo-turisto" attacked a woman and her daughter on a beach in Egypt because they were speaking Ukrainian. Her husband (a military man on leave) came running to the woman's screams and sent the inadequats to the hospital.
This post pretty much sums me up. I focus on the big picture. What I see is Zelensky sacrificing brave soldiers for political short term goals that amounted to nothing. The Kursk offensive sums that up. He's helping Russia. Do you secretly want to see him overthrown?

Complete Failure of The Ukrainian Kursk Offensive | Additional 50SQKM Re-Captured​

Do not want to go mud slinging.
Most here don't know much about Eastern European history and the bad blood with Russia
Why Should we? All most of the Indians know- that Ukraine( even knowing Pakis's atrocities toward minority Hindus resulting one of the biggest refugee influx ever documented toward India, from Rape to murder to waging war multiple times by the backing of west and US) was the nation even before Pakstn to move motion against India in UN draggin Kashmir falsely while Russia was always there to assist and cover India to float ... that's more than enough for most of Indians to take Russian side.

They might fight cats and dogs, but the point I fail to recognise how came USA became a part of so called 'bad blood with Russia' while being at 10s Ks of Km s away!!!! Even Germany not being any neighbour in vicinity of Ukraine became party of concern of it's security! I fail to recognise why and how Pentagone decides how and when Ukraine would react to ' the last ukrainian' by restricting the arms supply in actual to it's convenience if it's fight between Ukraine and Russia alone.
By the way, it is interesting: they are transferring to us next Skynex - will they again be transportable or already on the chassis of Leo-1, like "Gepards".
Link-16 too? So, all of your movements are waved around the transferred items? As per you? it seems? Is the war momentum is governed by the so called allies than you yourself!? Seems so! We are observing the pattern repeatedly, after each transfer, there is a offensive or counter offensive until Ukraine exhausts the transferred, then asks next round for next shipment.

Remember my almost 2 month old post that soon You will find DPRK troops at frontline /SVO.. it was not an wild guess. We read all and try to understand all side data here in India as we have not banned and can access every media whatsoever east/west/underground any such unlike west where people are shoved just one side blanket banned propaganda..

(ask any EU national to plot and mark ukraine in world map.... 1 will be surprised to find the result)

And for Odessa , what happened to the flag lady of last week? Ohh, she perished due to heart attack at 30+ age out of blue.... in custody naah?

And for tourists, will advise them not to go in the riches' rave party in Ukraine, TCC might find their love for able bodies and throw them to fronts for some extra couple of thousand dollars'...

Yet another article ostensibly written to show that Ukraine will lose without MOAR WEAPONS from the West but most of the article paints a very depressing picture like Ukraine is a lost cause.

Very surprising since W*stern publications were originally overflowing with pro-Ukraine-is-winning propaganda.

All the more evidence that they are going to dump Ukraine, perhaps KGB Dictator is ready for a deal with the West, or they need to refocus on China and the Iran/Palestine vs the (((chosen people))) conflict.

of course Burger shills elsewhere on the internet will gloat like they are Nuland or Lu themselves that this was (((all according to plan))) to simply bleed Russia with the Ukranian spiked mace but their ultimate goal was a regime change protest against Putin with Navalny placed on the chair with possibly Prickozhin contracted to carry out this, both are in the ground today and Putin is still on the chair.
That story sums you up perfectly. While I think those two Russia's are cowards and deserve to be in the hospital, I also think it's irrelevant for many reasons. I think everyone knows there are people that are total pieces of shit regardless of their sex, race, or sexual orientation. But what does that have to do with the big picture going on in Ukraine?
The most direct. Attacking the weaker is a true trait of the Russian character. Maybe it wasn't translated into the US when Putler, during the annexation of Crimea, said that his soldiers would stand behind women and children. Do you know how the revolution began in February 1917? Women came out in Petrograd and demanded bread. The tsarist troops didn't disperse them, then workers (incited by the Bolsheviks) and soldiers/sailors who didn't want to go to the front joined them. And off it went. That's why Putler is crushing women's rallies in their infancy. Have you seen the photo from the rally of wives of mobilized Russians?
Link-16 too? So, all of your movements are waved around the transferred items? As per you? it seems? Is the war momentum is governed by the so called allies than you yourself!? Seems so! We are observing the pattern repeatedly, after each transfer, there is a offensive or counter offensive until Ukraine exhausts the transferred, then asks next round for next shipment.

Remember my almost 2 month old post that soon You will find DPRK troops at frontline /SVO.. it was not an wild guess. We read all and try to understand all side data here in India as we have not banned and can access every media whatsoever east/west/underground any such unlike west where people are shoved just one side blanket banned propaganda..

(ask any EU national to plot and mark ukraine in world map.... 1 will be surprised to find the result)

And for Odessa , what happened to the flag lady of last week? Ohh, she perished due to heart attack at 30+ age out of blue.... in custody naah?

And for tourists, will advise them not to go in the riches' rave party in Ukraine, TCC might find their love for able bodies and throw them to fronts for some extra couple of thousand dollars'...
When North Korean troops appear here, then we will discuss it. In July they were already threatening us with North Korean engineering battalions. There is no one yet. There is a small number of North Korean military specialists (several dozen), but they are not public.

