Aero India 2025

As @Ayan Barat calls it.. Indian Defence Regurgitation Wing doing what it does best!! Have these scums ever put out anything original or on their own??
They seem to be learning 🪛 very well from our esteemed psu and pvt defence babus
Can CATS warrior be used as an FTB for kaveri ? If not can a bigger or suitable cats warrior for kaveri testing be designed ? Why HAL or ADA babus not thinking in this direction? You need a dual engine manned plane as ftb for ensuring human safety, but an unmanned platform can be single engined ftb surely?
are the tejas' in the back the boys recording?
Nope we don't have such smarts... those are wumaos, looking to suck all electronics and incorporate them into JF17 or whatever their new stealth jet is called.
What's stopping any of the pvt industry personnel from Tata, Mahindra, SSS etc...from asking kadi ninda this question in the presser or in any other forum apart from useless tweets ?
Black listing that official in future pressers or worse officially or unofficially from future न्योता(tenders) ?
Ninda turtle however stupid he is, certainly powerful enough to ruin anyone’s career

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