Russian Ukrainian War

You are so surprised as if the West is waging a war with Russia. I did not react to your previous similar post, but you are asking for clarification. All embassies (except ours) operate in Moscow, and there are also many international treaties. Do you know that until mid-summer, we were transiting Russian oil via the Druzhba pipeline and until the end of this year, there will be transit of Russian natural gas?
Going to be problems from January 1. Correct me if I'm wrong but I think that most gas used in one or two southern European countries comes from Russia through the pipeline running through Ukraine. I believe that the transmission contract runs out December 31.
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You identify yourself as a historian and you talk about destroying all Ukrainian Nazis. How many do you think there are? 40 million? How many are there really? There are certainly some, just as in Russia there are certainly some people with ultra-right wing views. Same as there are some in UK, India, eastern Europe and elsewhere.

I think the West did learn their lessons about the Nazis in WW2. The actions of Fascist nationalists stereotyping racial and ethnic groups and systematically trying to exterminate some of them were revealed in full as the Nazis retreated towards Berlin.
I was specifically referring to the leaders of Ukraine and military types like the Azov's. I really don't know the number among the common people. Perhaps it's similar to the German numbers in the 1933 elections. There were parts of Germany where Hitler received only 30% of the vote. I'm not as extreme as the western leaders who say there are no Nazi's in Ukraine because Zelensky is a Jew.
Going to be problems from January 1. Correct me if I'm wrong but I think that most gas used in one or two southern European countries comes from Russia through the pipeline running through Ukraine. I believe that the transmission contract runs out December 31.
Indeed, Ukraine will not sign any contracts with Russia, but Hungary wants to contract Azerbaijani gas, where Russia and Ukraine will be transit countries. How they will do this - I do not know, because we control the Russian gas distribution station in Sudzha and now all Russian natural gas goes to Europe according to previous contracts. Other countries seem to be through the "Turkish Stream".
I was specifically referring to the leaders of Ukraine and military types like the Azov's. I really don't know the number among the common people. Perhaps it's similar to the German numbers in the 1933 elections. There were parts of Germany where Hitler received only 30% of the vote. I'm not as extreme as the western leaders who say there are no Nazi's in Ukraine because Zelensky is a Jew.
I wonder how the US representative views the fact that children from Russia go to summer camps in North Korea? Or does the 1950-53 war not concern you?
You catch all sorts of Russian garbage about "Azov".

Hehehehehehehe.... The hyenas have started encircling the carcass.
But that article doesn't mention that Poland gave us several hundred tanks, other armored vehicles, artillery and mortars, air defense systems, man-portable air defense systems, a squadron of MiG-29s and other smal arms weapons + ammunition. All of this was at the right time. Now, 40% of the ammunition at the front is Ukrainian-made, but back then the country had not yet entered the "war footing" and could not independently solve many problems. And we will deal with the common past later. There are no countries that do not have neighboring conflicts in the past.
Suddenly after almost 1000 days of war, Germany discovered that Ukraine was behind the sabotage of NS2!!!! and now Berlin has issued arrest warrant against Zaluzhny!! Pick of efficiency with 'maximum effort' with 0 result while supplying war merchandise to the same saboteur who blasted and crippled one of the main german energy artary...

A big Gigantic Size 'L' to Berlin .
Ukraine ne free me malai vi mar li, or chuna vi lapet diea chuttiya kat ke..:abnormal:
Suddenly after almost 1000 days of war, Germany discovered that Ukraine was behind the sabotage of NS2!!!! and now Berlin has issued arrest warrant against Zaluzhny!! Pick of efficiency with 'maximum effort' with 0 result while supplying war merchandise to the same saboteur who blasted and crippled one of the main german energy artary...