This woman with the Russian... faces three years in prison.
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The most direct. Attacking the weaker is a true trait of the Russian character. Maybe it wasn't translated into the US when Putler, during the annexation of Crimea, said that his soldiers would stand behind women and children. Do you know how the revolution began in February 1917? Women came out in Petrograd and demanded bread. The tsarist troops didn't disperse them, then workers (incited by the Bolsheviks) and soldiers/sailors who didn't want to go to the front joined them. And off it went. That's why Putler is crushing women's rallies in their infancy. Have you seen the photo from the rally of wives of mobilized Russians?
"his soldiers would stand behind women and children."
It obviously translates as a figurative statement not literal. There is a funny scene in the movie stripes that sums it up. One minute 18 second mark.
"his soldiers would stand behind women and children."
It obviously translates as a figurative statement not literal. There is a funny scene in the movie stripes that sums it up. One minute 18 second mark.

No. Maybe he wanted to say "we won't leave them", but it turned out that they were ready to sacrifice civilians.

In Soviet times, they made films about war and it wasn't the good guys standing behind the civilians (this is a modern Russian film, but there are English subtitles).

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In France, they are preparing a new Ukrainian motorized infantry brigade "Anna of Kyiv" (Queen of France in the 11th century) without a tank battalion (all 4 battalions exclusively on APCs). However, a brigade can have up to 7 battalions, but in this brigade there are only 4 (128 units of VAB).:( Of course, there will also be a unit on AMX10RC, but in terms of their numbers (18 units), this is more like a fire support battalion in a brigade artillery group (analogous to the M1128)

@Akim why do you try to change the minds of people here? Most here don't know much about Eastern European history and the bad blood with Russia. It's a hopeless cause here to make people change their minds to see why Russia is fully in the wrong here. Why waste time trying it?

On a side note, I hope to visit Odessa again. I had a wonderful time there and in Lviv few years ago. Slava ukraini!

Then why don't you try to understand the Indian POV and how India refuses to abandon her long standing ally, Russia, just because US say so, especially when US was totally behind what happened in the Ukraine War and how it started that conflict. US had every opportunity to put it right and it refused to do so and you guys expect India to play ball by US rules?

FUCK that shit. Russia is India's ally and India keeps her word by standing with her ally who has consistently helped India out on countless times.

Slava Russiya!!! Slava Russiya!!!
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This woman with the Russian... faces three years in prison.
IS she alive still? or Alt+Crtl+DEL already?
and this guy?


Your intention might be right, but the approach is going south thanks to the corrupts. You are losing support internal and external both to that due to massive inflated data outflow showing atrocities by you on you yourself.
Then why don't you try to understand the Indian POV and how India refuses to abandon her long standing ally, Russia, just because US say so, especially when US was totally behind what happened in the Ukraine War and how it started that conflict. US had every opportunity to put it right and it refused to do so and you guys expect India to play ball by US rules?

FUCK that shit. Russia is India's ally and India keeps her word by standing with her ally who has consistently helped India out on countless times.

Slava Russiya!!! Slava Russiya!!!

I find it max comedy when these goras use "right" and "wrong" as if there's some moral absolute to be followed
And as if their godfather the US follows such morals. :bplease:

No Maidan Regime change of 2014, no Crimea grab, no Little Green Men in Donbas, No Invasion in 2022 ,No misery that followed.

Ukranians would still be poor but they wouldn't be widowed, orphaned, homeless, dead or maimed like in the current situation.

The chooran fed to the majority of these folks during the Maidan 2014 scam was "With Westie-Bestie support, we gon becum the next Poland n sheeeit, and ebul Russia big brother is stopping us! URRRA!!"

They never would become the next Poland, they were meant to be the next Syria definitely.
IS she alive still? or Alt+Crtl+DEL already?
and this guy?

View attachment 12104

Your intention might be right, but the approach is going south thanks to the corrupts. You are losing support internal and external both to that due to massive inflated data outflow showing atrocities by you on you yourself.
No one even hit her. They simply detained her, drew up a report and possibly released her until the trial. A typical minor provocation on Putler's birthday. Those who set fire to the personal cars of the military are doing more harm.
Sometimes, these cowardly citizens stick "I serve in the AFU" stickers on other people's cars and set them on fire for a video report for the FSB. This is how they found a way to make money.
Our Army Armored corps might be right after all they were hell bent on T90 and dug their heels on heavy wt Arjun. Though decision may not be based on logic but lady luck proved them right.
There are a lot of cumulative ammunition on the front line. This tank does not notice the extra ton.
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Per Gloomberg we are #2 supplier of "restricted teknologi" to Roosies

Ofc Gloomberg would never have the balls to mention the Numba Wan supplier to the Rooskies

View attachment 12016

Wonder if media reports like this are meant to do another Pannu-Nijjer drama?
It is not enough at all . This is like 10% of our imports from them . Russia is scrambling to spend their rupees, it is doing funny things like hiring 300 IT guys for its bank. While we might find happiness in this dhandhomaxxing, it is not a good long term solution. But then again our pvt companies are pussies and do not want to risk unkils anger.

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