Sinking State of Bangladesh: Idiotic Musings

I already have had ilish wars in my home with my mother when I was a kid. Me being the odd one in my family that hates ilish lost the war and was forced by my mother to eat it.
Pfft you is weak ...
I won the war long ago. I hated bony fish since I was a child and by my teenage years my mother would make something seperate for me whenever fish was cooked .
I never expected my culinary tastes to align with my political tastes but here we are .
I asked .. we have never had hilsa in our house in living memory... But then again I'm probashi so I probably don't count lol
Pfft you is weak ...
I won the war long ago. I hated bony fish since I was a child and by my teenage years my mother would make something seperate for me whenever fish was cooked .
I never expected my culinary tastes to align with my political tastes but here we are .
I asked .. we have never had hilsa in our house in living memory... But then again I'm probashi so I probably don't count lol
Congratulations to you on your victory,man. We too didn't have ilish in our house for years since then and I'm grateful for that.
Pfft you is weak ...
I won the war long ago. I hated bony fish since I was a child and by my teenage years my mother would make something seperate for me whenever fish was cooked .
I never expected my culinary tastes to align with my political tastes but here we are .
I asked .. we have never had hilsa in our house in living memory... But then again I'm probashi so I probably don't count lol
Every bong child hates bony fish, till you learn via hilsa how to sift bones in your mouth and eat comfortably.
And that is the moment you feel like a true 'machure debota' and can pretty much eat any fish and enjoy it for its taste and texture and make it pretty much seem like eating chicken wings and just picking out the wing bones while eating.

You just never got to that point and your parents clearly gave up, being probashi and all that, though mine didnt, despite me being also probashi.
And i thank them for it, because if you cant eat eelish, you also cant eat its borda- chitol. Which is truly one of the richest, makhmal texture fish bursting with flavour but while Eelish bones may give you minor inconvinience, chitol ones will actually draw blood if you fuck it up lol.
Recently I have conversation with one on Bangladeshi guy. It's like typical muzzi, visibly perturbed to start political conversation.

As usual conversation started while pretending him as saint (Typical mullah style).

1) Bangali M: why world is full of injustice? One side Palestinians are hungry while ambani have lavish marriage?

I said, Do you want to live in communist country/ dictatorship or democracy?? If democracy means freedom then ambani have freedom to earn and spend the way he likes. You choosing democracy but don't want to give freedom to earn.

If Palestinians choose Hamas then trouble is not far away.

2)Bangai M: Shaik Hasina is a dictator and India back her.

I said, Khalida Zia is a islamic which you are backing. So basically you like dictatorship. Look the Bangladesh GDP growth under Hasina. You are growing with 6-7% still you complaining??

Bengali M : why India will wish good for Bangladesh, Shaikh Hasina is India's puppet.

I said, if we are enemy then Why we will give you a politician who will grow with 6-7% GDP/yr. Why not we ask Shaikh Hasina to make Bangladesh a beggar like Pakistan so you have to run after flour truck to get meal??

Pin drop silence.

After sometime, Bangali muslim said, I have heard Modi is doing julm on Muslims.

I asked him show me any news or clip where Modi did or said?? Otherwise I will show you muslim crimes against Hindus.

Further I said, Show a single year in which Hindus celebrated Durga Pooja peacefully in Bangladesh??

I was kept asking, Show me which year?? Imagine you can't give me a year. And worrying about Indian muslim who have grown from 5% to 15% whereas Hindu in Bangladesh decreased from 23% to 8%

Isn't it Genocide you are doing against the Hindus???

He quickly googled it and found out my claim is true.

After this He was so ashamed, he just said. It was nice to talk to you. I am in hurry. We will discuss it when we will next time.

Since then I have never seen him again.

Now days I'm looking for this guy. His wish got fulfilled.

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