A big Gigantic Size 'L' to Berlin .
Ukraine ne free me malai vi mar li, or chuna vi lapet diea chuttiya kat ke..:abnormal:

Zelenskyy was behind it and gave the order. Because Zaluzhny went against Zelenskyy, now Zelenskyy is throwing him to the dogs. For someone who is celebrated as the guy who stood up to Putin and fighting for freedom, this is a very Putinsque thing to do.
You identify yourself as a historian and you talk about destroying all Ukrainian Nazis. How many do you think there are? 40 million? How many are there really? There are certainly some, just as in Russia there are certainly some people with ultra-right wing views. Same as there are some in UK, India, eastern Europe and elsewhere.

I think the West did learn their lessons about the Nazis in WW2. The actions of Fascist nationalists stereotyping racial and ethnic groups and systematically trying to exterminate some of them were revealed in full as the Nazis retreated towards Berlin.
Ukrainian nazis are unofficially part of govt. and policy-making apparatus. Ukrainian PM came to my parliament and honoured an actual, living, breathing, ww2 nazi. When govt apparatus shows nazi infiltration or affiliation in a given western country, that country = fit to be nuked. Simple.
There are certainly some, just as in Russia there are certainly some people with ultra-right wing views. Same as there are some in UK, India, eastern Europe and elsewhere.

Why it's absolutely necessary for some people to keep doing monkey balance?? What kind of disease is this?? Please explain.

Tell me exactly where Russia, India ( I don't care about rest of countries) have Nazis like Ukraine have?? Ukraine have Azov battalion full of Banderites. A battalion have full support from government which played vital role in Coup d'etat against Yanukovich.
Suddenly after almost 1000 days of war, Germany discovered that Ukraine was behind the sabotage of NS2!!!! and now Berlin has issued arrest warrant against Zaluzhny!! Pick of efficiency with 'maximum effort' with 0 result while supplying war merchandise to the same saboteur who blasted and crippled one of the main german energy artary...

A big Gigantic Size 'L' to Berlin .
Ukraine ne free me malai vi mar li, or chuna vi lapet diea chuttiya kat ke..:abnormal:

where's the news article/source? All I can find is the German police playing on a suspect named "Volodymyr Z"
@Spitfire IX Don't listen to various dolboebs. It's like now accusing a resident of Mariupol of betraying Russia. The man was born in Austria-Hungary, grew up in Poland, but for some reason is a traitor to the Soviet Union. Nationalism and National Socialism are different ideologies.
Why it's absolutely necessary for some people to keep doing monkey balance?? What kind of disease is this?? Please explain.
What I said:
'There are certainly some [Nazis in Ukraine], just as in Russia there are certainly some people with ultra-right wing views. Same as there are some in UK, India, eastern Europe and elsewhere.'

Simple statement. If you want to try to shoot it down, how about firing some facts at it?
We will put a jet engine on the AGM-154 and it will fly 500 km. And it will be Made in Ukraine.
What I said:
'There are certainly some [Nazis in Ukraine], just as in Russia there are certainly some people with ultra-right wing views. Same as there are some in UK, India, eastern Europe and elsewhere.'

Simple statement. If you want to try to shoot it down, how about firing some facts at it?

Again, You are just trying to hind a elephant in the room. Random far right or extreme right can not be compared with government backed Nazis.

Ukrainian Nazis are state sponsored actors while other countries has banned such organisations or made it illegal.

Fact is, Ukraine has been long history of fascism. Banderites remain on centre stage since the birth of Ukraine. They were supported, loved and nurtured by secular governments.

Either you do not have knowledge about Nazi movement in Ukraine or you a certified Gl0b0h0m0s Liberandu-sickular.
What happened in 4 kinzhal attack? or russia faking it as like always usual?

correction regarding the last post-
yes the wanted name is Vl-- Z instead of zaluzhny, somehow I misS-wrote, though he can be taken as responsible for the sabotage as the signing authority. He can be taken in account same way like the arrest warrant gets valid against putin for the kidnapping of ukrainian minors as the head of the state authority.. nvm.. correction noted.

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