Sinking State of Bangladesh: Idiotic Musings


hilsa export to india is even bigger foreign investment nd opportunity than semiconductor factory setup in some parts of india. it will help india economy nd maintain india per capita income lower than bangladesh, but above than pakistan😝....its worrisome for indians (specially bengali) that bangladesh control this. hope we make good relationship with them, otherwise they seprate our 7 sisters state nd ban hilsa fish export. 😂
i hope our custom official reject this hilsa import citing chemical/parasite whatever to chidko namak on their khula jakham & give them no respite to extract money due to our power companies.
Then begum will start squealing that without ilish there's no pujo as if ilish is the reason for pujo. What's more bhadralok & chotto lok will whole heartedly agree with her & before you know kolkata will see effigies of Modi & Shah burnt with graffiti - S̶i̶m̶o̶n̶ Modi go back !

If you think this is crazy let me draw your attention to the fact this is Kolkata . Crazier things have happened & is likely to happen.

Olhamdulillah !
Also reality of hilsa market :

a) its an extremely nitche market. You CANNOT market this fish to 90% of regular fish eaters like goans, mallus or indonesians/malays/omani arabs etc - all the people who eat shit ton of fish, coz its an extremely bony fish and has a very strong fishy smell to it that is off-putting to those who are accustomed to eating fresh white-meat warm water fishes only ( like Filipinos, indonesians, etc). Furthermore, Hilsa bones are not to be trifled with- even the finest of these bones are like little slivers that can easily get stuck in your throat or gums.

b) Hilsa is extremely prized amongst ALL bengalis - bangros included. It is a semi-luxury item ( Hilsa is easily, the #1 prized fish in any Fish market that sells Hilsa. Chitol can occasionally be pricier, but they are extremely rare big ones and for one cut only(stomach, the rest of the cuts of Chitol are very cheap, coz chitol is mai-baap of hilsa for bony-ness but even oiler around the stomach).

So when largest consumer-base of a semi-luxury item is ALSO the largest exporter of this semi-luxury item, it means that Bangbros THEMSELVES cannot afford to eat their catch substantially and they rely substantially on exports.

c) The most expensive Hilsa is the Hilsa that is sold fresh- by far, since fresh Hilsa can easily top 3000 rupees/kilo even at height of season for particularly large and egg-less hilsa.
Frozen Hilsa doesn't top 1000-1500 rupees per kilo ( ie, it rarely crosses 10 dollars/kg in Murricastan or Canadastan, the top markets for frozen hilsa for price, as Middle-east is slightly cheaper for frozen hilsa).

d) overseas frozen Hilsa market is pretty much tapped out, as Hilsa is not a steak or biriyani type of thing that you eat every single day as a glutton bong- Hilsa is time consuming to eat and requires 'roshiye khaoa' mentality, plus Hilsa isnt a terribly versatile fish like Rui or Katla are - you can only make 3-4 variation dishes of it and its something you only wanna eat, even as hilsa lover, like three-four times a week, max. Then you want change. Most Bheto bangalis here dont buy more than 2 hilsas per month for their families of 3-4 and they aint hurting for cash at all.

All this means, is that whatever the bangbros wanna say, Hilsa is a 'i got you by the balls' buyer's market.
A bengali wont die if he cant eat Hilsa. but plenty of kanglustanis will go broke if he cant sell hilsa.

Yes, bengalis are 'ore more jacchi' if thye cant get Hilsa, same way whites go bat-shit if they cant get alcohol and we suck for that aspect of it, but overall, it only does cosmetic change to the buyer's market dynamics.
Barring 'unforeseen sudden shocks', its very rarely the buyers who are at a disadvantage in a 'buyers market' industry. This isnt a weapons like 'sellers market' where you got clients aplenty and you are shuffling them off by years coz your production cant keep up and every tom dick and harry wants a piece of the pie like the kanglus think it is.
Also reality of hilsa market :

a) its an extremely nitche market. You CANNOT market this fish to 90% of regular fish eaters like goans, mallus or indonesians/malays/omani arabs etc - all the people who eat shit ton of fish, coz its an extremely bony fish and has a very strong fishy smell to it that is off-putting to those who are accustomed to eating fresh white-meat warm water fishes only ( like Filipinos, indonesians, etc). Furthermore, Hilsa bones are not to be trifled with- even the finest of these bones are like little slivers that can easily get stuck in your throat or gums.

b) Hilsa is extremely prized amongst ALL bengalis - bangros included. It is a semi-luxury item ( Hilsa is easily, the #1 prized fish in any Fish market that sells Hilsa. Chitol can occasionally be pricier, but they are extremely rare big ones and for one cut only(stomach, the rest of the cuts of Chitol are very cheap, coz chitol is mai-baap of hilsa for bony-ness but even oiler around the stomach).
yeah chital-fish, popular here in assam, manipur,tripura &meghalaya too. we even ferment it sometimes.(fermented fish is acquired taste and smells/taste horrible to unacquainted )

Game on people 😁

Legal notice seeks to stop ilish export to India

Legal notice calls for halt to hilsa exports to India for Durga Puja

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Also reality of hilsa market :

a) its an extremely nitche market. You CANNOT market this fish to 90% of regular fish eaters like goans, mallus or indonesians/malays/omani arabs etc - all the people who eat shit ton of fish, coz its an extremely bony fish and has a very strong fishy smell to it that is off-putting to those who are accustomed to eating fresh white-meat warm water fishes only ( like Filipinos, indonesians, etc). Furthermore, Hilsa bones are not to be trifled with- even the finest of these bones are like little slivers that can easily get stuck in your throat or gums.

b) Hilsa is extremely prized amongst ALL bengalis - bangros included. It is a semi-luxury item ( Hilsa is easily, the #1 prized fish in any Fish market that sells Hilsa. Chitol can occasionally be pricier, but they are extremely rare big ones and for one cut only(stomach, the rest of the cuts of Chitol are very cheap, coz chitol is mai-baap of hilsa for bony-ness but even oiler around the stomach).

