Sinking State of Bangladesh: Idiotic Musings

This guy is making videos on Myanmar rebel dominated chin and arakan region merger with India along with kanglus Chittagong hill track


unfortunately our leaders r not that courageous or risk takers😂 merge chinese supported chin + arakan region in india. neither to go after widening chicken neck nd Chittagong hill track...due to our image perception in world. frankly other countries dont take our hard power seriously.
unfortunately our leaders r not that courageous or risk takers😂 merge chinese supported chin + arakan region in india. neither to go after widening chicken neck nd Chittagong hill track...due to our image perception in world. frankly other countries dont take our hard power seriously.
Arakan and chin army is backed by US not China
unfortunately our leaders r not that courageous or risk takers😂 merge chinese supported chin + arakan region in india. neither to go after widening chicken neck nd Chittagong hill track...due to our image perception in world. frankly other countries dont take our hard power seriously.
This time I am hopeful this merger will happen. May take 2 or 3 years.
Kanglus themselves will facilitate but we have to act use chakma rebels against kanglus


Why Chakma rebels ? They're Buddhists. Since the Kuki Mizo Zo Chin super tribe & followers of dead Jewish Rabbi on the Cross feel their time has come , arm them & send them to meet up with 4' tall sub human martial race Bangladesh Senabahini larping they're Turks or Afghandus & let the two Abrahamic faiths determine who's Ya'hweh's chosen ones on good old earth or at any rate in swamp land !!
Why Chakma rebels ? They're Buddhists. Since the Kuki Mizo Zo Chin super tribe & followers of dead Jewish Rabbi on the Cross feel their time has come , arm them & send them to meet up with 4' tall sub human martial race Bangladesh Senabahini larping they're Turks or Afghandus & let the two Abrahamic faiths determine who's Ya'hweh's chosen ones on good old earth or at any rate in swamp land !!
Why chakmas because Arakan army is Buddhist and they have already captured Teknaf peninsula border of Myanmar and giving belt treatment to kanglus and Rohingyas. Arakan army can aid chakmas easily if they want to merge to India with retaining autonomy (UT). Instead of chakmas fleeing they should fight back with the help of Arakan army
Why chakmas because Arakan army is Buddhist and they have already captured Teknaf peninsula border of Myanmar and giving belt treatment to kanglus and Rohingyas. Arakan army can aid chakmas easily if they want to merge to India with retaining autonomy (UT). Instead of chakmas fleeing they should fight back with the help of Arakan army
Please forget about merging either CHT or Rakhine or PoK up until 2050. For all you know if the Rohingya rebels are being funded by the Tatmadaw to take on the Arakan Army , the BD Army could well be funding the Arakan Army to take on the Myanmar Army & also the Rohingyas.

Things out there are so fluid & in such state of flux that nobody & nothing can be trusted. Yesterday's friends can be today's foes & tomorrow's friends back again . LITERALLY. It's that bad & confused a state of affairs.

The MEA is following the right course of action which is to do the bare minimum but to be in touch with all players till we something concrete emerging. That could either be the Tatmadaw regaining the initiative in some decisive way or the various rebel groups defeating the Tatmadaw in decisive engagements.

As far as lungi army goes , so far they & their minions in Dhaka are posturing. The day they get down to doing something concrete on the basis of their various statements , we can unleash our forces on them. Till then it's a wait & watch situation.

Remember whatever those lungi loudmouth student leaders may say the BD state & army are very conscious of the real damage India can do them if they turn adventurous.

Deep down they're aware they're no Paxtan with N weapons nor any strategic resources that the world will take cognizance of them or their plight.
Please forget about merging either CHT or Rakhine or PoK up until 2050. For all you know if the Rohingya rebels are being funded by the Tatmadaw to take on the Arakan Army , the BD Army could well be funding the Arakan Army to take on the Myanmar Army & also the Rohingyas.
Merging may not happen anywhere soon but kangkus funding Arakan army? Arakan army is the reason kanglus are suffering Rohingya crisis on their border and in response kanglus backed Rohingyas Salvation Army against Arakan army. Arakan are backed by US deep state to take on military junta and also limit China presence and get their Christian state carved out of kanglus but trump is acting unpredictable and India is been pushed by trump to handle this mess.
Things out there are so fluid & in such state of flux that nobody & nothing can be trusted. Yesterday's friends can be today's foes & tomorrow's friends back again . LITERALLY. It's that bad & confused a state of affairs.

The MEA is following the right course of action which is to do the bare minimum but to be in touch with all players till we something concrete emerging. That could either be the Tatmadaw regaining the initiative in some decisive way or the various rebel groups defeating the Tatmadaw in decisive engagements.
Things aren’t fluid as seen or published. There are various tribes and tribal rebels/ army who have taken up arms/ drugs trade. We are cautiously monitoring and keeping up with rebels because of our investments in Kaladan Multi model transit corridor development which is crucial for our north east connectivity. Arakan and chin army are pro India and have been so because of kanglus. We did surgical strike in Myanmar to tame the china backed rebels who were against us.
Military junta has lost the control of teknaf pennisula region bordering kanglus and I don’t think they can take it back unless US plays double game with Arakan army and support Junta. The geography is in our favour no need of CHT as of now but surely we need to get sea access using Myanmar territory annexation using these rebel groups. CHT will gradually be annexed due to kanglus stupidity and our presence surrounding if Rakhine state officially part of Indian union.
Merging may not happen anywhere soon but kangkus funding Arakan army? Arakan army is the reason kanglus are suffering Rohingya crisis on their border and in response kanglus backed Rohingyas Salvation Army against Arakan army. Arakan are backed by US deep state to take on military junta and also limit China presence and get their Christian state carved out of kanglus but trump is acting unpredictable and India is been pushed by trump to handle this mess.

Things aren’t fluid as seen or published. There are various tribes and tribal rebels/ army who have taken up arms/ drugs trade. We are cautiously monitoring and keeping up with rebels because of our investments in Kaladan Multi model transit corridor development which is crucial for our north east connectivity. Arakan and chin army are pro India and have been so because of kanglus. We did surgical strike in Myanmar to tame the china backed rebels who were against us.
Military junta has lost the control of teknaf pennisula region bordering kanglus and I don’t think they can take it back unless US plays double game with Arakan army and support Junta. The geography is in our favour no need of CHT as of now but surely we need to get sea access using Myanmar territory annexation using these rebel groups. CHT will gradually be annexed due to kanglus stupidity and our presence surrounding if Rakhine state officially part of Indian union.
In my opinion...india should first resolve all its internal problems first, before taking other land, other people nd other problems. we r still suffering from khalistani, communist, naxals, cryptos, peaceful, NE separatist adding other new land, make this list even long. Too many problems is also dangerous for our country untiy. than we cant focus on growth etc, but solving that many problems. we also hv bad habit to not solve a problem permanently. like we r seeing khalistani nd naxal r becoming weak. instead of giving them "final blow", we r giving them time. so they will regroup nd emerge again.
This time I am hopeful this merger will happen. May take 2 or 3 years.

Honestly, IDK if this is good or bad. These are all ooga booga tribes perpetually fighting each other. We have enough troubles in the North east as is. Might bring in new complications. Chin state by itself doesn't have anything that can give us an advantage. Technically, It can provide us a pathway to the Rakhine state(which has the Sitwe and other ports that can link the northeast). But none of these people see themselves as Indian and will be very hard to integrate them.
Merging may not happen anywhere soon but kangkus funding Arakan army?

It's a possibility. The enemy's enemy is my friend. Lungi Army & Tatmadaw are at odds with each other . The Rohingyas are small potatoes. They're unwanted by everyone. SHW took them in as a good will gesture to earn brownie points with the west. In the end it didn't matter though.

Arakan army is the reason kanglus are suffering Rohingya crisis on their border and in response kanglus backed Rohingyas Salvation Army against Arakan army.

That was then . Today the Rohingyas are financed by Tatmadaw whereas the Rohingyas are being expelled by the Arakan Army.

Arakan are backed by US deep state to take on military junta and also limit China presence and get their Christian state carved out of kanglus but trump is acting unpredictable and India is been pushed by trump to handle this mess.

What ? Arkans are all overwhelmingly Buddhist. Once upon a time Indian agencies helped these guys too with material & money before we eliminated the Arakan Army as we patched up with the Tatmadaw .

Things aren’t fluid as seen or published. There are various tribes and tribal rebels/ army who have taken up arms/ drugs trade.

All the armed insurgent groups in that part of the world indulge in the narcotics trade whether Indian insurgent groups or Myanmarese ones. That's how they raise funds.

We are cautiously monitoring and keeping up with rebels because of our investments in Kaladan Multi model transit corridor development which is crucial for our north east connectivity.

True but things are unraveling pretty fast out there. Tatmadaw is no longer in control of most if not all the Rakhine State.

Arakan and chin army are pro India and have been so because of kanglus. We did surgical strike in Myanmar to tame the china backed rebels who were against us.

None of them are pro India. They're certainly anti Tatmadaw. At the same time they fear India. However as of now , China's a big factor which is guiding our decision making process more than the Tatmadaw.

The Chinese have enormous influence among some insurgent groups like the Kokang & Wa ethnicities have relations in China much like the Chin & Nagas who exist on both sides of the Indo Myanmarese border.

Military junta has lost the control of teknaf pennisula region bordering kanglus and I don’t think they can take it back unless US plays double game with Arakan army and support Junta.

The US has nothing to do with the Rakhine State . The groups which profess Christianity are the Kachins , the Chins & the Karens of which the former two are in North North East Myanmar & the latter in South East Myanmar.

Incidentally the Arakan Army was initially trained & armed by the Kachins .

The geography is in our favour no need of CHT as of now but surely we need to get sea access using Myanmar territory annexation using these rebel groups. CHT will gradually be annexed due to kanglus stupidity and our presence surrounding if Rakhine state officially part of Indian union.

What you're suggesting is the long term plan. As of now we can't afford to be distracted by these events. What we need to do is only keep an eye on what's unfolding & keep the powder dry. Events in Mizoram & Manipur are more important to us than what's happening in Myanmar although they're somewhat related.
This guy is making videos on Myanmar rebel dominated chin and arakan region merger with India along with kanglus Chittagong hill track


I had suggested this before lol. I follow Chin/Mizo twitter, since even before Manipur crisis. There is a section of Mizos and Kukis who want to re-unite with Chins, but not under a separate country. They want India to absorb Chin state of Myanmar and Kuki areas of Bangladesh as new states in India itself.

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