So when largest consumer-base of a semi-luxury item is ALSO the largest exporter of this semi-luxury item, it means that Bangbros THEMSELVES cannot afford to eat their catch substantially and they rely substantially on exports.

c) The most expensive Hilsa is the Hilsa that is sold fresh- by far, since fresh Hilsa can easily top 3000 rupees/kilo even at height of season for particularly large and egg-less hilsa.
Frozen Hilsa doesn't top 1000-1500 rupees per kilo ( ie, it rarely crosses 10 dollars/kg in Murricastan or Canadastan, the top markets for frozen hilsa for price, as Middle-east is slightly cheaper for frozen hilsa).

d) overseas frozen Hilsa market is pretty much tapped out, as Hilsa is not a steak or biriyani type of thing that you eat every single day as a glutton bong- Hilsa is time consuming to eat and requires 'roshiye khaoa' mentality, plus Hilsa isnt a terribly versatile fish like Rui or Katla are - you can only make 3-4 variation dishes of it and its something you only wanna eat, even as hilsa lover, like three-four times a week, max. Then you want change. Most Bheto bangalis here dont buy more than 2 hilsas per month for their families of 3-4 and they aint hurting for cash at all.

All this means, is that whatever the bangbros wanna say, Hilsa is a 'i got you by the balls' buyer's market.
A bengali wont die if he cant eat Hilsa. but plenty of kanglustanis will go broke if he cant sell hilsa.

Yes, bengalis are 'ore more jacchi' if thye cant get Hilsa, same way whites go bat-shit if they cant get alcohol and we suck for that aspect of it, but overall, it only does cosmetic change to the buyer's market dynamics.
Barring 'unforeseen sudden shocks', its very rarely the buyers who are at a disadvantage in a 'buyers market' industry. This isnt a weapons like 'sellers market' where you got clients aplenty and you are shuffling them off by years coz your production cant keep up and every tom dick and harry wants a piece of the pie like the kanglus think it is.
thnx for this knowledge....can u explain why west bengal isnt self sufficient with hilsa fish? i guess its in thier food culture, coz its also found in west bengal areas.
thnx for this knowledge....can u explain why west bengal isnt self sufficient with hilsa fish? i guess its in thier food culture, coz its also found in west bengal areas.
I answered this earlier somewhere, maybe you missed it : Its because desi bongs are retards, more retards about Hilsa than kanglus.

Hilsa lives in the sea, but at great depths and is a very fast and agile fish, we only catch it when it comes back to the river it was born in, to mate.
It is basically like a tropical salmon in its lifecycle and like salmon, Hilsa returns to SPECIFIC rivulet/nallah it was born in to lay eggs.
we used to have a custom of no eating hilsa between kali puja and saraswati puja. So basically between Nov-Feb period, when Hilsa spawns migrate back to the sea. We started to disregard this as ' baseless hindoo superstition' in the 90s and 00s and basically overfished our side of the ganges delta dry of Hilsa.
So Ganga hilsa that remains, remains only in the Bangladesh section of it, because despite being moozies, kanglus didnt drop this custom due to being 'over-woke' like commie bongs of Jyoti Basu & Buddhu-deb guys.

I dont even know why we did this, except maybe to specifically destroy a 'superstition' ( which turns out is not a superstition), because Hilsa that you fish between Nov-Feb are tiny, Pomfret sized ( maybe slightly bigger) and are nearly tasteless, as they haven't matured enough to develop the oils that give it its distinct fishy & makhmal taste & texture. Plus its skeletally developed, meaning its got all the bones it will ever have (just needs to grow), so kucho-eelish is bony as hell, its practically like weeding your garden except with your food.

I remember when i was in grade 10-12, 'kucho eelish' used to be sold in the market for like 100-150 rupees a kilo back in the 90s, which is basically like 50% more than the price of Rui or Katla and many people still bought it coz 'status symbol' and they get to say 'i made eelish for u since u were coming over for dinner'.
thnx for this knowledge....can u explain why west bengal isnt self sufficient with hilsa fish? i guess its in thier food culture, coz its also found in west bengal areas.
Old comment.
We cant get hilsa in bengal. Because us desi bengalis have destroyed the hilsa industry at home by fishing ' kucho eelish'. Ie, the young ones migrating back to the sea after hatching. Hilsa isnt fished in the oceans, its fished like salmon, in the rivers when it comes back to migrate, except unlike salmon, we dont really have ability to aqua-culture hilsa.
There is an old bengali tradition of not eating eelish between kali puja and Saraswati puja that was followed till the last 15-20 years. Turns out this period ( nov-feb) is when the young ones hatch and grow in size as they migrate back to the seas. Bangladesh, despite being kalgustan, has kept this tradition alive. Hence Bangladesh eelish is the king of the market.

PS: There is eelish that goes up Mahanadi and parts of Andhra as well. but they are much less oily than the ilish that come to the ganges and the taste of the eelish is all in the oilyness of the fish. I dunno why or how that is, but basically most bengalis and odias would rather not eat eelish than eat mahanadi/godavari eelish ( 5% the taste at 75% the price point) and usually those are sold in low-mid level dhaaba-restaurant in west bengal (where you can cover up the shittiness of the eeelish by either making it flamethrower hot curry or burying it in enough mustard that all you can feel is the wind whistling in your sinuses.
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